Final Fantasy VII Rebirth PC |OT| The Definitive Edition


More or less finished with the Gongaga main quest and now I am exploring before going to the airport. The whole area gave a lot of attention to Tifa and Cloud and their relationship. I must admit, I did not expect

Sephiroth screwing with Cloud's head to the point that he tried to murder Tifa also took me by surprise. Tifa also connecting to the Lifestream was a huge boost for her character and really gave her protag vibes. And THEN Sephiroth tries to kill her! That really had me going. It shows you that Sephiroth is fully aware of how dangerous Tifa is to his plans since she is the one who brings Cloud back and heals his psyche. He's not treating her as one of Cloud's tag-alongs, and he realizes she's almost a threat to his plans as Aerith is. All in all, one of my biggest complaints with the original Sephiroth was how he literally cannot see anyone past Cloud and Aerith in the original and only spares two single lines to Tifa. More of that please. I have a lot of things to say but I will wait until I finish the game.


The final fight is some major BS. You go through the whole game, changing party members at will and sticking to the ones you want, only for at the end to be stuck with whatever the game gives you, I'm guessing based on affinity.

And I don't know, I noticed some stuff for the bosses where if you take a second too long to think stuff or play a tiny bit defensive you might as well start over. They almost all got that BS 1 shot or almost 1 shot that for me, it takes me out of the game, it's really the most hated thing for me in games.


The final fight is some major BS. You go through the whole game, changing party members at will and sticking to the ones you want, only for at the end to be stuck with whatever the game gives you, I'm guessing based on affinity.

And I don't know, I noticed some stuff for the bosses where if you take a second too long to think stuff or play a tiny bit defensive you might as well start over. They almost all got that BS 1 shot or almost 1 shot that for me, it takes me out of the game, it's really the most hated thing for me in games.

It's horrible. They forced me to use members of the party that I didn't use in main game (outside of forced sections).

It's way too long and last battle and time timing is fucked up.


It's horrible. They forced me to use members of the party that I didn't use in main game (outside of forced sections).

I liked all the sections where you are "forced" to use different characters together. It shakes things up from you usual optimal party composition. Otherwise most people would use the same party throughout the game (I know I do). This applies to the final part too. But I'm also a fan of "everyone contributes to the final battle".

I agree with Alex11 Alex11 regarding the BS attack though. First time I didn't have any ATB bar so I got fucked almost immediately after. Maybe there is a way to dodge it but in the end I just had to make sure I had some ATB bars to pop some elixirs.
I liked all the sections where you are "forced" to use different characters together. It shakes things up from you usual optimal party composition. Otherwise most people would use the same party throughout the game (I know I do). This applies to the final part too. But I'm also a fan of "everyone contributes to the final battle".

I agree with Alex11 Alex11 regarding the BS attack though. First time I didn't have any ATB bar so I got fucked almost immediately after. Maybe there is a way to dodge it but in the end I just had to make sure I had some ATB bars to pop some elixirs.
Every party member is actually great and I love the different styles. Kinda hard to not love Tifa, Cloud, and Yuffie the most with their fast aerial based styles though, so that's why I like when the story focuses exclusively on other characters to play as. In the post game VR battles each character has a personal solo challenge which is really good also.

When you have no atb remember there are synergy skills that evade big attacks which don't cost atb like Tifa's Slip n' slide


It's horrible. They forced me to use members of the party that I didn't use in main game (outside of forced sections).

It's way too long and last battle and time timing is fucked up.
I don't have a problem with how long it is, didn't have major problems in wining either, it's not a flex, I'm an average player.
I died twice, once because I didn't know what the fuck was happening with too much shit on the screen on top of forced changed party members and another to the last phase to that BS one shot attack, think you know the one.
I liked all the sections where you are "forced" to use different characters together. It shakes things up from you usual optimal party composition.
I like the idea of you playing from another character's perspective, but think it should be optional or somethin brief, absolutely hate when I'm invested in my main character and I like the skills, moves, etc. and then I'm forced into something else entirely. Sure, most here were fine, I liked the Yuffie section, but Cait, Jesus, I wanted to strangle whoever decided that section.
Otherwise most people would use the same party throughout the game (I know I do). This applies to the final part too. But I'm also a fan of "everyone contributes to the final battle".
Well, yeah, that is the point of having varied, multiple companions, no? It's a cool concept "everyone contributes to the final battle", but I think it's better done when a la Mass Effect 2, you still chose who to bring with you and you're still controlling the main character through and through, not even mentioning the decisions that affect the party.
I agree with Alex11 Alex11 regarding the BS attack though. First time I didn't have any ATB bar so I got fucked almost immediately after. Maybe there is a way to dodge it but in the end I just had to make sure I had some ATB bars to pop some elixirs.
Look, I adore the combat system, it could be even better, but some Boss fights are just BS with this "oh, you took too long, now it's time for the 1 shot kill", you know the ones, especially in this last fight, it's like a slap in the face.
And as I said, it's not a difficulty type thing, it's just lame, maybe it's just me, don't know.


I like the forced party battles (even the final one) because it makes you use the characters you may have not used that much. For me, everyone except Cait Sith is fun to use. Cait just feels weird due to how his playstyle changes based on the moogle being around or not, and some attacks relying on luck (the dice throws, for instance). I'm looking forward to playing the whole game in Hard mode, which I didn't on PS5 purposefully, as I wanted to reserve that for the PC playthrough.

"oh, you took too long, now it's time for the 1 shot kill"

I tend to think about those as just a test to see if you understand how the game works. Every enemy in-game can be pressured and staggered, and Scan tells you how to do it, and how to avoid getting 1-shot by unavoidable attacks (such as some of the summon's ultimates, but I do agree that they shouldn't happen in a fight as long as the final one (although I believe if you die you can restart from that particular segment, I think I did die at some point the first time I went through it and I didn't start back from the beginning).


Just finished it in dynamic mode in about 110 hours. Im burnt out so not going back for the platinum.

I loved the final fight. Was interesting seeing Bizarro Sephiroth earlier than the OG. I hated that we can’t adjust materia in the final fight- had no idea Aerith would be with me so she had almost nothing. Still beat him after a couple attempts since i stacked Cloud with everything.

I would like to see the end of the cutscene stuff in battles though. The amount of times where my limit damage would be negated to zero because of it drove me crazy.

Otherwise- great game with a ton of side quests if you're into that. Can’t wait for the final game.
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I tend to think about those as just a test to see if you understand how the game works. Every enemy in-game can be pressured and staggered, and Scan tells you how to do it, and how to avoid getting 1-shot by unavoidable attacks (such as some of the summon's ultimates, but I do agree that they shouldn't happen in a fight as long as the final one (although I believe if you die you can restart from that particular segment, I think I did die at some point the first time I went through it and I didn't start back from the beginning).
I know how the game works, It isn't a skill issue, I finished it, it wasn't hard , but it burned me hard, you need to play how the game wants you to play, fast, aggressive, even more so for the bosses, there you have to do exactly how and what the game wants, also the Assess is useless at the end fight for all the phases, it doesn't read anyone.

But that isn't the point, for me it's counterintuitive in an RPG to kill a boss or an enemy as fast as you can for fear of a 1 shot. So what if anyone takes their time, be more defensive, should they be punished for this?
But that isn't the point, for me it's counterintuitive in an RPG to kill a boss or an enemy as fast as you can for fear of a 1 shot.

The only true 1 shot in the game is Odin's Zanktussen (sp).

Now the final boss fights can get a little chaotic. On normal, the Item Master materia comes in quite useful. If there's one thing that's annoying, it's that you only get one opportunity to change materia/equipment, and that's right after the first segment is over.


I know how the game works, It isn't a skill issue, I finished it, it wasn't hard , but it burned me hard, you need to play how the game wants you to play, fast, aggressive, even more so for the bosses, there you have to do exactly how and what the game wants, also the Assess is useless at the end fight for all the phases, it doesn't read anyone.

But that isn't the point, for me it's counterintuitive in an RPG to kill a boss or an enemy as fast as you can for fear of a 1 shot. So what if anyone takes their time, be more defensive, should they be punished for this?
I didn't mean it was a skill issue, sorry if you thought that's what I meant. As I said, I understand that the final boss can be frustrating at times, especially if you die towards the end. As for the pace of combat... I'm afraid that's something you'll find in ARPGs in general.



Aw, man. A month later and the game basically dropped to 25-30% of its player base. Not sure how normal that is, but I guess it IS a single player game and it's unlikely that people will play it again after beating it.

I wonder how Veilguard is doin-


Jesus Christ.


Aw, man. A month later and the game basically dropped to 25-30% of its player base. Not sure how normal that is, but I guess it IS a single player game and it's unlikely that people will play it again after beating it.
Player retention is pretty good. It's tracking above the average when it comes to similar games at least.

Steam pre-order ranking
First Sunday: 40.5K (peak)
Second Sunday: 35.8K
Third Sunday: 29.9K

As of last Sunday (4th Sunday, 24.2K), It lost only ~40% of players (CCU).

To continue the comparison (players lost, 4th Sunday comparison, launch aligned):
Persona 3 ~51%
God of War ~70%
God of War Ragnarök ~49%
FFXVI ~67%
Metaphor ~65%
FF7 Remake ~51%
Yakuza Infinite Wealth ~56%
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I didn't mean it was a skill issue, sorry if you thought that's what I meant. As I said, I understand that the final boss can be frustrating at times, especially if you die towards the end.
No need to apologize, it's all good, maybe my reply gave annoyed vibes, that's not the case, the game annoyed me a bit too much at the end, lol. In fact it annoyed me from when the towers appeared right until the last level, which for me was amazing, it's like there are 3 or 4 different games here.

I still think the combat in good and interesting, all bosses on the story path and a few optional ones are good and no BS, this last one tries to be and do too many things.
As for the pace of combat... I'm afraid that's something you'll find in ARPGs in general.
Yeah, I think you're right, I don't play many JRPGs, in fact only 2 come to mind now, Nier Automata and Dragon Quest Echoes of an Elusive Age, but don't remember those to rush me. Elden Ring, From games don't count as JRPGS no? I don't think so.


What is the general consensus about the story for the big fans of FF7? I liked the story in general in Remake, here I find it a bit tiresome, especially at the end.
What I find so tiresome is the concept of multiple, parallel dimensions or worlds, it's also a lazy way of making up as much stuff as you want and not explaining it. I wonder if this has any meaning or impact for the story as a whole in part 3, because if it's gonna end the same as OG, then this whole stuff was for nothing.


What is the general consensus about the story for the big fans of FF7? I liked the story in general in Remake, here I find it a bit tiresome, especially at the end.
What I find so tiresome is the concept of multiple, parallel dimensions or worlds, it's also a lazy way of making up as much stuff as you want and not explaining it. I wonder if this has any meaning or impact for the story as a whole in part 3, because if it's gonna end the same as OG, then this whole stuff was for nothing.
Haven't finished the game yet, still running around the Cosmo Canyon region.

I am not a fan of time travel and I hate the multiverse. I am not 100% sure what they are doing with
yet, but I suspect they are doing it to have
dead characters of the 'main' timeline return via the 'backup' timeline, like Zack, Aerith and Biggs.

But I need to beat the game first. Those of you who beat it, I suggest you watch the Easy Allies w/Maximilian Dood brainstorming podcasts - the one in Remake was amazing, and I suspect the one they made for Rebirth is just as good. Will be the first thing to watch once I beat the game.

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What is the general consensus about the story for the big fans of FF7? I liked the story in general in Remake, here I find it a bit tiresome, especially at the end.
What I find so tiresome is the concept of multiple, parallel dimensions or worlds, it's also a lazy way of making up as much stuff as you want and not explaining it. I wonder if this has any meaning or impact for the story as a whole in part 3, because if it's gonna end the same as OG, then this whole stuff was for nothing.
I like the multiverse convoluted shit, so I'm good and enjoyed it thoroughly.

But aside from that, I'm happy they are doing something different, because now I'm actually excited to see what happens next in Part 3. If they did the story 1:1 then I would have checked out halfway through Remake.

FFVII OG is still there for everyone to be enjoyed. It's not going anywhere. Well, you actually need to play it to fully enjoy this trilogy.
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Moderated wildly
IM around 10-12 hours in and I am failing to see how this game scored 92. Dont get me wrong, I am enjoying it but there are some issues here that do not warrant that score in my opinion.

Ubisoft open world, terribly long animations, climbing animations etc. ITs all horribly long.


Ubisoft open world, terribly long animations, climbing animations etc. ITs all horribly long.
You don't have to engage with the open world stuff if you are not enjoying it. Just focus on the main quest and side quests (the green ones). You might also want to do the Protorelic quests but it will be difficult to complete it fully most likely.
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Finally reached Nibbelheim. Will be spending a lot of time in the region during the weekend. Finally reaching chapter 11, I'm basically on the last third of the game.


Wait, I got confused at the 2nd visit to the Gold Saucer.

Was that a recording of one of Jessy's previous shows back when she was alive?
PSA: UEVR (nightly build) works well with this game, but since the game lacks a first person view by default, it's basically a third person VR game. However, the Flat 2 VR discord has a custom script that basically turns the game into first person by hiding Cloud and adjusting the camera to his position, and it's pretty awesome. Don't have any pix to share though cuz the Steam screenshot button doesn't seem to work in UEVR - gonna have to figure that out.


Haven't finished the game yet, still running around the Cosmo Canyon region.

I am not a fan of time travel and I hate the multiverse. I am not 100% sure what they are doing with
yet, but I suspect they are doing it to have
dead characters of the 'main' timeline return via the 'backup' timeline, like Zack, Aerith and Biggs.
Yeah, don't like this in general, I think it really needs to have a very good writing and have well defined limits, for me in general everything that involves time travel, multiverse, parallel and whatnot works well when it's a more standalone type of story, a more personal story of maybe one or two characters.
I like the multiverse convoluted shit, so I'm good and enjoyed it thoroughly.

But aside from that, I'm happy they are doing something different, because now I'm actually excited to see what happens next in Part 3. If they did the story 1:1 then I would have checked out halfway through Remake.

FFVII OG is still there for everyone to be enjoyed. It's not going anywhere. Well, you actually need to play it to fully enjoy this trilogy.
Yeah, well, you know with sci fi and fantasy, everyone has different tastes and opinions and you can't really say which is in the right.

With remakes also there is this grey area, I understand your view if you remake something you shouldn't go 1:1, by I'm one that goes in the opposite direction more.

What I mean, say a game I'm a big fan of, especially the story, characters, if that game will have a remake, I wouldn't want different stuff. It would somehow nullify a bit the previous story, characters, motivations, growth, actions and this remake would be a "what if" and I would always view it as such.
When you accept and leave the story and characters how they were originally it has more meaning, they are more unique.
I mean, yeah, we all have this curiosity for story stuff, what if this or that happens, what about that character etc., but that's what gives more meaning to a story, no? That uniqueness, that wonder how or what things might have been otherwise.

But that's just me, as I said, tastes and whatnot.
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Moderated wildly
You don't have to engage with the open world stuff if you are not enjoying it. Just focus on the main quest and side quests (the green ones). You might also want to do the Protorelic quests but it will be difficult to complete it fully most likely.

I definitely have to do it all. I did it all for integrade. Just a but dragged out and frustrating but im still very much enjoying the game. I just don't think it deserves a 92 from these issues at this moment in time. Maybe some truly amazing stuff happens that negates these issues.


I just finished the game. I had to skim through Nibelheim because my other team members were surpassing my intimacy level with Tifa, so I only did the main quest on that one.

All in all, I really, really liked it, the final chapter wasn't nearly as insulting as I was afraid it would be, based on the reactions from the purists, but I do have to agree that

Aerith's death wasn't nearly as impactful as it was in the original, but that was expected since we all knew it was coming. If anything, most people who went 'blind' were afraid that Aerith wouldn't die, which kinda happened, and kinda not. I guess Aerith is going to be like the Joker in Arkham Knight? Cloud is going to have conversations with her while others will think he's crazier than usual. Also, Cloud is literally going to have Sephiroth as the devil and Aerith as the Angel, whispering into his ear. I must admit that Aerith was being ignored in favor of Tifa in the first 11 chapters. It was only near the last third of the game that the writers remembered that this gal is actually a main character. Other than Aerith telling Cloud how much she hated Hojo, I don't remember her having any important scenes in the first ten chapters of the game and I was afraid she would be an afterthought, but she really takes the reigns near the end of the game.

What else? Aah, Cid Highwind. Yeah, I get the complaints, I really get them. I REALLY hope they are saving his stuff for the third part, because yeah - that boy got cucked hard on this game. Vincent was handled perfectly for a 'kameo' character, though. Cait Sith was very enjoyable to play and look at, and honestly I don't get the complaints.

Not entirely sure what is the point of the multiverse. So far, it seems like they are only doing it to bring Zack back. I thought that the 'other world' was a way to bring back Zack and Aerith, but it seems that Aerith has been killed in both worlds. Also, I don't really understand what happened to other world Cloud - Aerith uses their other world bodies to 'possess' them after Sephiroth's attack, so what happens once Cloud's other body once his consciousness returns to the 'real' world? Did he becomes comatose again? It's all very confusing in terms of what happened when. 'Other world' Marlene has had the same 'talk' with 'other world' Aerith, which means that 'other world' Cloud had returned to Midgar and had the same adventures with Avalanche, yet we see 'other world' Cloud being brought to Midgar for the first time by 'other world' Zack ... it is very confusing, and the game makes no effort to explain what is 'real world' and what is 'other world'. And what the fuck was the whole point of bringing back Biggs? It almost feels that Zack was from a THIRD other world, and was transported from world #3 to world #2, and Biggs was brought from world #1 to world #2.
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I just started this the other day. So far it is a stuttering mess. Playing on a 9800x3d and RTX 5080. Have tried all the fixes, including disabling Resizable Bar (which seemed to help the most).


I just started this the other day. So far it is a stuttering mess. Playing on a 9800x3d and RTX 5080. Have tried all the fixes, including disabling Resizable Bar (which seemed to help the most).
Do you have V-Sync in the graphics options of the game? If yes, try switching it to VRR, it erased 80% of the stutters for me.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I just finished the game. I had to skim through Nibelheim because my other team members were surpassing my intimacy level with Tifa, so I only did the main quest on that one.

All in all, I really, really liked it, the final chapter wasn't nearly as insulting as I was afraid it would be, based on the reactions from the purists, but I do have to agree that
I think they are going for the it doesn't make sense now but will make sense and change everything in Part 3. Although I think they are trying to run a competition on what's more convoluted FF7R or Xenosaga.


I am watching Easy Allies' Spoiler Mode for the game. The one they did in Remake was amazing, really want to watch Rebirth's thoughts on that as well.

I think they are going for the it doesn't make sense now but will make sense and change everything in Part 3. Although I think they are trying to run a competition on what's more convoluted FF7R or Xenosaga.
Dude, NOTHING can beat Xenosaga, except maybe Kingdom Hearts.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Dude, NOTHING can beat Xenosaga, except maybe Kingdom Hearts.
They are welcome to try.

I think the changes are only acceptable if you take into account after stepping through the portal near the end of Remake that multiple parallel continuities are created and have their own alterations. Maybe similar to the Legend of Zelda timeline split and at some point through a dragon break all those timelines will converge together once again.
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But that's just me, as I said, tastes and whatnot.
Fair enough, I get your point of view.

To add to what I said before: in general I dislike 1:1 remakes, as most of the time they are not developed with the original creative force and even if it is, they end up fucking something up. That's why I like the approach they are using with this trilogy.

Aerith's death wasn't nearly as impactful as it was in the original, but that was expected since we all knew it was coming. If anything, most people who went 'blind' were afraid that Aerith wouldn't die, which kinda happened, and kinda not. I guess Aerith is going to be like the Joker in Arkham Knight? Cloud is going to have conversations with her while others will think he's crazier than usual. Also, Cloud is literally going to have Sephiroth as the devil and Aerith as the Angel, whispering into his ear. I must admit that Aerith was being ignored in favor of Tifa in the first 11 chapters. It was only near the last third of the game that the writers remembered that this gal is actually a main character. Other than Aerith telling Cloud how much she hated Hojo, I don't remember her having any important scenes in the first ten chapters of the game and I was afraid she would be an afterthought, but she really takes the reigns near the end of the game.
Regarding Aerith:

Aside the multiverse stuff, where she is dead in our timeline and alive in another (now unspecified) timeline... Personally I liked how they handled her death. No matter what they did, they had no chance of replicating that feeling we all experienced the first time in the OG.

Instead of focusing on her actual death, they focused on the Cloud POV. His mind is literally broken, even more so than in the OG due to the multiverse shenanigans (he seems to be in a superposition state where he can interact with the "Aerith alive" timeline in a limited way). You can see that Cloud is not even mourning, because he thinks Aerith is still alive, while all the other party members know that Aerith is gone.

He is hanging by a very thin thread: when it snaps and he realizes that Aerith is actually dead... It will be pretty painful to see in Part 3. We will see how they handle that, it will be one of the most pivotal scenes of Part 3.
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I just finished the game. I had to skim through Nibelheim because my other team members were surpassing my intimacy level with Tifa, so I only did the main quest on that one.

All in all, I really, really liked it, the final chapter wasn't nearly as insulting as I was afraid it would be, based on the reactions from the purists, but I do have to agree that

Aerith's death wasn't nearly as impactful as it was in the original, but that was expected since we all knew it was coming. If anything, most people who went 'blind' were afraid that Aerith wouldn't die, which kinda happened, and kinda not. I guess Aerith is going to be like the Joker in Arkham Knight? Cloud is going to have conversations with her while others will think he's crazier than usual. Also, Cloud is literally going to have Sephiroth as the devil and Aerith as the Angel, whispering into his ear. I must admit that Aerith was being ignored in favor of Tifa in the first 11 chapters. It was only near the last third of the game that the writers remembered that this gal is actually a main character. Other than Aerith telling Cloud how much she hated Hojo, I don't remember her having any important scenes in the first ten chapters of the game and I was afraid she would be an afterthought, but she really takes the reigns near the end of the game.

What else? Aah, Cid Highwind. Yeah, I get the complaints, I really get them. I REALLY hope they are saving his stuff for the third part, because yeah - that boy got cucked hard on this game. Vincent was handled perfectly for a 'kameo' character, though. Cait Sith was very enjoyable to play and look at, and honestly I don't get the complaints.

Not entirely sure what is the point of the multiverse. So far, it seems like they are only doing it to bring Zack back. I thought that the 'other world' was a way to bring back Zack and Aerith, but it seems that Aerith has been killed in both worlds. Also, I don't really understand what happened to other world Cloud - Aerith uses their other world bodies to 'possess' them after Sephiroth's attack, so what happens once Cloud's other body once his consciousness returns to the 'real' world? Did he becomes comatose again? It's all very confusing in terms of what happened when. 'Other world' Marlene has had the same 'talk' with 'other world' Aerith, which means that 'other world' Cloud had returned to Midgar and had the same adventures with Avalanche, yet we see 'other world' Cloud being brought to Midgar for the first time by 'other world' Zack ... it is very confusing, and the game makes no effort to explain what is 'real world' and what is 'other world'. And what the fuck was the whole point of bringing back Biggs? It almost feels that Zack was from a THIRD other world, and was transported from world #3 to world #2, and Biggs was brought from world #1 to world #2.

Biggs was a big question mark for me too. He felt useless. And yeah he is the original Biggs. He has genuine memories of fighting alongside Cloud before the whispers were offed.

If I were to guess, Biggs was there to act as a catalyst for Zack. He sort of guided Zack around, and made Zack realize he finally has to run instead of trying to be stupid and kamikaze each time. Biggs received the bullet meant for Zack. This is how Zack becomes an anomaly ending up in other timelines.

It seems there are 3 Clouds.

-One if the original from Remake, and you play as him. He survived Zack, and lives his memories, defeats the whispers with Avalanche.

-One is missing in the timeline where Zack ends up with comatose Aerith. He seems to be on the run here. The search parties are after him. He isn't in the helicopter.

-One is still mako poisoned alongside Zack. Since Zack survives in this timeline he is able to take this Cloud along and he hasn't woken up yet.


Fair enough, I get your point of view.

To add to what I said before: in general I dislike 1:1 remakes, as most of the time they are not developed with the original creative force and even if it is, they end up fucking something up. That's why I like the approach they are using with this trilogy.

Regarding Aerith:

Aside the multiverse stuff, where she is dead in our timeline and alive in another (now unspecified) timeline... Personally I liked how they handled her death. No matter what they did, they had no chance of replicating that feeling we all experienced the first time in the OG.

Instead of focusing on her actual death, they focused on the Cloud POV. His mind is literally broken, even more so than in the OG due to the multiverse shenanigans (he seems to be in a superposition state where he can interact with the "Aerith alive" timeline in a limited way). You can see that Cloud is not even mourning, because he thinks Aerith is still alive, while all the other party members know that Aerith is gone.

He is hanging by a very thin thread: when it snaps and he realizes that Aerith is actually dead... It will be pretty painful to see in Part 3. We will see how they handle that, it will be one of the most pivotal scenes of Part 3.
I interpreted it completely different - but you make some valid points, and also explains why Cloud

is smiling and seems happy around her - they're probably doing it to make that moment you say hit him even harder.
What else? Aah, Cid Highwind. Yeah, I get the complaints, I really get them. I REALLY hope they are saving his stuff for the third part

IIRC, Cid's Hometown has two parts to it, the second part happens after the events in Rebirth... so maybe they will just combine it into one chapter.


IIRC, Cid's Hometown has two parts to it, the second part happens after the events in Rebirth... so maybe they will just combine it into one chapter.
They're probably saving his stuff in order for the not-FF7-veteran player to have a shock moment when they
see the guy who seemed like a 'cool uncle' is actually kind of a dick to his family.

I think that sensitivity departments may tell them to not do it - they've already deprived him of his cigar - but if they made Corneo work, they can make Cid work.
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I think that sensitivity departments may tell them to not do it - they've already deprived him of his cigar - but if they made Corneo work, they can make Cid work.
Did they? Corneo and the Wall Market honchos thing in Remake+Rebirth always came off as tone deaf to me. These are characters that were knowingly sending young women into sex slavery and/or death and we're supposed to treat them as quirky people? They're all awful people lol


we're supposed to treat them as quirky people?
Yes, because that's how the original treated them. If anything, the remake makes Corneo seem more dangerous than he was in the original.

I watched halfway the Maximian/Easy Allies spoiler mode and I must say that other than the cringe of them nerdgasming over the multiverse bullshit, Max always delivers in making me realize things I didn't. For example,
I thought that Aerith awakening and speaking to Cloud seconds after Sephiroth kills her was multiverse bullshit and her consciousness immediately talking to him, but it's actually Cloud dealing with her death the same way he did with Zack's - his mind distorts the event in order to protect him from sadness and the fact she's dead. He's LITERALLY doing the same thing he did with his best friend. And they make a good case that Tifa in the Remake won't spend as much time telling him about Zack as telling him about Aerith and helping him accept that she's dead - which also makes his depression in Advent Children make a lot more sense. They also make a perfect case for this when they say that after Aerith dies, in the next boss fight every character has an active Limit Break, which is because her death literally hurt them and they want blood ... EVERYONE has that Limit Break EXCEPT Cloud. Because Cloud hasn't processed the grief at ALL, because his mind tells him that she never died, he actually saved her from Sephiroth's pierce attack. Which is also why we also don't see the iconic scene where he places her body in the water - his mind literally erases the fact. I must say that what the devs did here is bloody brilliant.
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Yes, because that's how the original treated them. If anything, the remake makes Corneo seem more dangerous than he was in the original.
You're trying to tell me that THIS is how they treated Corneo in the original? Yeah, they made him seem REAL dangerous... lol

Also, there was no "them" in the original. It's just Corneo and his nameless goons, all of whom were summarily taken care of within 10 minutes of screentime. As a reminder, Corneo is only in TWO scenes in the original and he's not played off as a goofball, he's portrayed as the spineless creep that he is... and he pays for it the second time you meet him in Wutai.
The honchos I was referencing are the hand massage woman, the cowboy with the monotone voice acting, and the gay dancing guy. All awful people that the writers want us to think are quirky people... if you ignore the sex trafficking. Like I said: tone-deaf.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: when the story sticks to script, it's excellent. But when they try new things, it often falls flat on its face.

But having said all that, I still love the game overall because the good outweighs the bad. Just because I'm not afraid to criticize the flaws doesn't mean I'm a hater or whatever nonsense that diehards think.
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