In our great nation of astronauts, policemen and food-service workers, we are all bound together by our common right: the right to vote (except for ex-felons). This binding force is much like the binding Force from the popular science fiction movie "Star Wars," in which the noble hero Luke Skywalker takes on the dreaded and oppressive British Empire. This story can be seen as an allegory of the individual's struggle for democracy throughout the ages, culminating in 1987 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the destruction of the Death Star by colonists dressed as Native Americans, led by time-traveling president Ronald Reagan. How dare you, sir, defile the greatest President, nay, the greatest Man this country has ever let loose from its shining, glorious bowels. Thanks to people like you, the secret to time travel has been lost forever in the depths of space. I place a pox on you and your family. Thank you for our time.
Jim McGee