Bucking Bronco + anything = win button against everything that's not a Patiriot or Handyman
The Undertow is the win against the Patriot. Never tried it on the Handyman, just used the raven vigor on it.
Bucking Bronco + anything = win button against everything that's not a Patiriot or Handyman
How do you get extra cash from using it on machines?
Good? Bad? I don't know metacritics.Wow that user score.
Good? Bad? I don't know metacritics.
When you hit the vending machines with possession they all spit out a pile of cash onto the ground.
Good? Bad? I don't know metacritics.
Wooooooooow. Awesome!Usually metacritic user scores would be in the 4-5 range.
I never knew that.
I never knew that.
When you hit the vending machines with possession they all spit out a pile of cash onto the ground.
The Undertow is the win against the Patriot. Never tried it on the Handyman, just used the raven vigor on it.
I've been in media blackout for a long time but does the game REALLY not have the blue dress which is apparently on the box art?
I've been in media blackout for a long time but does the game REALLY not have the blue dress which is apparently on the box art?
I've been in media blackout for a long time but does the game REALLY not have the blue dress which is apparently on the box art?
It does. You don't get to wear it though.
I'm curious to know whether it's worth wasting the Salt for in 1999.
it's in the game. your media blackout is ruined.
Speaking of Elizabeth's dresses (which I love), one awesome little detail I've noticed is Elizabeth's skirt has been gradually getting dirtier and dirtier as the game progresses.
That's strangely arousing.Speaking of Elizabeth's dresses (which I love), one awesome little detail I've noticed is Elizabeth's skirt has been gradually getting dirtier and dirtier as the game progresses.
Elizabeth shows progressively more and more cleavage as the game goes on
Booker wears the dress if you beat the game in 1999 mode.
:|That's strangely arousing.
Stub, should I highlight that?
Though wearing skirts and dresses while riding skyrails is a no-no. Poor girl.
Stub, should I highlight that?
Though wearing skirts and dresses while riding skyrails is a no-no. Poor girl.
Yup. I love the setting and eye candy, but the core mechanics just aren't doing anything that hasn't been done (and done better) elsewhere.Agreed; i'm halfway done but find myself forcing through this at this point. Was not looking for a (mechanically) mindless arcade shooter.
Are you kidding me? Youtwice? No more than like 20 mins after the first time?fight The Ghost of Lady Comstock
That shit was frustrating enough the first time!
Now I'm taking a break again, but man this game has become a bit unenjoyable lately.
1999 Mode is the new re4 Professional difficulty.
No other way to play. It's the fucking BEST.
Bucking Bronco + Shotgun, especially when you have two or more clustered up. One shot = We all fall down.
I'm thinking that 1999 mode would have helped my experience. The game's simply way too forgiving on Hard. Too much ammo. Too many weapons. No strategy at all involved in succeeding.This. Loving 1999 mode. It helps knowing that you need to focus upgrading select vigors and weapons though. Died more times on hard than I did 1999 so far.
Elizabeth shows progressively more and more cleavage as the game goes on
She's too young for you bro.
Actually idk how old she is in the game.
i don't understand why they made 1999 an unlockable. just make it available for peeps who want a challenge.
So... I've been stuck on thefight on hard for a while. I seriously don't think I can do this because I can't go back to an earlier save where I didn't shit all my ammo down the drain.ghost
I really don't want to knock the difficulty down to normal but this is absolutely horrible.
If it was fun maybe I'd be more willing to die a million times but its just hectic nonsense.
This. Loving 1999 mode. It helps knowing that you need to focus upgrading select vigors and weapons though. Died more times on hard than I did 1999 so far.
All infusions into shield + fully upgraded charge is awesome. Combine that with a shotgun and the equipment that makes enemies twice as vulnerable on melee. You're done. Add a sniper for long-range for good measure.
Also, winter shield is awesome for the handyman encounters. Just keep hopping on and off the skyline and unload on him when you're invulnerable.
Any tips for theGot my ass handed to me just now in the first encounter.Sirens?
A strategy for a certain mid-game bossthat people are having trouble with:in a cemetery
Use Charge. With Charge (and the Aid that makes you invulnerable after and replenishes your shields) and the right gear (Burning Halo and Brittle Skin are the keys), you can just Charge when she appears, shoot her with a shotgun once or twice, Charge again, melee, etc. I literally beat all three forms in under 15 seconds each (in 1999 mode) doing this, and had no deaths along the way. This was after about 30 minutes of mind-melting failure, bankruptcy, and then restarting trying to use guns, Devil's Kiss, and cover. Just a tip.
And in the case ofIt makes everyone sound like a villain, no matter where they fall on the ideological spectrum. That's a cop-out.
It is available. You just need to know your Contra.
Like, you probably shouldn't make a game in 2013 that suggests that.civil and labour rights for the oppressed is just a cynical ploy by violent anarchists who are indistinguishable from the oppressors and bosses they usurp
It's funny looking back at all the debate about the sexualization of Elizabeth, and speculation over her relationship with Booker.Not so much the dress though, I seriously doubt that was originally planned to have the role it did, given it's inclusion in the earlier trailers.It must have been so frustrating knowing they were father and daughter, but have to read all the talk about them being romantically entangled.
That's an end game spoiler above
Yeah. Hard's been a breeze for me, too. And I don't think I'm especially gifted with shooters. Feels more like a typical "normal" scale. Locking 1999 behind the Konami code was a bad idea. Just shift the whole scale, and make them all available from the get-go. If you want to scare folks away, just add in a little text box when people select 1999 mode saying "are you sure? don't come crying to us if you think it's too hard," and leave it at that. I hate games that unlock additional difficulty modes only after a full playthrough. The only way that's forgivable is if your game is in the 6-8 hour range.i dont' get how some people are finding hard to be a ludicrous challenge, very manageable if you fully upgrade a few weapons of your choice
i did have to cheese thea little but aside from that didn't have many problemsghost fight
I'm sorry if you were spoiled, that would suck, but don't highlight spoiler tags without checking.You could have given some context for why that part of your post was spoiler tagged. :/