Hard mode is DLC, and not available yet. It is very easy compared to a normal FF type.Duo014 said:I never had such an easy rpg :S it's so easy, the bosses are in 10 hits dead,...
(i'm in the beginning of the 2d disc)
the overworld map, the monsters there are in 1 hit dead , is this normal?
Blimblim said:Yeah, except for the kitchen. Somehow it seems all the budget for the castle went into the kitchen.
Yeah it's definitely too easy and that does take out some fun out of the game.Duo014 said:I never had such an easy rpg :S it's so easy, the bosses are in 10 hits dead,...
(i'm in the beginning of the 2d disc)
the overworld map, the monsters there are in 1 hit dead , is this normal?
I have the PAL Version (from UK) and I downloaded the DLC from the Hong Kong Marketplace, and it runs without problems, and the game just got even better on hard mode.theultimo said:Hard mode is DLC, and not available yet. It is very easy compared to a normal FF type.
Nolan. said:Why the fuck when you enter that cube world after defeating that dinosaur thing and wander through it is there no save point after you wade through that retarded maze of a dungeon. You get ambushed by a bunch of theives that are automated to paralyze, Panic and just inflict status ailments on your party even as soon as you remove them. What the hell is up with that honestly. It's not even difficulty more than annoynce seeing as they managed to paralyze the whole group whilst I had to sit and watch as my hp go from 999 to 0. Also to anyone about to fight the dinousaur don't hit the eye it's easier not to. I don't think I can be bothered to do the whole maze again it was boring the first time round and doubt it'll be any more interesting the next time.
pswii60 said:That sounds shit. Is there no checkpoint after the maze either?
painey said:i must say the checkpoint idea is absolutely fantastic, i just wish it did it on the sly as not to totally give away the fact that you're about to have a boss fight
Haha, I thought the exact same thing when I first played the game last yearNolan. said:Yeah I like the checkpoint thing if they had that in N3 maybe I would have finished that game.
Android18a said:The checkpoints were cool.
I must admit the easy difficulty (and ease of hitting level 99) was one of the things I liked best about the game! I like my RPGs to be long, but light. This ticked all the right boxes for me.
Eric WK said:Question for anyone who's finished the second disk.
I just passed Pachess Town and had the elder lead me to the other side. From there, I can't seem to figure out where to go. It's obviously not the Mecha Base, I take it?
BboyDubC said:I like my RPGs to actually require me to think about strategy instead of just mindlessly hitting buttons. On hard mode, it gets exciting when you know that one screw up - one failed realization to delay charge a heal until after the next enemy attack so that you can get the full recover - and you could end up dead. I'm so glad that there are hard enemies, because after you go through the motions and grind on easy guys for an hour, you need something to remind you what you were doing it for/why you are even playing the game.
Nolan. said:You have to wander around until you see I think it's 3 Ice monster bastards that fling kitchen like choppers at you. When you go past them a cutscene is initiated I think and all hail Kluke.
Edit: from the fallen over stump I think you keep to the left.
Android18a said:Job classes all go up to level 99. They don't learn any skills after the ones in the manual, which is kind of lame. I was hoping for lots of secret skills.
siamesedreamer said:So, do you only get the achievement for leveling up a class after taking it to level 99?
siamesedreamer said:Thanks...that's gonna take FOREVER.
Spruchy said:If I were to download this hard difficulty setting would I be able to switch a game already in progress?
typhonsentra said:I'm at the end of disc 1 now (Jibral), just got threw the caravan defense mission. I gotta say, what were they thinking with those tigers!? Way overpowered compared to previous enemy encounters.
iapetus said:Not as long as you might think. There are SP-doubling accessories around that you can pick up. If you then level barrier magic to level 50 you can get a field ability that allows you to destroy enemies on the field for SP just by walking into them (or having them walk into you) at a cost of 1MP per kill. Stink up all your characters, find a spot where 3SP enemies respawn and attack you, and you can just leave it on its own to level up, only needing to press a button when you run out of MP or get a new skill. Cheap, but no cheaper than requiring you to level all classes to 99 by hand just to get an achievement.
typhonsentra said:I'm at the end of disc 1 now (Jibral), just got threw the caravan defense mission. I gotta say, what were they thinking with those tigers!? Way overpowered compared to previous enemy encounters.
u_neek said:Didn't Sakaguchi already announce that Mistwalker is working on a sequel?
iapetus said:You were playing the game while grinding on easy guys for an hour? Clearly you haven't yet realised the level of abuse you can get out of Field Barrier level 3.![]()
iapetus said:Not as long as you might think. There are SP-doubling accessories around that you can pick up. If you then level barrier magic to level 50 you can get a field ability that allows you to destroy enemies on the field for SP just by walking into them (or having them walk into you) at a cost of 1MP per kill. Stink up all your characters, find a spot where 3SP enemies respawn and attack you, and you can just leave it on its own to level up, only needing to press a button when you run out of MP or get a new skill. Cheap, but no cheaper than requiring you to level all classes to 99 by hand just to get an achievement.
BboyDubC said:Still... getting up to level 50 on barrier on hard will even take a long time
Android18a said:Where's the best place to get spawning enemies to run into my field barrier? At the moment I'm using the poo snake island...
cilonen said:Any of the typical JRPG pitfalls I should be wary of? - i.e. - get this innocent looking chest in the first area and never get the best weapon in the game (i'm looking at you FFXII);
u_neek said:Didn't Sakaguchi already announce that Mistwalker is working on a sequel?
cilonen said:Any of the typical JRPG pitfalls I should be wary of? - i.e. - get this innocent looking chest in the first area and never get the best weapon in the game (i'm looking at you FFXII); or 'don't grind for hours as the monsters level with you and you'll never have a hope of beating Edea' type pitfalls.
In the first dungeon, a few of the chests you can open screw you over later, by not getting the best weapon.clashfan said:What is that about? I just bought FFXII but havent' started playing yet. Is there something I need to be aware of?
Takuhi said:As for a sequel, in an interview he did with us (Play), Sakaguchi announced that he would be making an announcement about the future of Blue Dragon soon. And that his plans for the series have no connection to his previously stated interest in episodic RPGs and MMORPGs.
Android18a said:Where's the best place to get spawning enemies to run into my field barrier? At the moment I'm using the poo snake island...