Not crazy IMO. You know what you like, and if any given system has the game(s) you like/want, then it is what it is.mantidor said:am I crazy that this is becoming the main reason to buy a 3DS for me? I'm seriously considering it.
d0c_zaius said:I dont think anyone is going to see this game in retail stores for a couple of days.
Dunno why aksys has problems like this. The same thing happened with Blazblue 3DS.
edit: maybe not as some stores are reporting receiving it today
Wolfe said:Any particular ones? I still haven't had any luck.
why, I so wanted to get this and play it in 3D, would have been so trippyGlix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
Jesus... Wii version it is.Glix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
Wow, that sucks. The Destructoid review made it seem pretty good. Has anyone else managed to get a hold of this yet?Glix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
Glix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
walking fiend said:why, I so wanted to get this and play it in 3D, would have been so trippy(
Glix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
Fernando Rocker said:Can't you use the gyroscope on the 3DS to control the paddle?
Glix said:I picked this up at Gamestop on my lunch break.
Portable Bit.Trip is freaking awesome, but the performance in 3D mode is AWFUL, and frankly, this engine can't be very taxing on the hardware, and there is NO EXCUSE for lazy programming.
Most of the games are completely unplayable in 3D
Also the paddle games are completely unplayable with the slide pad, it is not calibrated correctly and there is no options menu to fix it.
I am extremely disappointed with Gaijin and Aksys. EXTREMELY.
Don't use a stylus, then?Glix said:You can use the stylus or the slide pad.
Stylus gives me hand cramps![]()
Famassu said:Don't use a stylus, then?
Nintendo should release a new pan so developers can hit them on their heads with it.Well that just sucks, Nintendo should release a new co-processor attachment for 3DS so that more games can run at decent framerates in 3D.
Why don't you try to understand what people are saying? You don't need a stylus to use the touch screen.Glix said:Why don't you read all the posts. The circle pad is literally impossible. It SHOOTS from the bottom to the top of the screen, it almost doesn't even seem analog. Even if I apply just a tiny bit of pressure, it SHOOTS down or up, I miss every ball/dot/whatever.
I never ever go to Best Buy (unless it's around Toronto... though I've noticed a certain store in the GTA is pretty decent about stocking niche games sometimes) for niche games. Ever. They don't usually stock them.IndieJones said:The Gamestop near my house hasn't even heard of the game. It's not in their systems. It's not on their list of shipments. It might as well not even exist. Same with Best buy. The BB guy pretty much said "BUH?" when I asked about the game.
Canada, BTW. Fuck, how many 3DS games are there that I don't even know about because GS/BB only stock seven games? My fault for not shopping online, but is terrible.
Famassu said:Why don't you try to understand what people are saying? You don't need a stylus to use the touch screen.
Famassu said:Why don't you try to understand what people are saying? You don't need a stylus to use the touch screen.
Naked Snake said:Shit. Very disappointing impressions from Glix... considering canceling my Amazon preorder.
But I don't want the Wii version. If it's not portable, then I know there's no chance I'll play it![]()
Why don't you use Videogamesplus? They are the best online retailer for Europeans to import niche titles from North America/Canada. I've never had a problem with them and they pretty much always have even the most niche Aksys/XSeed/Atlus games, often years after release. They had 999, they'll have Bit.Trip Saga (though, they show September 20th as the release date)Dark Schala said:I never ever go to Best Buy (unless it's around Toronto... though I've noticed a certain store in the GTA is pretty decent about stocking niche games sometimes) for niche games. Ever. They don't usually stock them.
My local EB is pretty decent because the manager knows about a lot niche titles and tells me whether or not they're in the database. Bit.Trip Saga/Complete was not in the db when I went to preorder them a few weeks ago (Tales of the Abyss 3DS wasn't in the db until a few weeks ago as well), which was surprising since it was going to release in a few weeks. So that's why I went with Amazon instead. sucks, but at least I'll get my game (even though it'll take a while to get here.)
I love Aksys a lot, but sometimes it's difficult to get ahold of their games here. I had to import 999 from the States, as a recent example (luckily I don't have issues with Fate/Extra since it's on, but I'm a bit concerned about Hakuouki). So easy to get BlazBlue here, but harder to get some of the niche stuff.
Why not? It won't break it and the touch screen works well with fingers too, at least for me.Glix said:You want me to use my finger? Really?
Well, at least for Bit.Trip Beat, you move the pad up & down, that's hardly as complex as what you need to do in Phantom Hourglass...Go get the game and try that and report back to me. Its like using your finger for Phantom Hourglass.
Glix said:I would like to remind that in 2D the games are awesome and everything you would expect.
They just suck in 3D, and if you're like me, and you don't like using the stylus for paddle games, then the circle pad is a nightmare. Those are the two big issues.
The other big new feature here is the graphics. Of course, the games are presented with glasses-free 3D, and it looks great. Personally, I found that the 3D effect looked best on the more simple games, like BEAT, CORE, VOID, and FLUX. That's not to say that these games have less complex visuals. FLUX is probably the most visually robust game in the series, which is saying a lot. Some of the backgrounds there could give Child of Eden a run for its money. They are totally mind-blowing, especially in 3D.
No, the reason that the 3D seemed to work best for these games is that for the most part, they only apply the 3D feature to large geometric shapes. The 3D seems to get a little borked when very small objects are engaged in very fast animations. This happens a little bit in FATE, but it's a constant issue with RUNNER, and I'm not sure if there is anything that could be done about it. Glasses-free 3D works by displaying two images on-screen at once; one seen by your left eye, and one is seen by your right. That causes the screen as a whole to be a little faded, and with small, fast moving objects, potentially a little blurry. Also, when you turn the 3D slider on in RUNNER, it mysteriously moves the player character forward a little bit on the screen. That doesn't really affect the gameplay, but it is a fun little detail that may surprise fans of the original
The other big new feature here is the graphics. Of course, the games are presented with glasses-free 3D, and it looks great. Personally, I found that the 3D effect looked best on the more simple games, like BEAT, CORE, VOID, and FLUX. That's not to say that these games have less complex visuals. FLUX is probably the most visually robust game in the series, which is saying a lot. Some of the backgrounds there could give Child of Eden a run for its money. They are totally mind-blowing, especially in 3D.
No, the reason that the 3D seemed to work best for these games is that for the most part, they only apply the 3D feature to large geometric shapes. The 3D seems to get a little borked when very small objects are engaged in very fast animations. This happens a little bit in FATE, but it's a constant issue with RUNNER, and I'm not sure if there is anything that could be done about it. Glasses-free 3D works by displaying two images on-screen at once; one seen by your left eye, and one is seen by your right. That causes the screen as a whole to be a little faded, and with small, fast moving objects, potentially a little blurry. Also, when you turn the 3D slider on in RUNNER, it mysteriously moves the player character forward a little bit on the screen. That doesn't really affect the gameplay, but it is a fun little detail that may surprise fans of the original
Naked Snake said:Glix, if stylus gives your hand cramps and the circle pad control sucks, you might want to try and get a DS thumb strap. I think it would work well. It came with the original DS phat (I still have mine), and has a rounded plastic tip than you put around your thumb and slide it on the touchscreen like a stylus.
You can probably order one from Nintendo's online store, or even ebay.
Futureman said:Hmm, this really sucks to be honest, I was really looking forward to playing these games in 3D.
Is it possible to put the 3D slider at like 10% for less distracting 3D issues?
I was also planning on waiting til the 3DS version hit at least $30, but it sounds like this is a very limited run and we may never see that.
NintendoLife said:It would have been amazing enough just to be able to own all six BIT.TRIP titles on one Wii disc, but getting 20 new challenges per game, not to mention a wealth of bonus content, makes this the definitive collection of BIT.TRIP goodness. If you're even remotely a fan of these games, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for you not to spring for this amazing compilation. BIT.TRIP COMPLETE truly lives up to its name and is a fitting tribute to one of the most unique and engaging video game series ever created.
Doorman said:Since it seems at least one person in here has Saga, I have a couple of quick questions. I'm curious enough about this series (only got Beat, way back in the day, and never got beyond one of the early segments in Growth) that I want to give this a run, though I'm still debating with myself over which rendition to pick up.
Anyway, I've heard that Fate was originally controlled using the pointer and nunchuk for movement. Sounds very Sin and Punishment-esque, but now do those controls translate onto the 3DS? The best I've been able to figure is using the lower screen to direct aiming, slide pad for movement, and the L button to fire a la Kid Icarus. In which case I guess my trepidation is the same as it is in that game, I just can't imagine this being very precise and comfortable to hold for very long at all.
Second, regarding Void...I'm willing to bet that youtube video quality does it no favors, but it seems to me like the background gets so damn dark at times that it becomes pretty well impossible to see the black beats at all and I don't want to have to play based on total guesswork. Is this problem somewhat mitigated when you're playing on an actual television? Is the game still sufficiently visible on the 3DS screen (even if the 3-D itself isn't active)?
I keep wavering back and forth over which version I'd rather take, as I'm not gonna double-dip on this at the moment.
That doesn't sound too bad. I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.Famassu said:Why don't you use Videogamesplus? They are the best online retailer for Europeans to import niche titles from North America/Canada. I've never had a problem with them and they pretty much always have even the most niche Aksys/XSeed/Atlus games, often years after release. They had 999, they'll have Bit.Trip Saga (though, they show September 20th as the release date).
Nuclear Muffin said:Ahh, I knew that there was some reason why the 3DS version scored lower than the Wii one in Nintendo Power.
Gaijin should've done this in house. Letting a one man studio port all 6 titles was a bad idea.
Wii version it is for me then.
Glix said:I have had more time with the game and I stand by them. The games are so smooth and buttery, that when you turn on 3D its very noticeable. Not only that, but I did an experiment and I seem to do better in the games with the 3D off. Its really a hindrance in this type of game. You have LOTS of dots coming at you, changing speeds and doing crazy shit, and them juddering certainly does not help matters.
NintendoLife said:the addition of the 3D depth really takes things to a whole new level. The games show a great degree of depth and it makes following the beats that you need to bounce back much easier to differentiate from things off in the distance.
Luckily, I have found that for me, playing with the stylus is okay as long as the 3DS is on a table. If I have to hold the DS and play, it's agony.
Dark Schala said:That doesn't sound too bad. I'll look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.![]()
Bit Trip Saga First Impression
The things that makes these games great are the gameplay and the music. Take away one of those though, and the other can't hold up the experience on its own. Unfortunately for this collection the 3DS hardware takes the music out of the picture.
Headphones are a must for this game, not because it's the best way to hear the game, but because it's the only way to hear the game. Even then the music and beats never have much force behind them, and for a rhythm based collection of games, that's a killer.
If you have a Wii, go for the Wii collection. I wish I had.
If you don't have a Wii, than just pass on the 3DS version. I wish I had.