Masta_Killah said:When the effect happens, hold down LB or RB to see what attack boost you have on and see if it matches the dragons element effects.
Ah, excellent. I never thought to do that.
Masta_Killah said:When the effect happens, hold down LB or RB to see what attack boost you have on and see if it matches the dragons element effects.
Eric WK said:Found a somewhat reasonable spot to grind XP, but I don't know if I feel like taking it to 99. At the very beginning of the Ancient Ruins - Forest, the four poos give just over a thousand XP each and can be cleared in ~3 minutes. I usually have Kluke wearing the shoes that always have her attack first and just use the first ground skill - wipes them all out.
I don't know. We'll see how I feel about doing that for hours on end.
Oh and according to the achievement guide here,
, you can use the Poo Bracelet on the Golden Poo Snakes.
That guide is much more streamlined and accessible than the one on GameFAQs too.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:I've got a question about the end of disc 2 and a possible you get an achievement if you can avoid Nene from stomping on you with his mecha-ostrich? I'm assuming you do since that's the way this game has been going for achievements but I'd like to know for sure.
I'm really trying to avoid using any guides here.
Android18a said:*cries* My Disc 3 has a nasty circle scratch right around the outside and won't let me do almost anything now! Damn you, Xbox! DAMN YOU!!!
Anyone want to sort me out with a new Disc 3?![]()
djtiesto said:Just finished disk 1 and made it to the Laser Fields... one thing on disk 1 I noticed, in a few of the final cinemas, it would pause and then start back up again, after skipping parts of the cinemas... I checked the disk and there wasn't a scratch in sight, could it just be that my 360 was overheating a bit from playing the game too long continuously?
soco said:i noticed a few odd places like this at the very end, most notably in the. and i think what this is several videos that are played back to back, and the next one takes some time to load and start when the first one ends, so it seems like an odd pause. i played themechat scenes before the mechat fightseveral times through and it did exactly the same thing every time. i also noticed that if i hit start to skip them, it'd just go to the next video.mechat thing
is this like your problem?
clashfan said:What is that about? I just bought FFXII but havent' started playing yet. Is there something I need to be aware of?
XHitoshuraX said:Hmmm, I wonder why this thread was never sticky-ed?
XHitoshuraX said:Hmmm, I wonder why this thread was never sticky-ed?
XHitoshuraX said:It is completely impolite to answer a question with a question.![]()
XHitoshuraX said:I was just curious. I know that an XBOX fan would look at my post history and snarl madly but I really am just wondering. I have nothing against the 360.
Its just interesting to see what Official Threads get sticky-ed and which don't. There doesn't seem to be a specific factor. Though it seems that the "better" the OP the better chance it has.
XHitoshuraX said:Well I suppose not as much as it would have been if reviews were higher overall...
dirtmonkey37 said:What is meant by "time lag"? Does it mean that if I were to charge my attack past the red "sweet spot" it will be equally powerful as charging it in the red "sweet spot" but it will be delayed a couple character-turns?
dirtmonkey37 said:Also, a question:
The game's manual mentions that charging an attack in the "sweet spot" reduces MP consumption and time "lag."
What is meant by "time lag"? Does it mean that if I were to charge my attack past the red "sweet spot" it will be equally powerful as charging it in the red "sweet spot" but it will be delayed a couple character-turns?
Nolan. said:However Blue Dragon managed somehow to keep my interest throughout and even though I complained about minor things such as art I still really enjoyed it. And if a game I didn't really have much faith in can be so enjoyable I can't wait to see what becomes of Lost Odyssey. All in all well worth the time and effort and just goes to prove why I hardly ever listen to reviews religiously.
Xevren said:You really need the belt of hermes to even think about going after the golden snakes.
Xevren said:Whats your agility of the person who has it equipped? Theres a few more items out there to keep boosting your agility. Skill ninja swiftness helps too, just need really high agility.
There is the weird character that you'll encounter that will give you the option to buy items with your medals that level up classes or boost stats. I've only encountered him once and after I bought a few items he ran off..siamesedreamer said:I've got like 60 something medals. I know they help you level up, but how do you go about doing that?
Danielsan said:There is the weird character that you'll encounter that will give you the option to buy items with your medals that level up classes or boost stats. I've only encountered him once and after I bought a few items he ran off..
Turipo?Danielsan said:There is the weird character that you'll encounter that will give you the option to buy items with your medals that level up classes or boost stats. I've only encountered him once and after I bought a few items he ran off..
Darkman M said:The trick for the golden snakes is simple, simply equip the stun bomb field skill throw the bomb at the snake attack it with the x button while it's paralyzed and you get first attack everytime.
iapetus said:Untrue - I just tried that and it flees every time.![]()