Fuck it. I'm buying this.
Been bashing my head against the wall all week trying to decide if I wanted to get this or not since I only put a handful of hours into CS after loving the first BB. I'm terrible (never could adjust to the changes from CT to CS) but I will buy it for the Litchi as always.
Anyone want to play?
I made a small mistake about the Six Heroes roster; Jubei should be there instead of Celica. (I have no idea why she's in CP, but I look forward to finding out.)
Anyone getting the LE? I'm tempted, but we'll see. This is also Deception (I)V Week.
I just reset and I feel it didn't really help...
ggs room, everyone looked kinda off though
I blame dark souls and my less than 20 games played Mu xD
So, er....this game comes out in the States today right? I pre-ordered a while ago on Amazon but it looks like it hasn't shipped yet. ¯\ ( ツ/¯
After 5 months, what another day? ¯\ ( ツ/¯
Is there going to be a new OT thread for the NA release? This one's title suggests it's aimed for the Japanese version only.
So, er....this game comes out in the States today right? I pre-ordered a while ago on Amazon but it looks like it hasn't shipped yet. ¯\ ( ツ/¯
Amazon's been a little weird with some of the smaller releases this week.
Xseed and Aksys tend to fuck up releases often. This is not surprising. I'm not holding my breath on Amazon shipping my pre-ordered LE this week. In fact it's currently marked as out of stock, ugh.
hmmm"Shipment #1: Not Yet Shipped" and shows out of stock for the LE. I hope this doesn't mean I won't get my copy late.
So, I forgot this was coming out in the US finally and didn't pre-order. I have a vague recollection that one of the new characters was locked away as DLC and you had to pre-order to get them for free? Is that right?
Are all the new characters on the disc? Or how many DLC characters are there for the NA version?
It's Terumi if you pre-order retail, and Kokonoe if you pre-order digital version (which won't be out till next week). And all the new chars should be on the disk in some fashion, otherwise you couldn't play people with the DLC ones.
So if you didn't pre-order, you have to buy them for like $5-6?
man I really hate aksys release availability. preordered of amazon back in november, they say 3 weeks to ship so I cancel yesterday.
today only gamestop has the LEs in my area, and all of them ( is for preorders only. I've been dealing with horrible aksys physical game availability for a while but I think this is my final straw.
anyway, happy BB release day everyone.
wait I cant even get the digital today?!? goddamn aksys wtfffffffffffffff
$8.So if you didn't pre-order, you have to buy them for like $5-6?
In Québec you can't even find most Aksys (and Xseed) games in a retail store because they can't be bothered to do bilingual packaging like everybody else.
Only one copy around a 50 mile radius around me, LoL!
I think the plan was to change this thread's title and OT to modify it into the NA release OT?
Well Ive tried over 10 stores and I'm giving up. Should change the title to "WHATS RELEASE DAY DISTRIBUTION?!?"
One of their employees on Twitter said 99% of the time, Tuesday is the ship date for them. That just means a wait till a day or two later for most.
in my area it's really hit or miss when it comes to aksys stuff being stocked. most of the stores (gamestop, best buy) don't even bother to carry their games anymore, and if they do they get 1 or 2 copies.
I could deal with a day or two if I knew it was coming. but everyone I talked to gave me blank faces when I mentioned BB today. I remember when trying to buy VLR for was a mess.
That all being said, I dunno why they ship on tuesday when it creates situations like this (especially when some places had it in as early as friday of last week). Anyway sorry for my ranting heh.
The DLC is not limited to preorders, but 1st printing, according to the site.