Later, you will find the same variant with iron balls on its back
That's the one I'm talking about. Lower Pthumeru layer 2 boss, right?
Later, you will find the same variant with iron balls on its back
I hate rom so much. Sometimes he (or she?) is so easy. Sometimes he kicks my ass. I'm being one shot all the time by him or his spiders. Maybe i need more HP (742).
If i had the chance to heal i would kill him easily.
Have you tried one cycling him?
All of Rom's attacks have huge tells so as long as you keep him
And thanks guys but i'll try to beat him on my own. I just need to git gud.
*sheThe old ones had pity on me. Killed rom in one cycle. He didn't even try to teleport. I had only 7 insight left.
I did them all as well. They're addictive and challenging. The Isz bosses aren't that bad, but there's a certain room with several enemies that's pretty hard. It haswerewolves, brainsuckers and laser shooting celestials.
I just got to this room and lost like 200K Blood Echoes, haha. I think I'm going to take a break for a bit, I can only handle so much abuse.
Only 200k. I learned to shake off those loses back in Demons lol.
I can't believe how easier the DLC is on NG. When i tried on NG+ i was being destroyed by regular enemies.
I've yet to fight a boss though.
Fuck the red spiders in the side area before the layer 2 boss in Ailing Loran.
On the load game screen - you might not see it if you just select continue and go straight into your last game, but it shows if you pick the other option to select a save game.Edit 2 - also, is there an in-game timer? I'd like to know how long I've been playing.
Made my way into the, and holy shit I immediately felt out of my depth! ThoseNightmare of Mensisaren't too bad on their own, but fighting them while trying to avoidSilverbeastsis a nuisance, and unless you kill them with a visceral attack theythe Frenzy 'pulse' from the toweror whatever they're called, which are always a pain to kill.spawn those goddamn Hateful Maggots
On the load game screen - you might not see it if you just select continue and go straight into your last game, but it shows if you pick the other option to select a save game.
I did nightmare of mensis last night. In the beginning i just ignored everything and ran to the shortcut. This is something i'm not too fond of in souls games. This is area is filled with such bullshit. You're better off just running away from everything. After having opened the first shortcut i explored the rest of the area normally.
it's the frenzy. i hate it and don't think it's needed. it would be fine without it because i kept dying to the enemies there without the help of it but oh no let's add frenzy! thankfully after that it's likely you'll only encounter frenzy one more time and that's if you have the DLC. god i hated the fishing hamlet
it's the frenzy. i hate it and don't think it's needed. it would be fine without it because i kept dying to the enemies there without the help of it but oh no let's add frenzy! thankfully after that it's likely you'll only encounter frenzy one more time and that's if you have the DLC. god i hated the fishing hamlet
Anyone here run a STR/ARC build?
I started a playthrough of this and I'm relatively early on it - but I can't seem to find what is more optimal - STR 25/ARC 50 or STR 50/ARC 25.
Anyone here run a STR/ARC build?
I started a playthrough of this and I'm relatively early on it - but I can't seem to find what is more optimal - STR 25/ARC 50 or STR 50/ARC 25.
I think that place is really interesting in how it uses the frenzy. I think the game designers knew that it's a pain in the ass to deal with, so the level is designed in a way that makes you only deal with it for a small portion of the's the frenzy. i hate it and don't think it's needed. it would be fine without it because i kept dying to the enemies there without the help of it but oh no let's add frenzy! thankfully after that it's likely you'll only encounter frenzy one more time and that's if you have the DLC. god i hated the fishing hamlet
I hear that ARC scales better the more you have it, so you probably want to eventually get 50 or more ARC if you plan to fight with it. Though I dunno how lower ARC works if you want to have it just supplementing a mostly melee fighting style.Anyone here run a STR/ARC build?
I started a playthrough of this and I'm relatively early on it - but I can't seem to find what is more optimal - STR 25/ARC 50 or STR 50/ARC 25.
Depends a lot if you have the DLC, Tonitrus is maybe the only weapon who uses ARC in the entire game without going to chalices , Hunter Spells are kinda late game so you will probably rely on blades of mercy that have good SKLL/ARC scaling or your starter weapons for a good time.
If you have the DLC there are more ARC weapons there like the bloodletter, boomhammer and Moonlight sword.
Anyone here run a STR/ARC build?
I started a playthrough of this and I'm relatively early on it - but I can't seem to find what is more optimal - STR 25/ARC 50 or STR 50/ARC 25.
Not a spoiler per se but a tip on how to cheese them:Managed to get through the first part of Nightmare of Mensis and took down Micolash. Decent-ish boss fight, but I love his design. He reminds me of a Cenobite from Hellraiser. Made my way up, but those massive many-eyed boars are proving troublesome. One alone is fine, but the pair of them were just pounding me. That's me done for tonight, so I'll finish up tomorrow.
I hear that ARC scales better the more you have it, so you probably want to eventually get 50 or more ARC if you plan to fight with it. Though I dunno how lower ARC works if you want to have it just supplementing a mostly melee fighting style.
Arcane builds are slow starters in the game because they rely on getting good bloodgems, plus a lot of the good arc weapons and tools come later in the game. I also hope you have the DLC, because there are some incredibly useful ARC weapons in there.
I had low insight and it was still a pain to get through.
By the way, what's the point of having high insight? Does it affecting anything in a positive way?
On the load game screen - you might not see it if you just select continue and go straight into your last game, but it shows if you pick the other option to select a save game.
Not a spoiler per se but a tip on how to cheese them:Just past them are a bunch of Shadows of Yarnham who are hostile against the piggies, so run past them all, watch the fun and pick off whomever is left! This is also a great non-Chalice Dungeon farming spot!
Managed to get through the first part of Nightmare of Mensis and took down Micolash. Decent-ish boss fight, but I love his design. He reminds me of a Cenobite from Hellraiser. Made my way up, but those massive many-eyed boars are proving troublesome. One alone is fine, but the pair of them were just pounding me. That's me done for tonight, so I'll finish up tomorrow.
sneak up behind the first pig and you will get an easy visceral on it. walk up to the next 2. the one of the right will spot you first so when it does start backing off or you'll end up fighting both them at the same time. just try stay behind them and visceral their ass.
or you could deal with the first one then jump down to go the other way which will put you further up from the other 2 where the shadow dudes are. you can get them to fight the pigs.
running up and down this area is great for farming echoes. even better with moon runes! i think one run is about 150,000 with all 3 runes. i did it a few times and got 600,000. that's from the lantern right up to just before the boss area.
running up and down this area is great for farming echoes. even better with moon runes! i think one run is about 150,000 with all 3 runes. i did it a few times and got 600,000. that's from the lantern right up to just before the boss area.
Mechanically it's purely to your detriment outside of allowing you to summon. It does allow you to perceive some cosmetic changes to the environment before they're supposed to occur in the story, though.
Eh... i assumed runes didn't stack. I was using only the stronger moon rune. Time to reopen my piggie farm.
A few days later - still haven't been able to put down theorBloody Crow of Cainhurston either my Quality build nor my Bloodtinge buildLudwig.
Is the Hunter Rune good or should I just kill Eileen? I want that Crowfeather Garb!
It increases your stamina regen by 10%. It's easily the best covenant rune for SP.
Beatand I'm on my way through the Upper Cathedral Ward. Literally had just reachedNightmare of Mensiswhen my son woke so I had to come up to settle him, but I managed to save mid-fight so I'll finish it off tomorrow.Celestial Emmissary
I've just had the, so I'm assuming things are wrapping up now and I should clean up as much as possible and do the DLC and Chalice Dungeons? I'm still missing a lot of trophies so I might see what I can clean up without having to delve into NG+ if necessary.doll tell me that Gehrman is waiting for me
A few days later - still haven't been able to put down theorBloody Crow of Cainhurston either my Quality build nor my Bloodtinge buildLudwig.
Is the Hunter Rune good or should I just kill Eileen? I want that Crowfeather Garb!
Not worth it:
If you want the stuff from her badge just kill her unless you really want to complete the questline.
Her rune is pretty good for skill builds
I just killed Eileen on my STR/ARC character - loving the garb.
Btw, I'm not a PS+ user - I don't generally play my PS4 enough to warrant a $50 online subscription - do I need it for chalice dungeon farming? I want to get more Blood Chunks and Lost/Uncanny weapons but I really don't know the first thing about chalice dungeons other than that they house these items.
Btw, I'm not a PS+ user - I don't generally play my PS4 enough to warrant a $50 online subscription - do I need it for chalice dungeon farming? I want to get more Blood Chunks and Lost/Uncanny weapons but I really don't know the first thing about chalice dungeons other than that they house these items.