xero273 said:SSF4AE > all
there you go!
SSFIV doesn't have Yun, how can it be better trololololo?QisTopTier said:But SSF4 is better than SSF4AE so how does that work?
is it bad that i feel no sympathy for those in japan?xero273 said:yep, enough of that. Also, I wasn't serious!
3 weeks and counting, still no platinum on jpsn and jps store is still down.
Fugu said:Also Litchi's staffless BnB is the stupidest combo I know. 236C dash 5B is not happening online.
I haven't done the combo nearly enough to do it blindfolded/laggy. I can do the corner combo just fine though regardless of how laggy it is, except for some reason sometimes I drop hatsu haku which is baffling.ApolloJoh said:Yeah, it's annoying to do online if the connection's 2 or lower.
Can usually do it fine when we play though.
Invitedsca2511 said:is there a BB room for PSN? if there is, I want in. ID: sca2511
Fugu said:Well, I was bad against Jin in CS1, and I'm bad against Jin in CS2.
Didn't affect a thing, I'm getting beat by the exact same pressure that I was in CS1. I can't anti-air well with Litchi and Jin shuts me down more or less completely in the air.Prototype-03 said:Not a surprise since he got better in cs2
Fugu said:Didn't affect a thing, I'm getting beat by the exact same pressure that I was in CS1. I can't anti-air well with Litchi and Jin shuts me down more or less completely in the air.
Yeah, being an adult with responsibility and shit blows. I wish I could play more too.hikarutilmitt said:I keep telling myself to go back to playing this again and for some damned reason something else distracts me, whether it's working my backlog, AE or being too busy with life/work to be able to play any games whatsoever.
_dementia said:Yeah, being an adult with responsibility and shit blows. I wish I could play more too.
Ferrio said:Man I love being an adult with no responsibilities.
QisTopTier said:You don't play like one
SoCal's scene is hilarious at commentating BB. Tons of drama, though.FlightOfHeaven said:Tried watching a tournament.
Dull as hell, and the announcers didn't help any. Complete lack of knowledge.
"He's hitting him! Oh, he's hitting him again! Now he's in the corner!"
Even KoF was more fun to watch, even though I have no interest in the game, because the commentators gave me some insight into the gameplay.
BB has to be one of the most interesting fighting games with the worst commentators available.
Fugu said:SoCal's scene is hilarious at commentating BB. Tons of drama, though.
Playing against Hazamas and Noels 80% of the time makes me rage.Ferrio said:Wish I would get better than 0 connections. Missing a 5C->236B just cause of lag makes me rage.
Ferrio said:Wish I would get better than 0 connections. Missing a 5C->236B just cause of lag makes me rage.
Ferrio said:Man hate when i get items I don't want over and over. "Hammer... fuck" *tosses it* "Frying pan... god dammit" *tosses it* "Hammer..SON OF A BITCH"
Prototype-03 said:When life hands you a lemon...
Master Milk said:You don't like the Hammer? What?
Master Milk said:I need some match up experience. This is getting annoying.
Really? Sorry. I was watching NCR all weekend. I don't even know why I bothered to cut the 3 on. >.>Ferrio said:I msged for some matches when you were online yesterday, no response!
Ferrio said:Who wants free wins? I'm online now.
witchedwiz said:is there an ongoing room for bb?
I'm gonna be playing tonight @22:30 CET..
PSN: WitchedSoul
I've been playing CT quite some time on xbox360, scrubbed a bit on CT on ps3 and bought CS on ps3 playing around 20 match so far
If you catch me online, feel free to add me to your room![]()
Prototype-03 said:*RAISES HAND*
Ferrio said:Can't claim it was false advertising!
xero273 said:If it's not done by the time I get home, I'll send you an invite to the chat room. Not sure how populated the chat room is now but that's how we get lobbies going on ps3.
Prototype-03 said:It was great Tsubaki practice time.