Black Ops 6: Releasing Oct 25th - 'Mind Bending Narrative', Blockbuster Set-Pieces, 16 New MP Maps, Round Based Zombies Mode Confirmed


I told myself I wouldn't play another COD, especially after the abysmal Modern Warfare 3. However, I knew this one would be different as another friend of mine has been working on the UI and has said it's her baby, so of course I wanted to support. Though a part of me was reserved because I didn't want to buy another COD game, lol. It coming to Game Pass is very helpful. I can still support and pay the upgrade and not feel bad about "buying another COD."

I've always enjoyed Treyarch's CODs. I wanted to enjoy 3 and 4 but I hated the whole wannabe hero shooter stuff they were doing. I hope all that is completely ditched here.

I will say at least the omnidirectional stuff looks neat. I appreciate ANY kind of effort they put into the games to try to make the gameplay a bit different.


This is what I see.

'Mind Bending Narrative' = We just threw some shit together, you will be confused.
Blockbuster Set-Pieces = We scripted everything. No dynamic gameplay.
16 New MP Maps = We have amassed a ton of assets at this point, you will play 3 of the maps at most.
Round Based Zombies Mode Confirmed = We still think Zombies are exciting, right guys?


I think I'm officially old because I hate almost everything modern that I see. At one point, I played and beat every single CoD campaign just because they were short and good graphical showcases. I look at this now and instantly say "Nope. Not for me".


Excited by 3 lane maps again, and treyarch style maps

I grew up with black ops. Not the old school MW.

So to me the 16 mw3 remake maps did nothing to me, I actually found most of them bad. Too much high ground, too many places to hide. Just keep it simply

3 lane maps, classic streaks, classic prestige, music to my ears
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Gold Member
I really liked Black Ops Cold War in singleplayer and multiplayer. It might be the best COD campaign. Really enjoyed flinging around the knife at people.

But the last three games have been abominable, and the multiplayer is so scummy and exploitative, that I just can't get behind this. Now if MS changes some of this, including the one year of support, and the game is as good as BOCW and MW19, maybe I'll change my mind but we will see. MS has a lot of money to make.
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I think I'm officially old because I hate almost everything modern that I see. At one point, I played and beat every single CoD campaign just because they were short and good graphical showcases. I look at this now and instantly say "Nope. Not for me".

If they would stick to that old formula ...make a solid, linear COD campaign that's 8-10 hours long (not this 4-5 hour bullshit they've been disgustingly trying to pass off as a campaign!) AND make an actual graphical showcase then I'd buy the damn game.

MW3 was a disgrace ....if you give these companies an inch ...if mw3 sold well I have no doubt this will be another 5 hr piece of shit ....though at least Treyarch TRIES with their campaign ...Cold War was good.

I thought after MW19 that good things were in store but Vanguard, mw2, and mw3 have been garbage and not even pushing graphics much ...MW2019 looks better than both those games esp on console where they fucked the image quality by using fsr whereas mw2019 is native and that was on the One X! How you going to move to ps5/sx and give us worse visuals? Pathetic
Excited by 3 lane maps again, and treyarch style maps

I grew up with black ops. Not the old school MW.

So to me the 16 mw3 remake maps did nothing to me, I actually found most of them bad. Too much high ground, too many places to hide. Just keep it simply

3 lane maps, classic streaks, classic prestige, music to my ears

You had 3 lane maps back for years. All MW remakes for example are 3 lanes design.
I told myself I wouldn't play another COD, especially after the abysmal Modern Warfare 3. However, I knew this one would be different as another friend of mine has been working on the UI and has said it's her baby, so of course I wanted to support. Though a part of me was reserved because I didn't want to buy another COD game, lol. It coming to Game Pass is very helpful. I can still support and pay the upgrade and not feel bad about "buying another COD."

I've always enjoyed Treyarch's CODs. I wanted to enjoy 3 and 4 but I hated the whole wannabe hero shooter stuff they were doing. I hope all that is completely ditched here.

I will say at least the omnidirectional stuff looks neat. I appreciate ANY kind of effort they put into the games to try to make the gameplay a bit different.
I have similar thoughts. They really showed the insane amount of work they put into the animations, movement, and gunplay, to the point where it reminded me of those old Left 4 Dead behind the scenes dev talks.

Their direct sold me, but as usual I’m not really a day 1 guy so I’ll pick it up on a sale.

You could really feel the effort, and like Huber said in Easy Allies when he saw it, “you can smell the money.”


This will be make or break for game pass?

Actually, it was meant to be Starfield that didn't break it, so now it's CoD. If this doesn't break it, then it might be next year's CoD, or perhaps another major game. It's essentially whichever game you think could "make or break" Game Pass.
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The Amiga Brotherhood
Gutted this looks cross gen. Activision should be ashamed of themselves given the filthy amount of profit they make on this franchise!
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The way enemies drop dead now looks really cool, looks way better than before. Omni movement could be the change CoD needs in a long time. And visually it's definitely looking great. During the Direct the lighting often looked really good.

As for zombies. Did the guy mean only two maps or two new ones and older ones will be there too?
Putting him on a gargoyle would look better!!!
Mind bending narrative? Wasn't the narrative of Cold War "mind bending" enough? Which was that the protag wasn't even who he thought he was and basically once being part of the enemy force, only to have his brains basically "scooped out" and reprogrammed into something he thought he was, but later revealed not to be. How much mind "bending" can it get?
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Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Mind bending narrative? Wasn't the narrative of Cold War "mind bending" enough? Which was that the protag wasn't even who he thought he was and basically once being part of the enemy force, only to have his brains basically "scooped out" and reprogrammed into something he thought he was, but later revealed not to be. How much mind "bending" can it get?
The next logical step is mind gender bending.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There are many, many good games which makes it extremely hard to understand.

Ends up in the same camp as people only eating one specific type of food etc.

A lot of people just buy one, two games a year most. And this is one of them for them, it's not really surprising. We're on an enthusiast gaming forum, we represent the vast minority of gamers.


Gold Member
I know people that have only played cod games for about 15 years or whatever it is.

I just cannot understand it.
The group i play with only play COD. They play a couple of hours every now and again per week because life gets in the way these days most of the time. They know COD MP, its easy to pick up and play, have a good time with pals then forget about it. None of them would even consider playing a single player game, hell i cant even get them to play Resurgence with me lol.


I didn't play MW3, but I'm jumping into this. I think the consensus online is that people are wholly excited for this game. It seemed like MW3 was a disappointment and somehow still ended up bringing in an absurd amount of revenue. That's CoD for you, I guess.
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Gold Member
I didn't play MW3, but I'm jumping into this. I think the consensus online is that people are wholly excited for this game. It seemed like MW3 was a disappointment and somehow still ended up bringing in an absurd amount of revenue. That's CoD for you, I guess.
MW3 campaign was a let down but the MP is great outside of too strong SBMM


Gold Member
MW3 multiplayer is top tier entertainment for me so if they are able to match or exceed that with BO6 .. I'll be very happy
I haven't put as much time into MW3 as I would have liked, I think I am level 550 or so but that likely changes with BO6

I usually stay super busy during Baseball season with traveling and such but think I am going to gear way down moving forward so gaming will get even more love :)


Gold Member
When I'm Plat 3 on Ranked WZ lobbies are pretty fair with the rare Iridescent or Crim.

As soon as I hit D1 bam, Crim and Iri EVERYWHERE.

Even when solo queuing
Same you're better off just sticking to Platinum.

I'd recommend throwing a few matches solo to stay in platinum but letting down my team mates, even randoms, goes against the very fibre of my being. I think the crim and irid pools are so small they have to match with diamonds.

I do prefer ranked tho, much better experience, especially solo.


I haven't put as much time into MW3 as I would have liked, I think I am level 550 or so but that likely changes with BO6

I usually stay super busy during Baseball season with traveling and such but think I am going to gear way down moving forward so gaming will get even more love :)

550 is respectable! Baseball is way more fun tho so… keep doing that I think lol

The season drops for MW3 have been very good tbh
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