i tried ludwig yesterday lol. never even managed to take 1/4 of his health off him. he keeps one shotting me.
I think you need more Vit unless you are in coop , in coop he can one shoot anyonei tried ludwig yesterday lol. never even managed to take 1/4 of his health off him. he keeps one shotting me.
*buys PS4 and Bloodborne*
*searches for latest Gaf thread, and subscribes*
*sees gross picture near top of latest page*
*rolls eyes*
*unsubscribes from thread*
I'll be back some other time, I'm sure, but... urgh. :/
I'll have you know Bloodborne is a gross game in general. It's just at the point where us here or at least me are able to find the humor in it. Being a Berserk fan also helps tremendously actually.*buys PS4 and Bloodborne*
*searches for latest Gaf thread, and subscribes*
*sees gross picture near top of latest page*
*rolls eyes*
*unsubscribes from thread*
I'll be back some other time, I'm sure, but... urgh. :/
Isn't Oedon like a fucking rape ghost or some shit?Eh , just give the game a try .
Its nothing like the pic
Eh , just give the game a try .
Its nothing like the pic
I'll have you know Bloodborne is a gross game in general. It's just at the point where us here or at least me are able to find the humor in it. Being a Berserk fan also helps tremendously actually.
Yeah, wth, a rape joke comic is really not acceptable.
But whatevs... I'll just stay out of this thread from this point.
Why? The image was already removed by the poster in question and the thread is full of helpful advice and lively conversation about the game.
Dude you just sold the best dlc weapon.
I wasn't saying you were lying, lol. Just thought you might have been mistaken or your PS4 glitched out. But I guess the special edition might not be save-compatible. That really sucks though. Did you have the DLC before when playing on the retail version?I mean, I'm not lying...?! I have a 30-something MB Bloodborne save file on my PS4 (and I re-downloaded it from the cloud save to be sure), but when I started up the digital copy for the first time since I bought it the only option was New Game.
EDIT - did a bit of digging on Google, and it looks like it's because I bought the GotY edition of Bloodborne whereas I had the vanilla edition on disc.
Get more VIT. None of his attacks should OHKO except maybe one rare one.i tried ludwig yesterday lol. never even managed to take 1/4 of his health off him. he keeps one shotting me.
Wut*buys PS4 and Bloodborne*
*searches for latest Gaf thread, and subscribes*
*sees gross picture near top of latest page*
*rolls eyes*
*unsubscribes from thread*
I'll be back some other time, I'm sure, but... urgh. :/
I wasn't saying you were lying, lol. Just thought you might have been mistaken or your PS4 glitched out. But I guess the special edition might not be save-compatible. That really sucks though. Did you have the DLC before when playing on the retail version?
Get more VIT. None of his attacks should OHKO except maybe one rare one.
the only stats i'm levelling up now are vit and strength. i think i'm at 38/30/37/26/14/8 at the moment
The local PlayStation FB page just posted about BB sales, and in the comments section some guy claimed to have platinumed the game in 30 hours. =D
That doesn't sound too hard actually. If you know the game well enough that should be plenty of time if you use save scumming for the endings. Even with all the endings legitly it shouldn't be that bad.
30 hours to platinum from starting up the game the first time doesn't sound beliavable. You'd have to go through at least seven chalice dungeons, IIRC, including the Defiled one.
Yeah for first time it doesn't sound believable but as I said if you know the game well enough it shouldn't be too bad.
Platinuming the game in 30 hours implies from start to finish, not starting from the subsequent playthroughs, after learning the robes. It might have been possible 1,5 years ago, before they removed the possibility of accessing the Ihyll chalice without completing the rest.
If you're hit out of an animation then it counts as a counterhit, which does more damage than just standing there and eating the attack to the face.I just beat him on NG. I have 34 vit and I didn't get oneshot by any of his attacks, they hurt like hell though. I wonder what's up then.
But he's based on Berserk's ...."horse" I guess weird obscene shit that I find funny cause it's taken from Berserk isn't funny for other people. Guess I should've just linked it instead having it plastered at the top of the page. Ludwig's a demented horse that will fuck your shit up. That's mainly what I was trying to get across, didn't think it'd be a thing. Sorry.Weird meme about Ludwig being a 'rape-horse'...nothing exciting, got deleted.
Bloodborne is a lot faster than the Souls games, only one close to it is Demons Souls and Dark Souls 3, since you're a first time player drop points into vit. After that just drop the points into your relevant damage stat. Probably not the best time to do an arcane or bloodtinge build as your first character, though skill builds are highly viable, and probably my most preferred ones. Though my current pizza cutter based str build is beastly, granted she's now more of a quality build.Something that isn't relevant anymore.
And to bring the thread back on-topic:
Gonna fire BB up tomorrow - anything I should know out-the-gate? I'm used to playing Dark Souls as sword-and-board, and BB is all about the dodging, right? What do I need to drop points into, regardless of my play-style?
But if you use alternative account? Here are few >30 hour Platinums.
Well, using an alternative account is just bypassing the amount of time spent learning on the original account. That 3 hours there seems plausible on regular means.![]()
But he's based on Berserk's ...."horse" I guess weird obscene shit that I find funny cause it's taken from Berserk isn't funny for other people. Guess I should've just linked it instead having it plastered at the top of the page. Ludwig's a demented horse that will fuck your shit up. That's mainly what I was trying to get across, didn't think it'd be a thing. Sorry.
Judging by your username it makes sense that you were fine with it. I've probably called the game that as well.Don't have to explain it to me, I took no offense and have a nasty sense of humor myself. Was just reiterating what that was all about for the person who didn't see the actual pic.
the only stats i'm levelling up now are vit and strength. i think i'm at 38/30/37/26/14/8 at the moment
Isn't Oedon like a fucking rape ghost or some shit?
Probably impregnates the Yharnamites through pizza, or to stay true to the Victorian era, Banger's and Mash.Maybe his charge attack kills you or just jumping attack still, I recommend like 45 vit and you are good to go for every zone and defiled chalice
Being inmaterial and being everywhere is kind of disturbing
Looks like Ninja gaiden Mentor difficulty combined with Dark Souls UI, the toad boss was kinda bad and his strategy looks pretty similar to a soul boss fight, three hits combos, big heavy hit and a special ability plus he entered several phases on the same bad the guy fighting him decided to "die" cuz he was about to kill the booss first try,
Eileen sometimes moves right outside the oedon chapel , main cathedral exit if you didnt talk to her on the abandoned building
Don't see anyone there. Which abandoned building?
I was told after Amelia, it's too late?On the sewers, when you go up there is a building that lets you return to central yharman and find the old woman npc , there is a hidden path inside where she is
It's ridiculously short, though they at least give an in-story justification.No sign of her outside.. and I'm at that fight, heh.
Is... this it for Byrgenwerth? I expected more.
Obviously but it is still getting the platinum in less than 30 hours. Kinda like I can say "I just beat the game in three hours". How much hours I spent on getting good enough is irrelevant.
That 3 hours is nuts and I have hard time believing that. Then again fastest speed run with all bosses is like 1 hour and 30 minutes and that would leave 2 hours for chalices. 2 Hours for chalices sounds bit low but I have never tried to speedrun those so maybe it is possible.
Isn't Oedon like a fucking rape ghost or some shit?
Being inmaterial and being everywhere is kind of disturbing
You didn't mess up, he laughs and calls you a liar if you say you did hear it.The hall area after Ludwig there are some locked doors with NPCs. I'm not sure how to unlock them (I saw an item inside) and one NPC asked me a question and I answerer I don't hear the bells...I guess I messed up there. Not sure what that was about.
You didn't mess up, he laughs and calls you a liar if you say you did hear it.
You'll understand the bell thing later.
Yet.so either answer nothing happens?
From memory no I don't think it does.OK so does my answer matter at all?
Yep. What's it for?It's ridiculously short, though they at least give an in-story justification.
Have you found the Tonsil Stone?
Well, I could complete RE2 under three hours (IIRC) to unlock Hunk, after knowing what to do. It's not really the same as claiming you've gotten platinum under X hours, when you've actually played the game more hours than that. For example, it took me one month and one week to platinum Resogun. Naturally, I could do it faster now on a different account, but it wouldn't change how long it took initially, nor portray the actual playing time put into it.
1½ hours for completing the main game is nuts. I don't think I could do it, even after three playthroughs. 2 hours for chalices might have been doable before the patch though, when you could access Ihyll via the Makeshift Altar, after getting the Short Ritual Root Chalice from the Lower Hintertomb. Although, Ihyll's Pthumerian Descendant might be a problem without a co-op partner.
But why it is not the same? For example Demon's Souls has 3 separate trophy lists based on regions. If I first get EU version platinum in whatever hours it takes the first time and then get NA version platinum in 10-15 hours couldn't I say I got the platinum in 10-15 hours?
That run had the DLC also so it had to be patched version where you couldn't do that. Though I guess he/she could have done that chalices first and then patched the game but yeah.
Because the person made a claim he did something within a certain limit, that's well below what it usually takes, when in reality it took him longer than that in total playing time. It's just bragging with skewed results. It's also not far from claiming to have beaten the main game and chalice dungeons solo, despite of being helped by a co-op partner. It's just beyond me what's the point of using inaccurate stats to brag about something.
In your example, it would be more accurate to say it took 10-15 hours for the second platinum run.
Getting platinum doesn't imply that it is your first time trying to get it. Haven't seen the comment though so don't know if the person claimed that. However now that I think about it more I would argue that 30-40 hours to plat if you use guide. That is however skill dependant but you can keep summoning constantly people who can overpower through the game for you.
Find the location in the item description and let the cosmos take you.Yep. What's it for?