But does it affect the "charge" meter?
Actually the sweet spot just does random useless crap like making spells cost less or attacks do 'slightly' more damage. It's actually there to fool players and trick them into only doing 1/2 charge attacks when they could be doing full charge attacks for double the damage. Since my characters are buffed enough to withstand any enemy attack I just have all five characters do a full charge so as long as one or two of them actually get their attacks off, the attack will kill all the enemies in 1 hit and end the battle.
DCharlie said:not sure if it's been explained elsewhere but will plod through how the charge works :
the charge meter goes up at a different rate per shadow and is somewhat different in terms of timing in each battle - it's not slowdown as such - it's done to make it difficult to get the big bonuses with certain shadows (imo at least!)
how the bar works :
fer instance :
> = your bar when you hold A button
-- = the bar
A thru B = timing of attackers
xx = 'sweet spot' where you get extra power/more effect
So , you may get a nice simple bar like this :
A= Shu, B= Jiro , C = enemy 1
what happens when you :
fairly normal power, the attack will happen right away
more powerful than previously, the attack will happen after A's turn.
yet more powerful, but will come after A and B's turn
the sweet spot - extra power/effect (for instance white wind will effect more surrounding enemies) - comes after A and B's turn
powerful attack, but will come after A and B and C's attack
|>>>>>>>A>>>B>>>>>>>>C>|> - you go too far
default lowest value attack - will start right away
This isn't just for attacks either - HP/MP regain spells and buffs work in the same way.
I like it ! it's fun!
the bar changes per battle - so you can end up with some thing like
A - jiro
B - maro
C - Shu
1,2 onwards = enemy
john tv said:The sweet spot shortens the time until your next turn, too, so theoretically you could be attacking more often versus going for one big attack. I wouldn't say it's useless--it just gives players more choice in coming up with their battle strategy, which is always a good thing.
The sweet spot shortens the time until your next turn, too, so theoretically you could be attacking more often versus going for one big attack. I wouldn't say it's useless--it just gives players more choice in coming up with their battle strategy, which is always a good thing.
DC, wind attack increases size depending on the amount of charge, not the sweet spot itself. So if you have a full charge bar, it will be biggest.
Schafer said:Sounds like the RPG equivalent of Active Reload.![]()
Schafer said:Sounds like the RPG equivalent of Active Reload.![]()
Sorta unnecesary at this point but I think stuff like that will help on the final dungeons. Stacking skills is my favorite part of the system, overpowering my characters to the max without griding at all is something that gives me great pleasure
Jonnyram said:duckroll, you mentioned being able to open the coloured barriers - is thatby any chance? I only have lv1 so far, but haven't tried it on that kind of thing.tied to the bari barrier skills
DCharlie said:well, i'd guess that they need to do something to make things more challenging or things might get a bit stale.
I've done a small amount of fiddling, but i'm hoping that disk 2 onwards it's going to introduce some more tricky fights.
I mean - don't get me wrong - it's fun and i love the game to death right now - but i don't want it to be too much of a walk in the park.
GHG said:Was reading a new review for the game ---> http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=151265
And they say its 1080p. Is this true?
duckroll said:Nope. From the box: 480i/480p/720p/1080i.
Orodreth said:Wasnt it included in the list of games ( like doax2 ) that would do 1080p when Microsoft announced the component/vga upgrade and the hd-dvd thingy?
duckroll said:I don't know where people keep getting this from. There are no 1080p games on the Xbox360. If someone tells you there is, they're lying. DoAX2 isn't 1080p either.![]()
Dunno. Related, if you really want to stretch, you could argue that it could indirectly help the 360 by DQ NOT heplping the PS3. :lolDr. Kitty Muffins said:This is the closest console gamers will get to Dragon Quest now that DQ is DS bound. I wonder if this will help push sales or encourage more Toriyama art based games in Japan?
GhaleonEB said:Dunno. Related, if you really want to stretch, you could argue that it could indirectly help the 360 by DQ NOT heplping the PS3. :lol
GhaleonEB said:Dunno. Related, if you really want to stretch, you could argue that it could indirectly help the 360 by DQ NOT heplping the PS3. :lol
What you're saying makese sense. But then, I've long lost the ability to predict the Japanese gaming tastes. I continue to be utterly mystified by the entire market over there.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:Oh, by no means am I trying to imply it would become a million seller in japan. But I would think that more hardcore DQ fans would want to buy it.
ChrisAllenFiz said:Or, to look at it another way, all 360 games are 1080P.
intheinbetween said:duckrollo, Bebpo, i can't believe but i'm stuck at the fight whereyou have to break the robot's guard, any help will be much appreciated xD
I think the day one figure was 73k, split between the game and the bundle, but I don't know how many of each. Someone said anecdotaly in the Media Create thread that the game seemed to be generating lots of interest and was still selling briskly over the weekend. We'll get software numbers tomorrow, hardware the next day.clashfan said:I agree with you. DQ on DS helped Nintendo but it seem to also help the 360 by hurting the PS3. Anyone have updated sales numbers for Blue Dragon?
intheinbetween said:yeah duckroll, that's the fight i'm talking about, and oh man...i was hitting my head against the wall because i didn't get the point of this battlei thought i had to break their guard, and i was trying all the possible combinations of skills, hits, magics, and items to break it.. so you just have to run away?
duckroll said:Yeah, one thing about playing Blue Dragon without understanding the game is that you miss out A LOT on the flavor text during battles. Some of them are pretty informative or just cute/funny. There are also nice little details in the game, like have you ever wondered why Shu doesn't have the escape command in battles?![]()
Blimblim said:How do you escape from a fight? From what I read you can do it in the battle menu with every character except shu?
That'll teach not to just use one character to check all the menu option.duckroll said:It's the final command in the menu for all characters except Shu. The reason Shu doesn't have an escape command is becauseright from the start his catchphrase is "I WON'T LOST!" and his headstrong characteristic means he will never run from a battle ever.![]()
That was the plan anyway for meintheinbetween said:well, BlimBlim, it looks like we'll have to get the game again as soon as the PAL version (or maybe the korean one if it comes with english subs) comes out, at least to know what's the story "really" about heh