Freedom Gate Co.
Harmony of dissonance is more SOTN then aria or Dawn.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will suck because they're taking way too long for my liking to make it even though other games from other devs in other eras didn't take so long to make and I loved those.Not to offend the OP, but the post is really long, and perhaps a little confusing. Can I get a TLDR here?
Curse of the Moon is a fine little game, but it was always a $4.5 million stretch goal and a reward item as part of the campaign successfully funded by the backers; the game was also always planned to be sold separately to the general public. This is to say, Curse of the Moon was not provided to backers as some free gift, outside the scope of the crowdfunding campaign.Also even though they gave people a damn awesome appetizer in the form of the retro style Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (iirc backers got this for free, outside some hicups with getting codes late).
Easily. That game is a masterpiece.Team Cherry came out of nowhere with Hollow Knight, which I feel has taken the crown.
ill give him Credit for making Aria of Sorrow & Down of Sorrow, but not for Order of Ecclesial (Generic open map Design with portals )
i would say that Castlevania: Circle of the Moon a game not Done by Koji Igarashi is a Great example of Metrovania, that game has a lot of charm and addicting gameplay & Music, beautiful Backgrounds and level design, it didn't have the smooth Animations from SOTN and felt like it was a slide show frames compared to it, still it was a complete experience and highly recommend playing it. the irony of igarashi removing it from Castelvania Lore Canon Universe is enough to make you want to check it out.
ill give him Credit for making Aria of Sorrow & Down of Sorrow, but not for Order of Ecclesial (Generic open map Design with portals ) or Portrait of ruin, reused assets uninteresting Characters and story.
The horrible flash style graphics is the only reason I never played Hollow Knight.@@Viliger
Hollow Knight isnt better then SOTN and please don’t compare The majestic Alucard and its unforgettable Gothic Style to Hollow Knight's Cartoonish Baby Chbi Ugly Character Designs to Alucard!
The horrible flash style graphics is the only reason I never played Hollow Knight.
I disagree that Aria and Dawn play better than SOTN. Curious to see specific thoughts about this. What makes the gameplay in them better? It's definitely open to debate. I think the atmosphere, music, and art in SOTN is clearly the best, though.
Harmony of dissonance is more SOTN then aria or Dawn.
Dark Flame is an upcoming one man show Game, its using assets from SOTN
what he did is simply what i wished to see for a follow up, it has sharper visuals new places to visit new music and a new setting to explore retaining all the qualities without downgrading any visuals or music (i am looking at you Harmony of Dissonance...)
unfortunately the game has been in development for 2 Years and had a failed Funding Through Kickstarter his Steam Page no longer updates for over an Year, game had an October 2016 release window but Half year into Development he changed Game Engine from Xbox XNA and joined Square Collective and no news for 5 months now, he Tweeted something about Timespinner and that was it, Hoping he doesn't abandon the Project and for it to become success, an interview about his work if anyone is interested
Oh and by the way, someone up there asked how the characters from newer Castlevanias control better than Alucard in SotN. I think i have a rough idea how.
You see, something i have always loved about Castlevania is the weight of the character. The mc in question is HEAVY, the fall is fast and the jump is slightly floaty/slow. That's something misunderstood in SotN, Alucard is floaty in general, the jump is slow, he stays on the peak point of the jump longer than any other Castlevania character and the fall is slow AND have progressive acceleration (You can see this if you jump and then take a long fall, like in that high waterfall or in the chapel stairs), he is also sent flying easily and hits slowly (Some swords are slower than others, but the default swing is slow) wich makes the crissaegrim such a godsend.
Harmony of Dissonance is almost a carbon copy of this so it feels equally bad, and then there's the fact that SotN doesn't have this
Nor this
First of all, the attack animations per weapon add lots of gameplay styles and options. Do you want to have antiaerial attacks? Heavy weapons got you covered. Slow animations that can hit twice per attack? Try the spears, if you can time them correcty. Fast, low range, one hit attacks? Katanas, and so on.
And the Soul System, heir of Konami Kobe's DSS system, allows for more versality in attack. Want to set traps? Ukoback. Huge, multihit attack? Chutulhu. Instant, homing attack? Rycuda. Adding to that stat buffs and extra abilities wich are both offensive and deffensive.
So yes, i can agree on SotN being a great, beautiful game, but on the gameplay departament first and foremost it was bested almost inmediatly, and got stomped by the Sorrow arc.
Dawn of Sorrow is basically a souped up Aria of Sorrow, I love DS too of course but you have to give the nod to Aria for being more original.
Aria also features my favorite story of the series.
Aria seemed way short and easy to me rather than an epic sprawling adventure like SOTN, even if the latter had its low/slow points. Maybe I was just better at these games by then?
I don't think those Alucard control quirks are issues so much as just things that make him different to other characters in the series. The waterfall was intentionally faster to drop for the cool factor I think.
Meh, it did many things different to the series up to that point, all intentionally.Alucard quirks seems to be a honest mistake in my opinion, since they fixed them in DoS. Liking them or not is something personal, but it strays too far from the series' physics, and so does Harmony of Dissonance.
Belmondo what do you think of Rondo of Blood?
Meh, it did many things different to the series up to that point, all intentionally.
Why would he even try to get money or a publisher like Square involved for a project that's actually ripping other companies' protected assets? I'm fine with free fan games and rom hacks, the works, (obviously, who isn't fine with those, if they're bad it's whatever and if they're good then we get another cool game to play through, haha) but that's just silly. Or did you mean to say it's not using CV assets?
which game has been re released several times for the past decade?Well I think they downgraded cos the GBA was lower resolution and things had to remain readable so they went with some design and silhouette simplifications, never mind other lesser than the PS1 capabilities it had, I doubt they could do things like the near full screen fog with transparency effects in the same way and quality, just fake them in some other manner for example. Well, I dunno, they look pretty alright still. The DS games are certainly sharper and more micro detailed in some ways than the GBA games, that's for sure.![]()
Well ports wouldn't change their graphics, the GBA is a bit too low res and has all the other issues you mentioned which I think were partly due to its low res and screen size and quality and the DS games have all the touch stuff on top so they'd have to do more than a mere port if it was gonna be for a home system as they don't use dual screens or even the Switch now while the 3DS could just play the cartridges already so they didn't need to port to that... And it's not like they have paid homage to SOTN all that much, some of the ports were pretty sub par efforts... But yes even regardless of their quality none of them would ever get the classic status of SOTN no matter what tbh, I mean, it basically made the genre for most and remains as the example template.which game has been re released several times for the past decade?
it was SOTN for psp, Xbox 360, PS4, also can still be bought for ps Vita
they keep releasing it over and over because they know we will buy it again
no protables ports anywhere and it will never Happen because they don't bother, their Resolution will not hold up on a 1080p HDTV, the Wii U DOS port was Pathetic, it was more playable after modding it to full screen
and going to Portables for over a decade is not an excuse, they could have done a new game on PSN or any of the consoles released over the past 15 years (3D garbage doesn't count)
Really good, but kinda overrated. I always found ironic in any case for Dawn and Portrait to be despised for being anime games and for Rondo to be lauded precisely for being an anime game.
I love the fact that it is a polished Dracula's Curse in a lot of ways, but i think that there are better classicvanias.
The reason i ignore Aria in favor of Dawn is the same reason why the original Castlevania is ignored in favor of Dracula's Curse: In the end, it is the more polished product and the one that really shines. I won't deny Aria's merit though.
About SotN, in the end is a matter of tastes, i know people that in fact loves Alucard's floaty gameplay and despises DoS extra mode for applying DoS' physics to him, so to each its own.
More like you were infatuated by the game. SotN IS easy, i would say it is as easy as Aria but it has a peak of difficulty in the inverted castle near the end of the game (But then Dracula is perfectly defeatable using divekicks as i did) that Aria lacks (That chaos dimension was their chance, but they got out of time it seems)
If you're talking about this that's quite the hyperbole. I give it A for effort if they keep it up but it certainly looks like a fan game, it still uses various original assets and music so is taking additional shortcuts on top of the major shortcut being that it merely has to copy over existing design rather than device anything of its own and it doesn't make Bloodstained look bad either. I'll try it if it gets near completion though.
people do realize that SOTN lifted a ton of sprites from Rondo of Blood?
SOTN was the culmination of a series that had tons of art and level design to pull from. Bloodstained is a new IP, they have to make everything from the ground up. they can't just re-use enemies, character design, and sprites from previous games and concentrate on new background art.
it is useless to compare development times imo. like comparing apples and oranges. SOTN was pretty much the last game in a series and had tons of previous work to mine from, this is some brand new stuff, but with many of the original creators involved.
yes if we had a time machine to go back to the 90s and force Playstation to make more 2D games i would be down but that's just not going to happen.
people do realize that SOTN lifted a ton of sprites from Rondo of Blood?
SOTN was the culmination of a series that had tons of art and level design to pull from. Bloodstained is a new IP, they have to make everything from the ground up. they can't just re-use enemies, character design, and sprites from previous games and concentrate on new background art.
it is useless to compare development times imo. like comparing apples and oranges. SOTN was pretty much the last game in a series and had tons of previous work to mine from, this is some brand new stuff, but with many of the original creators involved.
yes if we had a time machine to go back to the 90s and force Playstation to make more 2D games i would be down but that's just not going to happen.
people do realize that SOTN lifted a ton of sprites from Rondo of Blood?
SOTN was the culmination of a series that had tons of art and level design to pull from. Bloodstained is a new IP, they have to make everything from the ground up. they can't just re-use enemies, character design, and sprites from previous games and concentrate on new background art.
it is useless to compare development times imo. like comparing apples and oranges. SOTN was pretty much the last game in a series and had tons of previous work to mine from, this is some brand new stuff, but with many of the original creators involved.
yes if we had a time machine to go back to the 90s and force Playstation to make more 2D games i would be down but that's just not going to happen.
Bloodstained 5 years and still no release? How many years did it take for SOTN ?
Oh please. What they've shown so far has been outclassed by fan games. For a commercial game with a supposedly good pedigree, the end result so far is actually embarrassing.
You honestly need to start using comas, your posts are hard to read.Hollow Knight isnt better then SOTN and please don’t compare The majestic Alucard and its unforgettable Gothic Style to Hollow Knight's Cartoonish Baby Chbi Ugly Character Designs to Alucard!
same with Salt & Sanctuary:Great Great Great Gameplay and level design But Has the worst Artwork of all games metrovanias