Bullet Club
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Original post: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/neo-...ll-post-on-your-behalf.1456224/post-253678879
First lets start by watching 2 minutes Gameplay from the masterpiece to refresh your Memory
3 DS Games were the best on the portable Following SOTN
i have posted this on the Official Game Forum at Steam but wanted more people to see the world we live in and the irony of how a game that is 2 Decades old still cant be followed with a true Graphical upgraded 2D engine, they went lower with DS Sequels and that was it.
i don't know where to begin...as a fan of SOTN and the SNES Games, having played every single release from NES+SNES, N64 to The Game Boy Advance to the NDS Trilogy i am very disappointed on their overall Art, Visual direction for igarashi's new game
Aria of Sorrow and Down of Sorrow perfected everything that was great about Symphony of the Night, it had Terrible downgrade to Visuals but the spirit of the Gameplay and animations were all there
ill go case by case to prove that you will fail with your new game
first lets clear some facts out of the way and ill be very transparent:
we live in an Age where we can get any game for free, having said that, i still own an Original Copy of every Igavania Style made by him
My favorite one is the "SEGA Saturn version" of SOTN it felt like more of an expansion of a great game (Igarashi hates this port because its inferior to the original)
well lets see, the Japanese voice acting was phenomenal and gave life to the 2d sprites had a soul compared to the English Dub, whoever was doing the Japanese dub was faithful to his job, the extra character add on was great callback to Dracula - X
after so many years, i have modded my PS Vita and Switch and Wii U, i have a copy of SOTN on Probably every device that has a screen on it from smartphones or an android Alarm Clock...to a Car Dashboard
i really do not understand how a company that made a masterpiece like SOTN just refuses to port it to to every Game console to expose it more.
it was Great to own it on xbox live arcade, Harmony of Despair was a great surprise too and such a disappointment you didn't make a new game with that Engine......
now that i have cleared myself and established that i already purchased several legit copies of SOTN on PSN, PSP, Xbox,PS4, Satrurn
i was very angry that looking at Nintendo Switch and it becoming a shovel ware of a port Machine.....it still doesn't have SOTN so with little fondling and modding the console managed to play Dracula x from PC engine and SOTN, finished both again on the console that Konami still refuse to support with the games that fans want (yes i can play it On PC or PS4 but i love to play that game anywhere anytime any place on every console i could
Mega man has managed to spread its Collection on every console...not my style of game, but i respect Capcom for preserving the entire Franchise for Decades to come)
its been 2 decades, me and most fans still regard SOTN the best the series had to offer we like to be able to play it for years to come.
so back to BloodSteined, i am very confused....
SOTN how many developers back then 8?
i want you to remember this line from Wikipedia: "Their primary motivation for the abrupt design change was the sight of dozens of Castlevania games in bargain bins of Japanese video game stores"
you have struck Gold when you made SOTN style you Struck Gold again with The DS sequels.
look at Forgotten ANNE(not an Igavania gener but the Style it has) and Dead Cells, look at Timespinner, if you had gone the Style of Forgotten Anne or tasked "Arc System Works" to lend their Unreal Engine 4 Guilty Gear style Engine, you could have preserved SOTN for the new Generation intact if you really wanted to go 3d and keep its spirit
Since SOTN for 2 decades we have not received a true successor that surpasses its 2d Style or remaster it or remakes, we recently Got a Butchered port from the PSP version with Wrong SFX sounds attached to the Wrong Enimies and a much worse Dub then the Original...)
>>>>you had a great character artist<<<<
Timespinner on Vita & PS4/PC is as close as it gets to Having that SOTN Nostalgia, no other game has done it yet
in my mind a perfect Successor would have been something done with "Game Maker" Engine that had visual styles of Dead Cells with the Gameplay of Bloodsteined
if you were still in charge of "castlevania" doing a successor in the style of "Forgotten Anne would" have been the best Direction regardless of whatever Resources you needed you would have Done justice to your Legacy
if you had gone 2d, with the funding and 5 years your Team have you could have finished the game by now even if yo didn't have assets......you could have hired people from Deviant Art to give yo the best 2d assets faithful to SOTN
New Indie Developers are still trying to capture your Magic and still fail
why is it so hard to redo what you achieved on PlayStation 1 limited 2D graphics with 8 programmers back then?
so a simple Formula for a successful Igavania game should be a 2D side-scrolling and have an in-game map which shows your progress
While you now take a moment to check how many of the games Done the above criteria and was released in less then 5 years, some was a one man show Creations:
Time Spinner (Best game Following SOTN albeit chibi Deformed Spirits)
Dead Cells
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Axiom Verge
Forgotten Anne (Best 2D Style Game and Visuals)
Ori and the Blind Forest Hollow Knight
Deaths Gambit
Salt and Sanctuary
SHhovel KNight (Several Seqels)
Shantae (several sequels)
Owl Boy
Michiru Yamane Music and Ayami Kojima timeless Art Style is what made SOTN stand the test of time, please go play your Game now: Obtain the Bat Sonar Ability then Collect The Spike Break Armor then the Silver & Gold rings go Save Richter and pause the game.
and ask yourself if you have achieved or surpassed what you have done?
having the same Music Designer is still not the same Game, (How many God of war Games failed without the Original Director), its the same as going to watch a new Batman Movie or a Star wars movie and realizing its not done by the same director or the same as when you have expectations for a new Metal gear Game or king Of fighter Game and you see that the new Team has failed to Capture the magic of the early Releases
please learn from others mistakes, look at Mega Man latest Terrible Games, and look at Mega Man Zero / Mega Man ZX on GBA / DS these games capture your SOTN spirit and now they are making Dragon: Marked for Death
we fans follow who made our games because we know they are faithful in doing their work
10 years from now ill only remember your game: Bloodsteinaed as the game that was in development Hell, was more important to you to get a physical release then a digital and let it out on PS Vita and Switch ( regardless of Vita Piracy you would have made a fortune from Asia and Japan the console is still alive with digital Purchases)
you should really reward what your followers want, not go corporate and apologize for 5 years and make excuses and delays.
please return to making games that has the visual appeal of SOTN with the same artists or someone who follows in their style, SOTN was not a one man show and was a collaboration of the best talents from music and art and Accessible Game play and Direction.......you wont bet my support without your original Team
Sorry but you should council with Toru Hagihara and not add more studios....
at least bring the man who Helped make Castlevania Great again
5 years Excuses and Delays is not justified by Apologizing when you have made SOTN with LESS talent and Man Power
Sonic 4 was a flop (it followed the original without the Mechanics that made it great)
Sonic Mania was success (it followed everything the Original Did)
Sonic Mania is a sign that Fans know how to make a successful game to a great Series after decades past.............
if i had the chance to Remake SOTN ill chose this style
the first time i saw the traler i didnt belive it was 3D untill the camera Angle changed)
and release another Expansion using this 2D Fighting Engine:
What Arc System Works done for their work is what SOTN and any Future successor to it Deserves
i Rest my Case with the Community

Original post: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/neo-...ll-post-on-your-behalf.1456224/post-253678879
First lets start by watching 2 minutes Gameplay from the masterpiece to refresh your Memory
3 DS Games were the best on the portable Following SOTN
i have posted this on the Official Game Forum at Steam but wanted more people to see the world we live in and the irony of how a game that is 2 Decades old still cant be followed with a true Graphical upgraded 2D engine, they went lower with DS Sequels and that was it.
i don't know where to begin...as a fan of SOTN and the SNES Games, having played every single release from NES+SNES, N64 to The Game Boy Advance to the NDS Trilogy i am very disappointed on their overall Art, Visual direction for igarashi's new game
Aria of Sorrow and Down of Sorrow perfected everything that was great about Symphony of the Night, it had Terrible downgrade to Visuals but the spirit of the Gameplay and animations were all there
ill go case by case to prove that you will fail with your new game
first lets clear some facts out of the way and ill be very transparent:
we live in an Age where we can get any game for free, having said that, i still own an Original Copy of every Igavania Style made by him
My favorite one is the "SEGA Saturn version" of SOTN it felt like more of an expansion of a great game (Igarashi hates this port because its inferior to the original)
well lets see, the Japanese voice acting was phenomenal and gave life to the 2d sprites had a soul compared to the English Dub, whoever was doing the Japanese dub was faithful to his job, the extra character add on was great callback to Dracula - X
after so many years, i have modded my PS Vita and Switch and Wii U, i have a copy of SOTN on Probably every device that has a screen on it from smartphones or an android Alarm Clock...to a Car Dashboard
i really do not understand how a company that made a masterpiece like SOTN just refuses to port it to to every Game console to expose it more.
it was Great to own it on xbox live arcade, Harmony of Despair was a great surprise too and such a disappointment you didn't make a new game with that Engine......
now that i have cleared myself and established that i already purchased several legit copies of SOTN on PSN, PSP, Xbox,PS4, Satrurn
i was very angry that looking at Nintendo Switch and it becoming a shovel ware of a port Machine.....it still doesn't have SOTN so with little fondling and modding the console managed to play Dracula x from PC engine and SOTN, finished both again on the console that Konami still refuse to support with the games that fans want (yes i can play it On PC or PS4 but i love to play that game anywhere anytime any place on every console i could
Mega man has managed to spread its Collection on every console...not my style of game, but i respect Capcom for preserving the entire Franchise for Decades to come)
its been 2 decades, me and most fans still regard SOTN the best the series had to offer we like to be able to play it for years to come.
so back to BloodSteined, i am very confused....
SOTN how many developers back then 8?
i want you to remember this line from Wikipedia: "Their primary motivation for the abrupt design change was the sight of dozens of Castlevania games in bargain bins of Japanese video game stores"
you have struck Gold when you made SOTN style you Struck Gold again with The DS sequels.
look at Forgotten ANNE(not an Igavania gener but the Style it has) and Dead Cells, look at Timespinner, if you had gone the Style of Forgotten Anne or tasked "Arc System Works" to lend their Unreal Engine 4 Guilty Gear style Engine, you could have preserved SOTN for the new Generation intact if you really wanted to go 3d and keep its spirit
Since SOTN for 2 decades we have not received a true successor that surpasses its 2d Style or remaster it or remakes, we recently Got a Butchered port from the PSP version with Wrong SFX sounds attached to the Wrong Enimies and a much worse Dub then the Original...)
>>>>you had a great character artist<<<<
Timespinner on Vita & PS4/PC is as close as it gets to Having that SOTN Nostalgia, no other game has done it yet
in my mind a perfect Successor would have been something done with "Game Maker" Engine that had visual styles of Dead Cells with the Gameplay of Bloodsteined
if you were still in charge of "castlevania" doing a successor in the style of "Forgotten Anne would" have been the best Direction regardless of whatever Resources you needed you would have Done justice to your Legacy
if you had gone 2d, with the funding and 5 years your Team have you could have finished the game by now even if yo didn't have assets......you could have hired people from Deviant Art to give yo the best 2d assets faithful to SOTN
New Indie Developers are still trying to capture your Magic and still fail
why is it so hard to redo what you achieved on PlayStation 1 limited 2D graphics with 8 programmers back then?
so a simple Formula for a successful Igavania game should be a 2D side-scrolling and have an in-game map which shows your progress
While you now take a moment to check how many of the games Done the above criteria and was released in less then 5 years, some was a one man show Creations:
Time Spinner (Best game Following SOTN albeit chibi Deformed Spirits)
Dead Cells
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Axiom Verge
Forgotten Anne (Best 2D Style Game and Visuals)
Ori and the Blind Forest Hollow Knight
Deaths Gambit
Salt and Sanctuary
SHhovel KNight (Several Seqels)
Shantae (several sequels)
Owl Boy
Michiru Yamane Music and Ayami Kojima timeless Art Style is what made SOTN stand the test of time, please go play your Game now: Obtain the Bat Sonar Ability then Collect The Spike Break Armor then the Silver & Gold rings go Save Richter and pause the game.
and ask yourself if you have achieved or surpassed what you have done?
having the same Music Designer is still not the same Game, (How many God of war Games failed without the Original Director), its the same as going to watch a new Batman Movie or a Star wars movie and realizing its not done by the same director or the same as when you have expectations for a new Metal gear Game or king Of fighter Game and you see that the new Team has failed to Capture the magic of the early Releases
please learn from others mistakes, look at Mega Man latest Terrible Games, and look at Mega Man Zero / Mega Man ZX on GBA / DS these games capture your SOTN spirit and now they are making Dragon: Marked for Death
we fans follow who made our games because we know they are faithful in doing their work
10 years from now ill only remember your game: Bloodsteinaed as the game that was in development Hell, was more important to you to get a physical release then a digital and let it out on PS Vita and Switch ( regardless of Vita Piracy you would have made a fortune from Asia and Japan the console is still alive with digital Purchases)
you should really reward what your followers want, not go corporate and apologize for 5 years and make excuses and delays.
please return to making games that has the visual appeal of SOTN with the same artists or someone who follows in their style, SOTN was not a one man show and was a collaboration of the best talents from music and art and Accessible Game play and Direction.......you wont bet my support without your original Team
Sorry but you should council with Toru Hagihara and not add more studios....
at least bring the man who Helped make Castlevania Great again
5 years Excuses and Delays is not justified by Apologizing when you have made SOTN with LESS talent and Man Power
Sonic 4 was a flop (it followed the original without the Mechanics that made it great)
Sonic Mania was success (it followed everything the Original Did)
Sonic Mania is a sign that Fans know how to make a successful game to a great Series after decades past.............
if i had the chance to Remake SOTN ill chose this style
and release another Expansion using this 2D Fighting Engine:
What Arc System Works done for their work is what SOTN and any Future successor to it Deserves
i Rest my Case with the Community