
Box Arts said:
Miscellaneous LinksTrailers and Gameplay said:EU Announcement Trailer
Intro Trailer
Gameplay Trailer
Deluxe Collector's Edition
UK TV Ad 1
UK TV Ad 2
Character Trailer
Bravely Default - Launch Trailer
[EU] Unboxing - Bravely Default Edition Collector - Deluxe Edition
Bill Trinen explain's Bravely Default's mechanics
Satoru Shibata explain's Bravely Default's mechanics
NintenDaan's first hour look at the English version
[NA] Bravely Default Collector's Edition Unboxing
Artworks and Summons
European CE photos by ThePeoplesBureau
Review Thread
Bravely Default European eShop demo thread
American Bravely Default CE announcement thread
Bravely Default : Deluxe Collector's Edition (EU) thread
Bravely Default 1 Year Anniversary Special Event Live Stream thread [Summary In OP]
Bravely Default For the Sequel (BDFtS) Pre-Release Special Event Live Stream on Dec 2 thread
Bravely Default For the Sequel (BDFtS) Post-Release Special Event Stream on Dec 20 thread (Spoilers very likely)
Main improvements emphasised by the developers
The full fan suggested improvements they taken aboard and considered for this Enhanced edition.
Square Enix Japan's For the Sequel website
Nintendo UK's Bravely Default webpage
Square Enix Europe's Bravely Default webpage
Bravely Default: Where The Fairy Flies wikia page
Siliconeras Bravely Default coverage
Translated Iwata Ask: Bravely Default - Flying Fairy Part 1
Translated Iwata Ask: Bravely Default - Flying Fairy Part 2
Translated Iwata Ask: Bravely Default - Flying Fairy Part 3
Producer Tomoya Asano Famitsu interview Part 1
Producer Tomoya Asano Famitsu interview Part 2
WiiUandMii's Brave Friday feature Part 1 = The talent behind Bravely Default
WiiUandMii's Brave Friday feature Part 2 = Connectivity Features in Bravely Default
WiiUandMii's Brave Friday feature Part 3 = The Battle System of Bravely Default
WiiUandMii's Brave Friday feature Part 4 = The World of Bravely Default
Also if you wish to share your Friend Codes on here to be shared amongst the thread please PM ThePeoplesBureau, who will collate the Friend Codes daily onto a post and you'll just have to PM/tell each other you've added one and other
[Instructions here]
SPOILER THREAD - Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Spoils thread (For discussion of spoilers here)
Bug Warning(?) found by Labadal backed byThePeoplesBureau
This is if you want to add friends for Bravely Default. I wondered why no friends would register in the game. Turns out I had to delete my entire friends list because I kept getting error messages when trying to add friends to the game. After deleting everyone I added in this thread, I am slowly re-registering friends and it works.
I THINK that this bug is possible if someone on your friends list plays the game before you. I only have 35 more people to re-register (lol).
I thought this was just happening to me, I kept getting 'an error has occurred' whenever trying to add friends, it just would not have it at all. I had to wipe my entire friends list (all 100! *still cries*) and re-add them tentatively in blocks in order to check I wasn't re-adding the offending friend, if that was indeed the problem. It did fix things, and I'm merrily abilinked up in my party now. Still, weird bug. I doubt it's widespread though, I couldn't find anything about it elsewhere...
Would anyone know the best way to bring this to Nintendo/SE's attention? It's little more than a courtesy as I don't think they'll go so far as to patch it, but it would be good to let them know at least.