At the end of the game. Should I fight? Or take the easy ending?wheelchair guy
What's the deal with the Rifle Spear? I've never used it but read (in the active BSB thread) that its charged R2 is an easy cheese for bosses.
Fight! The other option just makes youskip the final boss fight.
So I had been saving Old Hunters for a 'special time' or some such idea. Apparently this special time finally came last weekend when I decided to jump from my previous save with a level 80 character that I had stopped playing right around a good jumping in point.
Problem is, this was about 8 months ago and either I'm insanely rusty or Old Hunters is hard as balls. I'm getting hammered and I cleared almost all Chalice Dungeons even on my first play through...damn!
are absolutely brutal. I have to say I came close to burying my controller in the TV after about 5 attempts at thatThose exploding hammer hunters or whatever you want to call themfucking magic giant monster that decimates the hunters at the cathedral doors
Ok, rant over.
So I had been saving Old Hunters for a 'special time' or some such idea. Apparently this special time finally came last weekend when I decided to jump from my previous save with a level 80 character that I had stopped playing right around a good jumping in point.
Problem is, this was about 8 months ago and either I'm insanely rusty or Old Hunters is hard as balls. I'm getting hammered and I cleared almost all Chalice Dungeons even on my first play through...damn!
are absolutely brutal. I have to say I came close to burying my controller in the TV after about 5 attempts at thatThose exploding hammer hunters or whatever you want to call themfucking magic giant monster that decimates the hunters at the cathedral doors
Ok, rant over.
Had my problems with the spiders 😅. I a am pretty sure they respawned around the launch.I find stacking as much Arcane defense as possible to be almost required for Rom.
At the end of the game. Should I fight? Or take the easy ending?wheelchair guy
I'm sitting at the end of the game, just the two combo wombo bosses left, all optional bosses taken care of.
I want to finish the game, but now I'm thinking, I haven't done the Old Hunters...I love the game but I kind of don't want to restart from 0 to do that, Bloodborne has already caused my backlog to pile up lol.
Should I leave the last bosses, get the DLC, do that, then finish the game? Or finish the game and do the DLC coming up from 0?
I think I'm at a level 80 at the end.
I hate rom so much. Second playthrough and it is still the only boss I got problems with.
Have you tried using the Charred Hunter set? That extra fire defense can be the difference between dying in one or two hits.Anyone willing to help me with Laurence? I'm level 185 right now and I've tried for a week to kill him with no luck. He kills me in two swipes and his fuckin bullshit 360 swipe 1 shots me. PSN : nabtonshu
Have you tried using the Charred Hunter set? That extra fire defense can be the difference between dying in one or two hits.
So I finished this last week after a seriously long hiatus and am really considering DSIII. Does it play similar to BB or is it slow and plodding? I didn't finish or enjoy DS1 but I think that it's been so long since I played it that I might've just not got it.
Didn't get BB till I beat Rom and then it all started coming together, wish I hadn't waited so long to complete it.
Haven't played DS, but I do know it's faster than DS but feels slower than BB. I don't know if it is actually slower, but you know how you can only really dodge in BB and even the text tells you using a shield is a bad idea? In DS, you are almost but not quite required to have a shield, and after BB, you'll have to get used to the idea that you need to endure hits rather than evade them. That makes it feel slower since sometimes, you just gotta turtle up.
I know I just said that BB is far better than DS3, and I still hold to that, but DS3 is a perfectly worthwhile game in itself. It's just that where BB felt like it was constantly escalating in quality, I feel that DS3 dips and rises in different areas, though I'm told it's far more consistent than DS or DS2.
Thank for the write up! Is there a parrying mechanic in DSIII like the gun in BB?
Thank for the write up! Is there a parrying mechanic in DSIII like the gun in BB?
From my personal experience, parrying is harder to pull off consistently in DS3, and it makes many of the bosses a lot harder to beat solo. Particularly the fast and more aggressive ones, which would be far more manageable in BB. I had to rely on NPC companions when fighting several of them, and another player for the last optional boss, which is something I only did in BB's Ihyll chalice, and against Ludwig and Laurence.
Just got the game of the year-edition. I think I know the answer to this, but i should have PS+ before playing it right? Messages, invasions and ghosts all locked behind the paywall?
We've all been there! In the end, what were you going to do with it, drop it in to a couple of levels and buy some vials with the spare change? You can get that back in no time just in the Chalice Dungeons. Pick yourself back up, the hunt is still on!Dead, lost 60000 echoes.
Go to take my money back, drop off a cliff.
I think that's enough videogame for this weekend.
We've all been there! In the end, what were you going to do with it, drop it in to a couple of levels and buy some vials with the spare change? You can get that back in no time just in the Chalice Dungeons. Pick yourself back up, the hunt is still on!![]()
Dead, lost 60000 echoes.
Go to take my money back, drop off a cliff.
I think that's enough videogame for this weekend.
Then a sucker with no life invaded my world and rekt me with DLC weapons.
As someone who actually really hates the way currency works not just in this game but in all souls games, let me say that it honestly doesn't matter as much as you think it does.
The most important thing for you to do is level up your weapons where you can. This makes a MUCH greater difference in terms of how much damage you put out. And as far as echoes go, as you go forward with the game, you earn more souls as the levels and enemies get more challenging. At some point, you'll be earning 60K souls just killing 5 enemies.
I get how it's a demoralizing factor and I think it's shitty, but there's nothing for it except to move forward.
This, however, I can't help you with. I've never been invaded, because I play offline specifically to avoid nonsense like this.
Oh thanks. I should play offline from now on. Didn't think of that.
I should mention that I'm kind of a wierdo when it comes to online features. Most people like it, I just happen to be part of the minority. But yeah, there's an offline option in the menu if you don't.
Should I do Cainhurst before or after Byrgenwerth?
After. Cainhurst Castle is a steep step up in difficulty.
I appreciate the advice. Is there a particular order I should shoot for? Straight to Cainhurst after Byrgenwerth, or should Cainhurst get slotted in somewhere else down the line?