Just bought this game over the weekend (PSN sale).
I've played for 30 minutes and can't even get past the intro stage. Lol.
Should I just pack it in?
Just bought this game over the weekend (PSN sale).
I've played for 30 minutes and can't even get past the intro stage. Lol.
Should I just pack it in?
Micolesh or whatever is not fun either.
The bosses in Bloodborne have mostly been a huge letdown for me after the dark souls games. I mostly loved all the humanoid bosses of dark souls so I'm already pretty weird.
Hmmm thinking about calling it guys. Tried for weeks to beat this game but just hit the wall. Have not made any real progress, not sure where to go, enemies are way to tough, and feel like I've missed way to much. Just not fun or interesting anymore.
I want to beat it and I want to play it but its crossing into that feeling like a waste of time area. Not sure if there is something just not clicking with this game or what.
The only time I ever felt like that was when I was in an area prematurely. Try exploring a little more, and just let yourself enjoy the gameplay while you level up.Hmmm thinking about calling it guys. Tried for weeks to beat this game but just hit the wall. Have not made any real progress, not sure where to go, enemies are way to tough, and feel like I've missed way to much. Just not fun or interesting anymore.
I want to beat it and I want to play it but its crossing into that feeling like a waste of time area. Not sure if there is something just not clicking with this game or what.
Hey yall, I'm playing my first NG+ and I could use some advice on stats. I'm currently level 90 with
Vit 33
End 34
Str 10
Skill 40
Bloodtinge 11
Arc 12
Should I just keep on boosting Vit / End / Skill, or show some love to the other stats? I prefer quick, agile weapons, but I wouldn't mind trying slower ones sometime too. But if I do NG++ etc. do I really have room to spare points to stats that I'm not majorly focusing on?
So today I learned, after playing through this game multiple times, that I can stun my nemesis thewith fire.brainsuckers
Holy fuck, and all this because I accidentally used my fire gem equipped saw spear lol.
If I had known this before. Countless insight would have been saved!
With arc? Really?I love in upper cathedral ward getting ambushed by two of them and having no iframes to escape if they catch you in that spell that freezes you. As soon as you get up the other one grans you before you can dodge.
On my end of news that I discovered....pizza cutter scales with Str AND Arc. I think this might be my favorite build now as the pizza cutter was so good on my strength build. Then again, my bloodtinge simon's bow/katina build was awesome too. I need to farm for some blood gems so I can Pvp.
With arc? Really?
I'll put points into it later, too then. Until now the pizza cutter was a beast, especially against bosses.
I can setbefore I do the DLC right? I don't think I did it like this the last time.the dream on fire and kill the nurse
Just bought this game over the weekend (PSN sale).
I've played for 30 minutes and can't even get past the intro stage. Lol.
Should I just pack it in?
Micolesh or whatever is not fun either.
The bosses in Bloodborne have mostly been a huge letdown for me after the dark souls games. I mostly loved all the humanoid bosses of dark souls so I'm already pretty weird.
Hey yall, I'm playing my first NG+ and I could use some advice on stats. I'm currently level 90 with
Vit 33
End 34
Str 10
Skill 40
Bloodtinge 11
Arc 12
Should I just keep on boosting Vit / End / Skill, or show some love to the other stats? I prefer quick, agile weapons, but I wouldn't mind trying slower ones sometime too. But if I do NG++ etc. do I really have room to spare points to stats that I'm not majorly focusing on?
Hmmm thinking about calling it guys. Tried for weeks to beat this game but just hit the wall. Have not made any real progress, not sure where to go, enemies are way to tough, and feel like I've missed way to much. Just not fun or interesting anymore.
I want to beat it and I want to play it but its crossing into that feeling like a waste of time area. Not sure if there is something just not clicking with this game or what.
I can setbefore I do the DLC right? I don't think I did it like this the last time.the dream on fire and kill the nurse
I already miss this game. Thinking about doing mindless Chalice Dungeon runs untill I find the Hintertomb Chalice and kill all bosses in all other "set dungeons" (no randoms).
I already miss this game. Thinking about doing mindless Chalice Dungeon runs untill I find the Hintertomb Chalice and kill all bosses in all other "set dungeons" (no randoms).
I just beat the game for the first time a few days ago, and now I'm on NG+ right after BSB. I have one moon rune equipped (I think), but I don't have a second. I honestly feel pretty OP right now, so I don't feel a need to grind echoes. I guess my concern is that I'll eventually become underpowered if I keep making progress and eventually move onto NG++, but stop putting points into the stuff I'm specializing in. Like, if I stop favoring SKL and put points into STR instead, I'm worried I won't be strong enough in either by the time I reach the end of NG+. Does that make sense? And I'd really like to avoid grinding. I've gotten this far without doing it.Where are you in the game? Just started NG+? What runes are you using? If you can spare a slot or two for the Moon Rune(s), leveling isn't too hard, especially if you intersperse it with actually exploring and pushing further into the game. It also depends upon how willing you are to grind. If you can find a good spot and don't mind it, you can just drop one point in Str, one point in Vit, one point in End repeatedly over the course of 3 or 4 hours, and not "lose" points.
Yeah it scales B with arc and S with str which is perfect for my build. I literally couldnt believe it, and dont understand why but Im not complaining,
To your second part, yes. Thats typically how I do it considering the difficulty in the dlc compared to the main game.
I already miss this game. Thinking about doing mindless Chalice Dungeon runs untill I find the Hintertomb Chalice and kill all bosses in all other "set dungeons" (no randoms).
Where are you stuck? I'm not particularly good at the game but I've powered through and I'm close to the Platinum, largely because I love the combat and I did a lot of grinding in Central Yarnham & Cathedral Ward to make sure I was appropriately levelled, if not over-levelled. Don't forget as well that summoning is always an option - even though it has been out for two years there always seems to be a pretty decent number of people online IMO.
i believe the Arc scaling only kicks in if you have it with an arc gem - which will convert it to a completely arc weapon without any bonus from Str.
Does anyone else feel like the messages have never been 'right' since Demon's Souls? They always had a certain level of poignancy that I appreciated. Things like 'Someday...' 'Remember....' etc. Dark/Bloodborne have a thing with customs that just doesn't work as well, not to mention the poor punctuation/capitalization.
You can add some verbs and prepositions if you press R1 I think
I've fought alot of bullshit bosses in my time but Defiled Amygdala is taking the cake. I'd rather fight Orphan again.
I just beat the game for the first time a few days ago, and now I'm on NG+ right after BSB. I have one moon rune equipped (I think), but I don't have a second. I honestly feel pretty OP right now, so I don't feel a need to grind echoes. I guess my concern is that I'll eventually become underpowered if I keep making progress and eventually move onto NG++, but stop putting points into the stuff I'm specializing in. Like, if I stop favoring SKL and put points into STR instead, I'm worried I won't be strong enough in either by the time I reach the end of NG+. Does that make sense? And I'd really like to avoid grinding. I've gotten this far without doing it.
I might be worried about nothing, but somehow I got the impression that this could be an issue.
Cool, thanks for the info. I made a little more progress tonight (beat Amelia) and so far it's been pretty smooth sailing. I just got my first weapon to +10 -- Blade of Mercy.I don't think that's an issue - I think dropping points into Str will still give your main weapon selection a boost in attack power, just not as much as Skl would, and once you hit 50 Skl you're going to see diminishing returns due to the soft-cap anyways. End's soft cap is 40, so you're close to that, too. If you're concerned about NG++, you could always leave any potential grinding til right near the end of the game, and it won't feel like a chore to do. Just before the Nurse boss (with the 2 pigs) was giving me a level every 5-ish minutes in NG, and that was with one Moon rune attached.
Bought this on sale and then found out you need ps plus for invasion, messages and co op. Guess I should have seen it coming.
Solo>>>>>>co op in the souls series.
Just started playing Bloodborne not too long ago after beating DS1 and 2, but I'm stuck in Old Yharnam. How the hell am I supposed to kill that machine gun hunter?
Just started playing Bloodborne not too long ago after beating DS1 and 2, but I'm stuck in Old Yharnam. How the hell am I supposed to kill that machine gun hunter?
Just started playing Bloodborne not too long ago after beating DS1 and 2, but I'm stuck in Old Yharnam. How the hell am I supposed to kill that machine gun hunter?
So one guy (Elajjaz) did a new speedrun World Record of Bloodborne + DLC (all bosses) on 18th of January 2017 (!!!).
A new World Record in 2017!!!
1:12:48, all bosses, no Chalice, no deaths.
Dat Ludwig fight is just WOW. And he had balls of steel in the Laurence fight, Jesus.
DAMN. Impressive. My first play through took me 30+ hours probably, haha.
Just started playing Bloodborne not too long ago after beating DS1 and 2, but I'm stuck in Old Yharnam. How the hell am I supposed to kill that machine gun hunter?
To be clear I've gotten to the ladder but every time I try to fight that guy he just owns me super hard, and I don't wanna fight the other guy at the bottom because the gunner on top is just gonna come at me like Mac in Predator. I guess this is just gonna boil down to git gud, but the transition from Souls to Bloodborne hasn't been easy.
Just keep trying. In both of my play throughs so far I beat the dude at the bottom first, it shouldn't be an issue. Just coax him out. Then for the guy at the top, it helps to be agile. On my first play through I got lucky and he rolled off the tower, lmao.To be clear I've gotten to the ladder but every time I try to fight that guy he just owns me super hard, and I don't wanna fight the other guy at the bottom because the gunner on top is just gonna come at me like Mac in Predator. I guess this is just gonna boil down to git gud, but the transition from Souls to Bloodborne hasn't been easy.
BSB is when I broke down and finally started summoning co-op players. It made the fight way better, and from then on I summoned help for nearly every boss battle.Just started playing this again for the first time since 2015. I played it a little after it launched but stopped because of the difficulty and my lack of patienceI left off after first getting to the Cathedral Ward but made some decent progress and have gotten to BSB as of last night. Got wrecked twice even with me summoning Alfred but I'm going to give it a few more tries tonight. I've been watching epicnamebro's walk throughs and even he died a few times on that fight.