hahahahaha... have fun with your Tlou2 and horizon forbidden west remakes... You know games that aren't even that old but they want to keep milking the suckers...
Good games like Bloodborne, (and series like Resistance, Killzone, infamous, Socom, wipeout, warhawk, twisted metal) get the shaft in favor of more female led protagonists and meh offerings. Granted those games have their place too, but this last few years it feels like thats all sony keeps putting out. Like they don't want to give gamers what they like, instead they push to change gamers or push for a different audience. It makes no sense financially.
Didn't the ceo just change at Sony? Maybe things will change.
I still won't believe it until I see some semblance of change. We had Stellar Blade, but that was a one off and not 1st party.
- also I really don't trust Sony with a remake. As per Demons souls, it lost some of the feeling with the new visuals. Yeah it looked good, but it was too clean, it lost the old eldritch aesthetic.
What we rellay need is From to do a sequel.