Ok, sorry about this but I'm resorting to repeating my post from the OT, which is moving too fast to get the answers I so desperately seek:
"Since I have to wait patiently until Friday and as such don't want to read / watch too many reviews and impressions yet, can someone who has has played the game answer the following questions to ease my still weary mind as a Souls fan?
Please spoiler tag any answers you feel might be spoilers, and try to keep specific (late game) spoilers to a minimum overall.
- Briefly ignoring the (more aggressive but, as far as I can gather, great) action-y side of the game (i.e. the melee combat), is Bloodborne's RPG side not in any way weaker compared to the previous Souls games?
Does the (presumed) lack of bows for long range combat, magic spells or miracles, and heavier armor and shields in other words not severely limit the player's ability to pick a unique playing style and role in the game('s narrative)? Or to reiterate once more: how much room for roleplaying and varied combat tactics is there if everyone seems to play as a similarly fast, aggressive hunter class (despite there being actual classes to choose between of course)?
I still fear that Miyazaki has gone too far towards the melee combat side this time for roleplaying to be possible personally, so feel free to put me at ease.
- Are all the weapons of the transforming (and often crude looking) kind and if so, is there enough variety there? Is there enough variety in the defensive weapons as well, such as other things than pistols and blunderbusses? How about the outfits: varied enough to accomodate different looks?
- Are the game's environments really as dark and aesthetically similar to each other (i.e. Victorian and Edwardian England) as the previews made it seem, or do we get to travel to a typical Souls-like variety of environments again?
Cheers gaf, you have a heart of gold!"