Are upgrade materials limited? Or can you farm/buy?
Things I am having trouble adjusting to...
The FPS! And controls. Even though they aren't new to me.
Not limited all upgrades mats can drop or be bought in the insight shop
Are upgrade materials limited? Or can you farm/buy?
Things I am having trouble adjusting to...
The FPS! And controls. Even though they aren't new to me.
Are upgrade materials limited? Or can you farm/buy?
Yes so that means..upgrade everythinggggggg
Once you get to +6, it starts get grindy to find the chunks to upgrade multiple weapons further. I've done everything aside from the final boss and DLC, and I have enough to bring:
1 weapon to max (+10)
1 to +8
2 to +7
I'm one chunk short of getting my +8 to +9.
So yeah, you can upgrade a lot of things, but you're not gonna be able to fully upgrade many things in one playthrough without grinding or buying them, especially if you're planning on spreading your resources thin by upgrading multiple weapons.
Well.. I mean I won't upgrade EVERYTHING. Not to max definitely. But I won't sit there with a +0 forever lol.
Are upgrade materials limited? Or can you farm/buy?
Things I am having trouble adjusting to...
The FPS! And controls. Even though they aren't new to me.
You can upgrade every weapon to +10.
Shards are farmable in Yharnam City.
Twin Shards are farmable in Forbidden Woods.
Chunks are farmable in Cathedral Ward.
Rocks can be bought for 60 Insight and Insight is farmable:
- in Cathedral Ward (slugs)
- in Root Chalice Dungeons
It will take a long-ass time to get 30 Rocks, though.
I've beaten DS 2, 3 and Nioh.
I'm finding the opening to this game to be incredibly frustrating.
The combat and general poor engine performance are making it seem very difficult. Can't make it much past the first 10 minutes. Spent almost 3 hours getting nowhere.
Might return it tomorrow, have a baby on the way at the weekend and don't have time to run through an area over and over and over.
I've beaten DS 2, 3 and Nioh.
I'm finding the opening to this game to be incredibly frustrating.
The combat and general poor engine performance are making it seem very difficult. Can't make it much past the first 10 minutes. Spent almost 3 hours getting nowhere.
Might return it tomorrow, have a baby on the way at the weekend and don't have time to run through an area over and over and over.
I've beaten DS 2, 3 and Nioh.
I'm finding the opening to this game to be incredibly frustrating.
The combat and general poor engine performance are making it seem very difficult. Can't make it much past the first 10 minutes. Spent almost 3 hours getting nowhere.
Might return it tomorrow, have a baby on the way at the weekend and don't have time to run through an area over and over and over.
I found Nioh being clunkly compared to BB, the combat is more aggresive oriented than Nioh or Souls so dont be afraid and keep attacking
That isn't what I mean by clunky.
I am talking about the performance of the game affecting the combat. I mean even panning the camera the fps drops.
Has nothing to do with which one is more aggressive.
Really jarring for me coming from pc gaming.
I played Noih but it was okay.
Thanks everyone.
I'm going to restart the game tonight and take a more methodical approach, I felt like I was pushing too hard yesterday (not having got a handle on the movement etc.).
I find dodging very awkward, always end up rolling away instead half the time which puts me out of range.
I got this from my other game playing, but rolling to the side is best. But yea have to time it well if they do horizontal moves.
Some of the attacks have really odd timings, sometimes immediate other times delayed by a second or so.
There's 3 or 4 ways off/on the bridge with the two werewolves. Explore more!That bridge part is the bit I can't get past, I didn't realise there was another route?
I've beaten DS 2, 3 and Nioh.
I'm finding the opening to this game to be incredibly frustrating.
The combat and general poor engine performance are making it seem very difficult. Can't make it much past the first 10 minutes. Spent almost 3 hours getting nowhere.
Might return it tomorrow, have a baby on the way at the weekend and don't have time to run through an area over and over and over.
That bridge part is the bit I can't get past, I didn't realise there was another route?
That bridge part is the bit I can't get past, I didn't realise there was another route?
I don't know what build I am doing to do, but I am getting both hp and end to the soft cap first.
Got saw blade and upgraded to 5 and first attempt the cleric beast.
Any suggestions?
is there any point in getting my gun to +9 if i don't have any points invested in arcane? it seems like blood stone chunks are way too scarce. i can understand limiting the weapons you can get to +10, but +9 weapons shouldn't be this limited. i've gotten every chunk in the main game and i feel like i'm missing out on even trying the majority of weapons. 20 insight for each additional one seems ridiculous. i guess i could do the save thing to test them out and then revert it, but that seems like a pain in the ass.
*Gun damage is tied to bloodtinge. Arcane is used for magic weapons and spells. And no, they're not worth upgrading without stat investment. You can basically leave them at +6.
I don't know what build I am doing to do, but I am getting both hp and end to the soft cap first.
Got saw blade and upgraded to 5 and first attempt the cleric beast.
Any suggestions?
You should have plenty of endurance. id use that on other stats.
Saw blade have an extra serration just for that boss in particular, good luck
Just after the bonfire in Central Yarnham where there are the 15+ Yarnhamites around it go through the archway to the left of the massive gate and through into the next area where you have the Brick Troll bashing on the door and a tree in the centre of the little plaza. As soon as you get through the archway ahead of you there should be a bunch of coffins stacked against the rails on the left. Smash these coffins and there will be a gap in the railing - jump down (there may be a loose dog down there so watch out). Run around the corner to the left, follow that path straight along until you get into a a dark room (watch out for two Yarnhamites on the ground floor and two on the upper floor), but before you explore in there go out through the exit on the other side of the room and up the staircase immediately ahead of you. There's another mob guy up there, and then up the other stairs past him you will come to a locked gate which you should open - this unlocks a shortcut back to the Central Yarnham lamp. Anyway, from here go back down to the dark room (take out the mob if you haven't already) and then on the second floor you have a door out and another staircase upwards (watch out for the Yarnhamite at the top of the steps), and from there if you head left you will come to a Brick Troll + 3-4 crows, and then past that is the first boss area. Once you first encounter the boss you can then grind Blood Echoes from dead enemies and use them to level up with the doll in Hunter's Dream.
What do you mean? I now have 15 in VIt & END.
He is already dead! XD
are there any easily attainable weapons in the DLC for a lower level player. maybe something close to the starting area of the hunters nightmare?
What do you mean? I now have 15 in VIt & END.
He is already dead! XD
Endurance is very generous in this game. You shouldn't have to spend very much on it, especially early game over whatever build youre going for (Str,Skill, Arc,Blood tinge, etc...).
really, I found it somewhat limited. Not much. But I couldn't do more than 4 attacks And dodge at same time. Now I can. Now I can attack twice, dodge, and attack again.
Can't you respec in this game anyways?
Well pretty moot point as every stat has a cap (diminishing returns). Not like I am going to do STR and DEX together.
Pretty sure caps are at 40. With VIT and END having worse diminishing returns.
I am pretty sure for what I am doing its either going to be:
VIT 25
END 25
this should put me @ lvl 65. What is the meta level for BB? Doesn't matter anyways as I don't have plus. I could even have both DEX & STR @ 40 and be under level 100.
Or I can't treat this like souls?
Not farmable iirc, you can buy them from the shop almost as soon as you've done this boss though.I'm having trouble beating the blood starved beast, but now realise having some fire paper his last stage will help a lot.
Are they farmable in Old Yharnam?
Man the fucking camera and getting stuck in tombstones is beginning to piss me off.
So I have been fighting:
1) Performance
2) Camera
3) Getting stuck in the terrain
I always get the dude to beast form and literally down an inch of his life.
Than I get stuck.
Than I lose lock on even though he is still in my FOV. Than performance hits me so dude gets a free hit. Except free hit usually means you get combo'd cause your dude stays on the ground and getting up animation like a grandma.