Anyone down for some games? I need to kill time for 2 hours xD
I'll play for like an hour.
Anyone down for some games? I need to kill time for 2 hours xD
Kay, give me like 10 minsI'll play for like an hour.
The hitstop will mean you have to pause less, so this'll end up as a good thing for you.Thanks for the comments guys. Does the change in hitstun affect how quickly you have to complete a combo? Doing the challenges on CSE, my main problem with the longer ones is how occasionally you have to pause for a brief instant before going on with the next move. My muscle memory just wants to do it all in one quick go at the same speed!
Actually on the topic of the challenges, are they often seen in competitive matches? I can pull off some (usually getting stuck around the 7th challenge) but not with any great frequency and hardly at all in the heat of battle.
I know i'm not that great at the game, but some seem so lengthy that i wonder if they're exactly as they say - just difficult challenges, and not really that valuable in terms of an actual fight? Or are the masters of the game just that good? It's a far cry from when i was a kid learning/struggling to do a single shoryuken, now there's about 5 of those and all the other motions in one go!
I know... and its also old...Not sure if you're joking. It's already been dis-proven with Kokonoe.
I know... and its also old...
I just hoped that it was refering to the western release or something.
Otherwise it would serve as food for a really nice rant if any dev/publisher said that.
I'm not!Anyone not playing Dark Souls?
Anyone not playing Dark Souls?
Just saw the changes for Mu and the others. ASW nerfing Negative Penalty Resistance on the top three characters that had the most resistance (Nu, Mu, and Rachel). A bit disappointed. I don't think I should have the same resistance as 1.1 Ragna. :/
Yeah, pretty much the NP change for Mu didn't do much. It was pretty weird how she was tied for highest to begin with.
anyone would like to play? I had a shitty day and need some bb to blow off some steam
Haven't played a Blazblue game since CT and man, lots of things have changed. Jin seems to have changed a lot since then.
Is dustloop still the place to go for info or is there somewhere better now? I'm thinking of maining Izayoi.
That depends.
Who's making it?
I dunno, I like this OT. Can't we just change the title or something?
EDIT: Since nobody has posted since I have, this is going to be a bit weird.
I saw the nico stream and apparently Hazama still has loops. Also, Terumi can do 5D > 6B > 6D now, LOL!
I can update the OP with NA stuff if people want that.
Would you mind if I contribute a story section?
All finished with finals. I can play people again.
Sure, sounds good.I'm down for some games tonight![]()
Well first we should make sure someone wasn't already working on a new OT.
I doubt it, since I was slated to, but who knows. Any deadline?
Anyone down for a western release OT?
Also, $50 is a lot for a incremental sequel, especially with the inevitable Chrono Phantasma II, and than Chrono Phantasma Extreme coming afterward!
Wish it was $39.99.
Also, just made a room for any interested.
I think I d/c'd. I'll just play more tomorrow.