Play less games and read more books then.Blimblim said:My main problem would be that I have no way to get my thoughts written like I want, be it in french or english. I just have zero literary talent, and it's the main reason why my sites are media sites and have almost no editorial content![]()
Bebpo said:![]()
Picture is kinda screwed up but I like the enemy design here![]()
Blimblim said:My main problem would be that I have no way to get my thoughts written like I want, be it in french or english. I just have zero literary talent, and it's the main reason why my sites are media sites and have almost no editorial content![]()
I justintheinbetween said:BlimBlim, i don't know if you've already arrived to the town of Gibral, but once you get there, you will get impressed, it's so damn beautiful!! specially when you reach the rooftop of the castle.. very very impressive
Red Blaster said:Suikoden and Blue Dragon, leading the charge on 4+ party battles.
Blimblim said:My main problem would be that I have no way to get my thoughts written like I want, be it in french or english. I just have zero literary talent, and it's the main reason why my sites are media sites and have almost no editorial content![]()
Basically battles go on a lot longer than I'd like them to be (even though they end in 1 full turn) because there are so many party members, so many enemies, and the animations for attacks + all the slowdown in battle = battles take 2 mins when they should take 30 secs if there was a fast-foward animation button like [EM] or if there were less members.
watership said:Dude, that made me laugh out loud. You give insight that is concise and engaging which automatically makes you write better than many people who CLAIM to be literary talents.
Any takers?TekunoRobby said:Really simple question and apologies as I haven't kept up with this thread:
I've seen someone previously mention that this game is very similar to a classic JRPG, like an older Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy. Could anyone elaborate on that please? A basic explanation would do fine, many thanks in advance.
DCharlie said:+ all the slowdown in the battle? seriously, i need you to clarify - you are saying the slowdown you see is so bad that it noticably adds to the length a battle takes...?
because all i can say is "***BAFFLE***"
DCharlie said:+ all the slowdown in the battle? seriously, i need you to clarify - you are saying the slowdown you see is so bad that it noticably adds to the length a battle takes...?
because all i can say is "***BAFFLE***"
Bebpo said:When you have a 5 person party and 3-6 enemies and you're calling out your dragon to charge for an attack later on, the amount of time it takes to summon out the dragon and move to the next person's turn on the queue gets longer as more and more dragons get on-screen. I use all charge attacks so I have all 5 dragons out at the same time every battle and yes, it runs in basically SKY GUNNER slow-motion by the time the fifth is pulling the dragon out.
I'll actually play nice for you and do a video capture in 480p (assuming the framerate is identical) this week just so I can point to all the slowdown and you can say "yes, that is a lot of slowdown".
I'll actually play nice for you and do a video capture in 480p (assuming the framerate is identical) this week just so I can point to all the slowdown and you can say "yes, that is a lot of slowdown".
You do not get slowdown/tearing with Kluke's winning pose for example?DCharlie said:awesome - then i can point at your X360 and say "that is broken! take it back to Wallmart!"![]()
DCharlie said:awesome - then i can point at your X360 and say "that is broken! take it back to Wallmart!"![]()
You still don't experience any slowdown C?
i do - but it's incredibly minor. It definitely sounds like Bebpo's problems are worse - or , of course, the alternative is that i obviously can't tell when things are dropping frames/slowing down/ etc .You do not get slowdown/tearing with Kluke's winning pose for example?
DCharlie said:there are points where frames get dropped once a blue moon, but with 3 charging shadows out, vs 6+ enemies i see next to nothing - we are literally talking the odd dropped frame (whether that counts as slowdown or not - i'd say not)
Certainly nothing that i would point at and say "this is making my battles too long"
perhaps it all breaks down with the 5th person ? but as bebpo has been complaining about slowdown since the start, i'm simply guessing that there is something fundamentally different between our X360s...
ie: mine is working, his is broken!(and IGN's!)
As stated before - i've talkde with other people who have different experiences per game (oblivion - each person had different levels of issues for instance)
Bebpo - you might want to reboot and clear your cache - that might have something to do with it for instance.
dirtmonkey37 said:What resolution are you running in? 720p, right?
Bebpo said:On my side I switched to 720p and noticed a slight improvement in framerate, but barely noticable. In 1080i when Kluuke did attacks with a lot on-screen it'd sometimes get so choppy I thought my X360 was going to crash, since I've changed to 720p it's never been that bad. I'll be curious to see if the game runs smoother on 480p.
Jonnyram said:You're playing in 1080i over 720p? Does that look better on your TV because of native res?
dirtmonkey37 said:Does your CRT tv upscale 720p to 1080i?
Bebpo said:It does. But I'm playing in 720p now because it's a bit better framerate-wise and I didn't want my system to die.
Yeah. Looks about the same but in still things like menus 1080i output from the X360 is sharper.
50% shorter than they currently are
dirtmonkey37 said:So, as of now, you're upscaling, right? Upscaling to 1080i, right?
DCharlie said:hold on - futher to my ZOMGWHAT?!...
you are saying that the battles would be HALF the length?
so ... the slowdown is making them TWICE as long??
as i said previously - this is NOT my experience - and that sounds way beyond the realms of reasonable.
re: resolution - 720p.
dirtmonkey37 said:This is the problem.
Bepbo, you're running in 720 and it's upscaling to 1080i.
Charlie, you're running in 720p on your native 720p, with no upscaling, just flat-out 720p.
I'd be willing to wager that the upscaling to 1080i is what's causing the problem, because I've heard of many instances where 1080i, be it native or upscaled, hinders the game's performance.
This is the problem.
Bepbo, you're running in 720 and it's upscaling to 1080i.
Charlie, you're running in 720p on your native 720p, with no upscaling, just flat-out 720p.
I'd be willing to wager that the upscaling to 1080i is what's causing the problem, because I've heard of many instances where 1080i, be it native or upscaled, hinders the game's performance.
dirtmonkey37 said:This is the problem.
Bepbo, you're running in 720 and it's upscaling to 1080i.
Charlie, you're running in 720p on your native 720p, with no upscaling, just flat-out 720p.
I'd be willing to wager that the upscaling to 1080i is what's causing the problem, because I've heard of many instances where 1080i, be it native or upscaled, hinders the game's performance.
The point was to show the awesome music in the water dungeon, and the awesome graphics in the townnelsonroyale said:the music is very nice in the first scene of blim blim's vid. The town theme is incredibly cheesy though....more orchestral sounds please. Although I suppose the town theme goes with the cutesy/dragon ball influences of the game...its just quite a contrast. Of course, that might just have been in the vid for sure
Blimblim said:The point was to show the awesome music in the water dungeon, and the awesome graphics in the town![]()
Orlics said:Isn't his TV doing the upscaling though? That wouldn't affect performance at all.
Yeah I know, it's the song of the other video in my news. Bad But Bat yes.dirtmonkey37 said:The town music is actually a more electronic version of the real song. I forgot what it was called...Bad But Bat? Or something like that.
Blimblim said:My main problem would be that I have no way to get my thoughts written like I want, be it in french or english. I just have zero literary talent, and it's the main reason why my sites are media sites and have almost no editorial content![]()
AndriaSang said:These are problems that Microsoft will hopefully fix for the US version if enough people bitch about them, so if you see them, speak up now, or millions of gamers will suffer.
Blimblim said:The point was to show the awesome music in the water dungeon, and the awesome graphics in the town![]()
Captain N said:anyone unlock any of the secret achievements? I'm curious as to what they are going to be.
I <3 eM... its not the greatest... but is enjoyable...fernoca said:Hmm..
Why is everyone suddenly praising eM??
Like, when I had it..when it was released (along with the bundled comic book)...everyone hated it..said it was generic and a Pokemon ripoff...(even tough I liked it..also liked the fact that one of the 3 main charatcers was openly ..albeit cliched and
So, is now??
This is exactly what I was about to post. Slowdown is there, but it's not a big deal because it's an RPG. AFAIK, there is no slowdown in the places where it matters (i.e. timing related).duckroll said:Bebpo will exaggerate shit to make it sound worse than it is with stupid sky-is-falling terms while DCharlie will just come right back in and make it sound totally the opposite by implying everyone's Xbox360 is broken.