Who cares about consoles when you can get your ass handed to you at an arcade.QisTopTier said::lol My god, you guys should be grateful I dont play on 360 :lol
Who cares about consoles when you can get your ass handed to you at an arcade.QisTopTier said::lol My god, you guys should be grateful I dont play on 360 :lol
DY_nasty said:Meh, Lambda zoning is overrated.
:lolTheSeks said:So overrated you can make TTOB ragequit.
Also did Noel's Gag ending today. WTF. :lol
DY_nasty said:Meh, Lambda zoning is overrated.
SolarPowered said:Edit:
You've got to take advantage of the weapons at your disposal TTOB.
1. 5B and 5D are fantastic moves in the air. If you need to move forward you are going to need to learn how to move through the air somewhat safely.
2. You have to practice 360s and 720s from a blocking position. This is absolutely crucial. It's really easy to pull off from that position and it's also easy to get one standing if you are in the process of recovering from a move. I use the same strategy with Bang's distortion if necessary.
3. You need to seriously fortify your defense. A Tager with weak defense is even more ridiculous than a Lambda that can't zone. You need to fix that in training mode. Put the CPU to 100 in training mode or find someone to put you through the grinder on player matches.
4. Don't be afraid to use basic strategy with magnetism. Keep people close to you once they're locked. Magnetism is a key element for a Tager player.
DY_nasty said::lol
I didn't make TTOB ragequit
What Strength!! But Don't Forget there are many guys like you all over the world
and I didn't zone him either. Papercuts can tell you himself, I simply refuse to properly zone with Lambda. lol
Only because Lambda's head fits so perfectly into Tager's palmPapercuts said:He likes to instead spend his time act pulsaring right into a 720, haha.![]()
Lostconfused said:Who cares about consoles when you can get your ass handed to you at an arcade.
Do you ever go to console tournaments?QisTopTier said:=( I can't play in aracades though my hand is messed up xD gotta use a pad
No way to get to one, although I have people that ask me to go :lolakachan ningen said:Do you ever go to console tournaments?
Oh, I forgot to mention something last night. You are too active at this point. If you've got to work defense for 60 seconds instead of 40 seconds you don't have to worry. This is the kind of fighter that promotes smart thinking, not heavy chip damage. It's part of Tager's nature to punish someone heavily after blocking everything thrown at him. You could be more patient instead of breaking under pressure.The Take Out Bandit said:Working on it!
Oh awesome where can I see this at please don't direct me to a 5 second videoShadow Red said:Man, I can't wait for Valkenhayn. His move sets look amazing.
QisTopTier said:Oh awesome where can I see this at please don't direct me to a 5 second video
Prototype-03 said:it's a secret to future Valkenhayn players. I'll tell you what they are... It's called: AWESOME MOVE SETS!!!!
PS: don't touch him
Meh, I'm pretty low level too. I don't take too much stock in ratings or rankings anymore after SSF4. I was a top 50 US Juri player for a while... but that shit just becomes frustrating and pointless after a while. Its not a measure of anything at all really.WickedLaharl said:well i continue to be XBL punching bag :lol
by some crazy ass miracle i've managed ti get lvl 20.
guess everyone has to win sometime, right?
QisTopTier said:I already have the character I wanted since ct xD
ZealousD said:So I finally started playing this after ignoring it for so long. Damn Starcraft 2.
There's so much dialogue in story mode that I didn't feel like getting 100%, so I just decided I do enough to unlock Mu. Didn't really like her playstyle so much even though I main Lambda.
As far as Lambda goes, the changes to her really didn't phase me that much. Just one or two combos I had to change, and I'm liking her new charge move, whatever it's called.
I also downloaded Makoto, and I'm loving her. I think I'm definitely going to make her my new second. I can't really get the hang of her parry, but I love her balance of offense and defense and just the way she moves and operates.
Prototype-03 said:Also, don't focus TOO much on Makoto's parry. You don't really NEED it to play her well but it's really good if someone is playing predictably. Or to parry cancel -- which you don't really need it either.
Prototype-03 said:it's a secret to future Valkenhayn players. I'll tell you what they are... It's called: AWESOME MOVE SETS!!!!
PS: don't touch him
ZealousD said:Yeah I'm just bad with timing parries in general. I was terrible at it in SF3 too, doesn't help that hers requires an extra input as well.
_dementia said:
you mean anyone can look good when fighting a significantly lesser-skilled opponentEl Sloth said:This is why calling a character 'low-tier' is dumb. In the right hands anyone can be top-tier.
Tscrubaki is still Tscrubaki.El Sloth said:This is why calling a character 'low-tier' is dumb. In the right hands anyone can be top-tier.
I want Ginseng's skills. I have Drayne-O's (from the first fight) skills._dementia said:
DY_nasty said:Goryus is the only Lambda I can watch. Dude is a beast.
El Sloth said:This is why calling a character 'low-tier' is dumb. In the right hands anyone can be top-tier.
Most of the zoning that Lambda lovers emphasize is based on running away and keeping a half screen cushion at all times(Zoning - huzzah!). I'm okay with that, but at the same time I think many Lambda users cheat themselves out a good game outside of just zoning. Goryus is one of the few players who actually knows how and when to play aggressive. Zoning is great with her, yeah, but it doesn't have just to be her main tool - Lambda's a more diverse character than that and it sucks that most people who pick her think that she's only effective from the other side of the screen.QisTopTier said:NO HE ZONES THATS BORRING. and uhhh Japanese ones are better, but yeah he's good
God damn that was the worst freaking makoto ever
DY_nasty said:Most of the zoning that Lambda lovers emphasize is based on running away and keeping a half screen cushion at all times. I'm okay with that, but at the same time I think many Lambda users cheat themselves out a good game outside of just zoning. Goryus is one of the few players who actually knows how and when to play aggressive. Zoning is great with her, yeah, but it doesn't have just to be her main tool - Lambda's a more diverse character than that and it sucks that most people who pick her think that she's only effective from the other side of the screen.
Most of the Japanese players... not my thing.
_dementia said:you mean anyone can look good when fighting a significantly lesser-skilled opponent
tiers very much have merit
El Sloth said:Until someone like Gamerbee beats Justin Wong with a previously considered low tier character. And then there's that Dan player who was beasting fools online at SBO.
Maybe those are bad examples, but what I'm trying to say is that I think the player's personal skill is much more important than a characters perceived shortcomings.
Wins are wins, yeahQisTopTier said:Notice how they win .... yeah![]()
The tscrubaki thing is getting kinda old dude. There is no need to get so defensive over not liking a low tier character. Also stop making excuses for the way you play the game when people are just trying to give you advice.DY_nasty said:Wins are wins, yeah
But its really no fun for me that way. I won way more matches with Tscrubaki actually... Its just that there's only one way to play her 'right'. I'm just gonna keep beating my head against this wall until I get my rhythm with back. I used to be a lot better with Nu back in the good old Nothing is more satisfying than jumping in against a Tager then catching them with a 4B lol(i) special.
SolarPowered said:Oh, I forgot to mention something last night. You are too active at this point. If you've got to work defense for 60 seconds instead of 40 seconds you don't have to worry. This is the kind of fighter that promotes smart thinking, not heavy chip damage. It's part of Tager's nature to punish someone heavily after blocking everything thrown at him. You could be more patient instead of breaking under pressure.
All of the points I touched on are actually practiced in this video. You'll see heavy defense on the part of multiple characters. You'll see people using magnetism to their advantage and you'll see how valuable 5D is in the air. I would recommend that you see the entire thing, but you can start watching after the 20 minute mark.
CT Litchi vs. CS feels like this sometimes. In CT I had to work my ass off to do 3k; in CS I can do 3k off of a broken projectile combo.Prototype-03 said:So I decided to pick up Ragna until Valkenhayn gets released. Holy crap it makes a huge difference. One night of mediocre Ragna and I already feel like I'm doing better than Tsubaki. Bigger hitbox, higher priority... Even my broken combos do more damage than the 0 level combos and sometimes even more than one charge combos.
The only thing I really miss is her 2C... That move was gdlk
This is what it feels to have a top tier again :lol
El Sloth said:Until someone like Gamerbee beats Justin Wong with a previously considered low tier character. And then there's that Dan player who was beasting fools online at SBO.
Maybe those are bad examples, but what I'm trying to say is that I think the player's personal skill is much more important than a characters perceived shortcomings.
Obsessed said:The people that craft the tiers understand the bold. The tiers simply try and tell you which character has the best tools for winning. Any moron can tell that Rachel, who can't zone well, can't do close combat well, and needs 50% meter to deal 3k damage, has lesser tools than Litchi who has good pokes at all ranges, and can get 4k damage, oki, and 50% meter off almost any poke.
A Rachel can beat a Litchi. One has to work way harder because of having shittier tools.
It's fine, 6a is godlike. You'll learn to love it too.Prototype-03 said:The only thing I really miss is her 2C... That move was gdlk
Jan is real good.The Take Out Bandit said:Watched GMMA_Jan's Tager matches. The one where he pulls out the victory with the sliver of health was AMAZING.
My bad on the late response. I've been a bit busy even though I found time to get pissed at microsoft, ubisoft and the game industry in general(you know what I'm talking about :lol ).The Take Out Bandit said:Thanks.
Watched GMMA_Jan's Tager matches. The one where he pulls out the victory with the sliver of health was AMAZING.
Also noted two useful combos.
However there's a lot here I'll need to pick up from just playing more. He seems to know when to apply the moves I've read / been told are good, whereas I don't know when to apply them without getting punished. It's a simple thing, but it's there.
Also wasn't noticing a lot of 360 out of block in there.
Thanks again. Maybe I'll be able to get in some matches tomorrow. Plans tonight and yesterday pulled a longer shift at work so I was spent when I got home. >_<;
I looked it up and I have to admit that I'm impressed. The art is certainly high quality and it gives us the bonus of explaining what happened before the game(story mode). I hope it sheds some light on the mystery behind Hakumen(how in the hell did ___ turn into ______?).Shadow Red said:Have you guys been checking up on that Phase 0? There are scans with alooking badass.younger Valkenhayn
SolarPowered said:My bad on the late response. I've been a bit busy even though I found time to get pissed at microsoft, ubisoft and the game industry in general(you know what I'm talking about :lol ).
Yeah, those matches are a treat for almost any tager player to watch. Tager is definitely tricky to play with in this game. There are so many rapid fire characters who can nearly be in two places at once that it gets overwhelming trying to block it all. We should play again sometime(I got lots of days off in the coming weeks!).
Shadow Red said:Have you guys been checking up on that Phase 0? There are scans with alooking badass.younger Valkenhayn