This game is still destroying my eyes, will have to hold off on playing until I get a better monitor or better eyes.
I take it no one is playing it on the 360. That's a bummer if so, because I could use some leaderboard competition
Also this game is damn enchanting!
Your special eyes?[IMG][/QUOTE]
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
It's far less distracting on the Gamepad.
What he said.
This is why I have a plasma! The motion on this game is super-crisp on my GT50 with not a hint of ghosting, trailing or motion blur.Try to focus your eyes on Commander Video (your character) and not on the level. I find that helps. If I try to take in a wider view of the level then all that scrolling causes me eye strain too. I suspect the response time/ghosty nature of LCDs might be the cause. I'd love to try this on an OLED display.
I'm still getting tearing even with V-Sync On![]()
Just got to world 3, and my only real complaint about the game is how the stop signs will sometimes fly RIGHT INTO THE CAMERA
Other than that, I'm loving it.
I finally made it to the top of a leaderboard! I will enjoy it for now, because it won't last for long.
I missed some important dances that I've gotten in past attempts, so it can definitely be beaten.
What's the general consensus about the Wii U version?
I have all the games on the Wii (WiiWare), I have the disc, the collection on the 3DS... I guess I should continue playing the series on a Nintendo console.
Looks and sounds pretty solid to me. Loading could be a little faster, but I can't really compare to the other versions.
Only one person on my Wii U friend's list is playing this. Would love some more competition.
NNID: sevenchaos
Man, this game is pretty awesome. Just got it this evening (Wii U) and have perfect on just about every level in world 1, decided to take a break. Still gotta go back and hit plenty of bullseyes, and I'm pretty sure I skipped a retro cart somewhere back there, but yeah. Great game.
My wife had the controller at the beginning and accidentally skipped a cutscene. Any way to see that again, aside from YouTube I suppose?
I guess the only way would be to delete your save and start over again.
Question: Is it possible to back-up Wii U game saves?
Looks and sounds pretty solid to me. Loading could be a little faster, but I can't really compare to the other versions.
Only one person on my Wii U friend's list is playing this. Would love some more competition.
NNID: sevenchaos
Looks and sounds pretty solid to me. Loading could be a little faster, but I can't really compare to the other versions.
Man, this game is pretty awesome. Just got it this evening (Wii U) and have perfect on just about every level in world 1, decided to take a break. Still gotta go back and hit plenty of bullseyes, and I'm pretty sure I skipped a retro cart somewhere back there, but yeah. Great game.
My wife had the controller at the beginning and accidentally skipped a cutscene. Any way to see that again, aside from YouTube I suppose?
BTW, does anyone know if the Wii U version is in 1080p?
Crap. Isn't it updated in the afternoon or something ?Just checked European eShop, and still NOOOOOOOTTTHHIIIIIIINNNNNG.
It's 720p.
Also, I'm getting really good at this game. I've got the top score on like the first 8 stages of The Welkin Wonderland on Wii U.
Crap. Isn't it updated in the afternoon or something ?
I asked on twitter if EU could expect the game to be on the eshop this afternoon, next week or later at best.
Nothing this week on WiiUs eshop :-This not out in the UK?
Unfortunately on the PC it seems like I have to choose between V-Sync and noticeable lag, or perfect timing and truly hideous screen tearing. (I went with the screen tearing.)
I was going to ask if you'd also tried D3DOverrider for vsync + triple buffering, but it sounds like windowed is the way to go. Oddly enough I might have played BIT.TRIP Runner in windowed as well.