In the second world you gain the ability to dance for extra points.
Ah ok. I was getting 1.2 million but had no idea how I was missing 300k. Thanks!
In the second world you gain the ability to dance for extra points.
Okay, NinjaSoup. You've had your fun. Please let me have this one stage. It is the only one I've tried to get first on. This is the third time I've had to go back and redo the stage for a higher score. ;~;
Just checking but is this a 'running' game like the ones you'd find on TouchPhones? Interested to get it since I read its getting a Plus discount soon.
Those are more like infinite runners. This I guess is more comparable to something like Rayman Jungle Run but with a lot more depth, replayability, content, and just fun imo. Not to mention you actually have buttons to press which is kind of vital in a platformer like this.
I'm sorry to do this to you UltimateIke. Hopefully you still have the high score on PC though....
I missed only one 2,000 point dance near the beginning that I know of but other than that I literally don't think there is any other dance I could have done.
Currently playing the original runner un anticipation of the psn release (I had previously played it but didn't even finish world 1).
Just wanted to say:
Just jump over it. EASY.
I'm amazed that whenever I go back for a quick blast of Runner, how muscle memory kicks in and I don't react to what I'm seeing, rather than from what I memorised. The rad and purple cube that frustrated the fuck out of me originally just trigger the reflex to jump/slide without consciously thinking about it.
Man, I can't wait for the EU release of this. Bit.trip Runner is honestly one of my favourite games ever, ever, ever.
Does every stage have a retro unlockable or is it only certain stages? If only certain stages, is there any way to identify which ones have the retro option?
Just finished world two! Hopefully I'll be able to finish world 3 tomorrow just in time for the celebrations!!!
Er... Is this your first time playing Runner 1? If so, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but...I know, I jump over them... But every now and then I forget and BAM! straight to the crotch. You know, the ones that come flying from the sky. Those are the ones I'm talking about.
Just finished world two! Hopefully I'll be able to finish world 3 tomorrow just in time for the celebrations!!!
Er... Is this your first time playing Runner 1? If so, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but...
Nah, I can't do this. I'm sure you will, and you'll get to play Runner 2 on time!
(only if 3-9 and 3-11 let you, which they won't)
Mine too!! And the groovy music playing in the background makes it that much better.Theis by far my favorite world followed by theSupernature.Bit.trip
Anyone with the PC version able to tell me how many players are on the leaderboards? You can't really start a game of r2 on a second account, can you? I'm able to do that for the XBLA version to get to the bottom of the gold count boards. Alao trying to get Wii U stats.
Is there a trick to knowing which levels hide retro carts or are they hidden until you spot them yourself? Treasure chests and whatnot appear on the menu before you actually get them.
Mine too!! And the groovy music playing in the background makes it that much better.
I love the character from World 3 as well (weird name and all). It's cool how they all have their own unique personalities when you're really just running from Point A to Point B with them and not much else.
Hey guys, I decided to do a review for this game. Tell me what you think. Would love some constructive criticism.
okay so the keys are grayed out when I run by them. How do I change this?
Haha, this was great! Well-paced and well-spoken.
Nope. Just froze for me. Does it often for the Hulu app. But that one you can see coming a mile away cause it just shows a blank screen inside Hulu if you try to go anywhere. I think/bet it has something to do with internet communications.I think today's Wii U system update fixed the freezing issue. I just installed the update and played a level then exited to the Wii Menu and it worked just fine.
Theis by far my favorite world followed by theSupernature. I love the adrenaline you get once you get Ultra in world 3. They really did a good job with the backgrounds and making them come alive in each world too.Bit.trip
Man I'm loving this game. I have sucked the marrow of world 1 dry (perfect all stages, all treasure, all retros beat) on normal. What's up with harder difficulty? I went back to do 1-1 on hard and beat it, but there isn't any indication anywhere that I beat it on hard instead of easy? Also, do you have to get all the gold from retro stages for them to count? there doesn't seem to be any indication of that either.
anyway, once you have Uncle Dill Hillybilly style unlocked, whaddya doin playing anyone else.
Just checking but is this a 'running' game like the ones you'd find on TouchPhones? Interested to get it since I read its getting a Plus discount soon.