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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Referring to Israel (the state) as Nazi is not something done exclusively by non-Jews. Many Jews have referred to Israel as just that.

It is in reference to obvious racism by the Israeli government (and some of its people) against Arabs and Palestinians and even against some non-light skinned, non-Ashkenazi Jews, followed by actually killing Arabs and systematically taking over their lands. I don't think there is anything in the present comparable to what Israel is doing with its gradual and systematic suppression of the Palestinians followed by land grabs to eventually taking over all of Palestine (although I think the situation is not comparable to Nazism either).

No, it is not a reverse Holocaust card as you're making it out to be.

No, just no. "Most" Jews do not consider Israel and their government a Nazi state. If your trying to lump a few extremist Jewish Holocaust deniers and some Jews for Jesus (not real Jews) then you are sadly mistaken.

You are not gonna find a large group of Jews that compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Heck your not gonna find a large group of logical individuals comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. However you can find a small group of extremists and bigots to find validity in that comparison.


it seems Israel has no qualms about blowing up a dozen innocent people if they even suspect an individual on their kill list is in the vicinity.

Hamas are blindly shooting missles over to Israel in hope to kill ANY Israeli. They launch from places where they know will have some civilian casualties. Israel directly targets places where the missles are fired from or terrorist are located with percision. How can anyone defend Hamas and condemn Israel? Hamas wants to hid behind women and children while shooting missles blindly at Israel attempting to hit Israeli women and children.

I am not saying it doesn't suck but Hamas is hoping that their dirty tactics will garner no response and Israel can't afford to be shot at indefinately.


Phone calls, pamplets,roof knocks(drop a casing on the roof to warn)

During the 2006 war, the Israeli's would drop pamphlets warning people to move out of certain areas, calling homes, etc. Though this did also result in Hezbollah having time to also move out of the way.

The Israeli's are employing the same technique now as well. It also results in many cases when people would flood these locations to act as human shields.


Israel directly targets places where the missles are fired from or terrorist are located with percision.

You have some funny ideas as to what constitutes precision based on the civilian casualty numbers coming out of the region.


During the 2006 war, the Israeli's would drop pamphlets warning people to move out of certain areas, calling homes, etc. Though this did also result in Hezbollah having time to also move out of the way.

The Israeli's are employing the same technique now as well. It also results in many cases when people would flood these locations to act as human shields.

If people are stuipid enough to go there WHERE there will be bombings, then I have no sympath for them. At all.


Just saw a video on FB of palestinians digging at spots where a rocket came down and blew down a house. After digging for a while they find a human arm and they start digging further to find out it is a small child under all the rubble. amazingly the child is still alive and saved.

Can't understand that people say that Israel is in their right to attack public places because it is where the "terrorists" are hiding. What the hell is the difference between hamas firing missles at israeli locations with the possibility of hitting civilians and Israel doing it? Nothing, they are both acts of terrorism imo no matter how you approach this story.


You have some funny ideas as to what constitutes precision based on the civilian casualty numbers coming out of the region.

Well when they launch and hide in civilian areas it's what they hope will save them. You know using human sheilds. Again, those deaths are on Hamas, not Israel.


Just saw a video on FB of palestinians digging at spots where a rocket came down and blew down a house. After digging for a while they find a human arm and they start digging further to find out it is a small child under all the rubble. amazingly the child is still alive and saved.

Can't understand that people say that Israel is in their right to attack public places because it is where the "terrorists" are hiding. What the hell is the difference between hamas firing missles at israeli locations with the possibility of hitting civilians and Israel doing it? Nothing, they are both acts of terrorism imo no matter how you approach this story.

Hamas is aiming at killing civilians. Hamas shoots missles to kill ANY Israeli and then hides in schools, daycares and hospitals putting civilians in danger selfishly. Israel aims at places where terrorsts/ammunition/missles are located and hit those places. Unfortunately their are innocent casualties (which is what Hamas wants) but far less then if Israel put ground troops down their and had firefights.

I can't fathom how people can defend Hamas.


He makes several points but your post reads like you bounced after the first minute.

hahaha... I am not it's just there is big different in power between the 2 of them...

Well when they launch and hide in civilian areas it's what they hope will save them. You know using human sheilds. Again, those deaths are on Hamas, not Israel.

yeah how can there kill any civilian with these bomb

and what type of Roket is this cuz it's fuking big....



I wonder what kind of rocket launcher was under that beach cafe.
They targeted a terrorist. It was a "targeted attack". And apparently the best moment to execute that attack was when he was in a cafe filled with civilians.
I don't know what excuse they have for that. Then again, the US didn't need one to bomb weddings and funerals.


it seems Israel has no qualms about blowing up a dozen innocent people if they even suspect an individual on their kill list is in the vicinity.

Exactly. Looking at the kill count from the latest round of attacks, its about 100 for the IDF, and 0 for Hamas (unsurprising when you consider how low tech and underpowered the 'rockets' being fired by that side are). Even the UN is looking at Israel's attack and questioning whether it falls afoul of international law -- not that the Israeli government cares even the slightest about that (and have said as much), and with my country unwaveringly backing them up (and essentially promising to use their Security Council veto to protect the Israeli government at all costs), they have no reason to stop.

There are no winners in any of this, and both sides have more than their fair share of warmongers that want the I-P conflict to go on for generations to come, but I think people are far too quick to take Israel's side when they're frankly just as much at fault (Palestine is an apartheid state -- as much as Israelis don't like to hear it, it's still true).
Israel aims at places where terrorsts...

No they don't. Are you familiar with the Dahiya Doctrine? Collective punishment is Israeli policy. It is flatly a lie to say it doesn't intend to kill and harm civilians. There are no mistakes in these casualty rates.

There are no human shields in an open air prison. This is an execrable tactic of deflection and projection toward euphemizing collective punishment.

Here's what happening, ON THE GROUND

Israel expanded its targets in Gaza and bombed houses, school, university, hospitals, cars, media, motorbikes, bus, mosques, A CEMETERY, humans and pretty much anything and everything.

That is the Dahiya Doctrine.

“The targeting and destruction of residential properties in Gaza is the main cause of civilian casualties,” according to a situation report from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), covering 7-9 July, the first three days of the current Israeli assault.

An attack on the Kaware family home in Khan Younis on Tuesday killed seven civilians, including at least two children, and injured 28 other people, while an attack on the Hamad family home in Beit Hanoun resulted in the deaths of six civilians, according to PCHR.

By 9 July, some 150 homes had been destroyed or severely damaged by Israeli airstrikes, displacing about 900 people, according to OCHA. That number is certain to have risen significantly.

That is Dahiya Doctrine.

Airstrikes have destroyed a water line providing clean drinking water 2 Beach refugee camp. Efforts underway 2 repair it RT

That is Dahiya Doctrine.


Exactly. Looking at the kill count from the latest round of attacks, its about 100 for the IDF, and 0 for Hamas (unsurprising when you consider how low tech and underpowered the 'rockets' being fired by that side are). Even the UN is looking at Israel's attack and questioning whether it falls afoul of international law -- not that the Israeli government cares even the slightest about that (and have said as much), and with my country unwaveringly backing them up (and essentially promising to use their Security Council veto to protect the Israeli government at all costs), they have no reason to stop.

There are no winners in any of this, and both sides have more than their fair share of warmongers that want the I-P conflict to go on for generations to come, but I think people are far too quick to take Israel's side when they're frankly just as much at fault (Palestine is an apartheid state -- as much as Israelis don't like to hear it, it's still true).

Just a point from the tech side. They aren't firing bottle rockets or some home junk built in a garage. Its a m302/variant of a missle Hezb used in 06. It not point and click weapon,but fires over 100km.
So Hizbollah is shooting at Israel too. Israel should really treat those people better. Poor Hisbollah has no other way to protest than shooting rockets.


Rather ... emotional news, but she makes good points. Especially the part about the palastinians and Israel not being equals. Did they cut her off at the end or is it just this video?

I don't care about her... did u see how many bomb they drop in one area.... don't bs us in telling they are targeting Hamas only


I don't care about her... did u see how many bomb they drop in one area.... don't bs us in telling they are targeting Hamas only
If Israel would have liked to kill citizens, there would be far more than 90 killed by now(Mind you, close to all of them are Hamas activists). Gaza is very crowded and Israel always warns the residents of each building before they bomb it.

Sadly innocent citizens are still being killed. Some of the folks in my country like it, but most of us don't.

Netaniahu gave Hamas 48 hours to stop shooting rockets at israel, and then even added another extra day to it. Eventually IDF had to start an operation.


I don't care about her... did u see how many bomb they drop in one area.... don't bs us in telling they are targeting Hamas only
Yo, calm your tits and look at my posting history in this thread, maybe then you will stop snapping at me.

Please keep also in mind that I wrote specifically about the beach cafe incident, not about every attack Israel makes.


If Israel would have liked to kill citizens, there would be far more than 90 killed by now(Mind you, close to all of them are Hamas activists). Gaza is very crowded and Israel always warns the residents of each building before they bomb it.

Sadly innocent citizens are still being killed. Some of the folks in my country like it, but most of us don't.

Netaniahu gave Hamas 48 hours to stop shooting rockets at israel, and then even added another extra day to it. Eventually IDF had to start an operation.

How many Hamas soldiers have been killed compared to civilians?


Finally found the time to watch this. Thanks for the link. He makes a really strong and fair point.

Israel cannot continue to hide behind stainless intentions when these end up soaked in innocent blood.
It can and will, actually. Israel killed upwards of 20,000 civilians in airstrikes in their invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and enabled the Phalange to kill thousands more in the Sabra and Chatila camps. The biggest reaction they got was a tisk tisk from the international community. They've been getting away with slaughter for decades and the only way to make them stop is for the US to put massive economic pressure on the government via sanctions and withholding aid, and that will never, ever happen in the current political climate.
They targeted a terrorist. It was a "targeted attack". And apparently the best moment to execute that attack was when he was in a cafe filled with civilians.
I don't know what excuse they have for that. Then again, the US didn't need one to bomb weddings and funerals.

You know the worst thing tho? Hamas knows to hide in crowded areas. If you do that, you kill civilians, and perpetuate the Hamas cause.

So my assumption is that the Israeli government just wants to eliminate any trace of Hamas - a very short sighted goal. If the US can't eliminate Al Quaida completely, Israel won't be able to either. They should be weakening it through education and having Palestinians themselves push out the extremists who are not speaking on behalf of them.

But hey, if they think they can wipe out all of Hamas and ensure the Palestinian people will go "Thanks for taking them out!", then you have to admire their morbid optimism.


So my assumption is that the Israeli government just wants to eliminate any trace of Hamas - a very short sighted goal. If the US can't eliminate Al Quaida completely, Israel won't be able to either. They should be weakening it through education and having Palestinians themselves push out the extremists who are not speaking on behalf of them.

But hey, if they think they can wipe out all of Hamas and ensure the Palestinian people will go "Thanks for taking them out!", then you have to admire their morbid optimism.
There's absolutely no way that they think that. Ignoring the fact that Hamas was voted in by a good portion of said Palestinians, if they really wanted to weaken Hamas they would stop build illegal settlements on Palestinian land and pissing people off so much that they're willing to support Hamas.


You know the worst thing tho? Hamas knows to hide in crowded areas. If you do that, you kill civilians, and perpetuate the Hamas cause.

So my assumption is that the Israeli government just wants to eliminate any trace of Hamas - a very short sighted goal. If the US can't eliminate Al Quaida completely, Israel won't be able to either. They should be weakening it through education and having Palestinians themselves push out the extremists who are not speaking on behalf of them.

But hey, if they think they can wipe out all of Hamas and ensure the Palestinian people will go "Thanks for taking them out!", then you have to admire their morbid optimism.
Right you are.

But I think Israel can do in a way something the americans can't do in the middle east. They can kill and exile everyone from that area, because "it's rightfully theirs". Well and that seems to be the ultimate plan of Israel. Be it through bullying or direct violence, they take Gaza, step for step. In the end they are the stronger force between them too and will be winners, if nobody steps in.

They don't want the sympathy of the people, they only want the land for their own.
No, just no. "Most" Jews do not consider Israel and their government a Nazi state. If your trying to lump a few extremist Jewish Holocaust deniers and some Jews for Jesus (not real Jews) then you are sadly mistaken.

You are not gonna find a large group of Jews that compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Heck your not gonna find a large group of logical individuals comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. However you can find a small group of extremists and bigots to find validity in that comparison.

I never said "most". Putting it in quotes does not make it true.

Many Jews HAVE called Israel a Nazi a state. And no, they're not the Holocaust-denier variety either (Holocaust deniers would take it as a COMPLIMENT to call Israel a Nazi state).

Ultra Orthodox groups have called Israel a Nazi state (albeit they are opposed to Israel existing as a whole). They don't deny the Holocaust either.

And I have not said that the comparison is valid (it is not valid). I have said that the comparison isn't racist.


Right you are.

But I think Israel can do in a way something the americans can't do in the middle east. They can kill and exile everyone from that area, because "it's rightfully theirs". Well and that seems to be the ultimate plan of Israel. Be it through bullying or direct violence, they take Gaza, step for step. In the end they are the stronger force between them too and will be winners, if nobody steps in.

They don't want the sympathy of the people, they only want the land for their own.
Who is "they"? From where do you take that assumption that Israel wants Gaza?

Most of the people in my country just want to end this damn conflict, it has nothing to do with lands and such. You are talking about the extremists that live close to the border, both Israeli and Palastinian, trying to hammer at each other to win an endless war. It's not about the Palestenians or Israelis, it's about religion, and its devestating effects on both populations.

As an Israeli, I would certainly not generelize all the Palestenians as terrorists and extremists. If our government would have decided to take Gaza it would have happened by now, trust me.

The government has done all it can to put a giant border between us and them, including the west bank barrier and the infamous disengagement from Gaza. How can you say Israel is actively pushing towards Gaza, when in fact the opposite thing is happening?

It's easy to say things when you don't live here, when you don't undertstand the conflict well. It's easy to blame Israel because we are the stronger of the bunch. Both sides have done bad things to each other, while the talks between us and them keep getting interrupted both by Abu mazen and Netaniahu. You shouldn't generelize one side or demonize one population/country while ignoring the sins of the other. Israel is capable of killing thousands easily, but so far the army warned all citizens in buldings and surrounding areas before bombing it. Plus it is essential to understand that Hamas is using children and citizens as a human shield, sometimes forcing them to stay in a certain building, to prevent Israel from attacking.


Sorry I misread the question. I am not sure how many civilians were killed, but I am pretty sure most casualties were Hamas activists.
You keep using Hamas activists as an excuse, what proof do you have that these people are activists?

Also the claim of them using human shields comes from the Israeli government and military right? I'd rather read that from an impartial source before i believe it.


You keep using Hamas activists as an excuse, what proof do you have that these people are activists?

Also the claim of them using human shields comes from the Israeli government and military right? I'd rather read that from an impartial source before i believe it.
Because their names are listed as terrorists by our government. Usually these are people of high rank in Hamas.

Ask yourself this, why would Israel intentionally bomb civilians? What reason?
And oh, it must be a coincidence that Israel started to bomb Gaza after giving Hamas, what, 3 whole days to stop shooting their damn rockets at Israel?
And why? It's not like they are hurting the military, they are targeting anyone they can hit, while our military is trying to hit specific targets. 90 killed so far in Gaza, after more than a 100 bombings from Israel. If we were trying to hurt civilians, how high that number would truly be, in your opinion?

You have no idea how it's like to live under constant alarms and fear that one day a rocket will hit you. It's not something we've been suffering for just these couple of days, it's been going on for years.

Also, here you go, from a non Israeli source:


Who is "they"? From where do you take that assumption that Israel wants Gaza?

Most of the people in my country just want to end this damn conflict, it has nothing to do with lands and such. You are talking about the extremists that live close to the border, both Israeli and Palastinian, trying to hammer at each other to win an endless war. It's not about the Palestenians or Israelis, it's about religion, and its devestating effects on both populations.

As an Israeli, I would certainly not generelize all the Palestenians as terrorists and extremists. If our government would have decided to take Gaza it would have happened by now, trust me.

The government has done all it can to put a giant border between us and them, including the west bank barrier and the infamous disengagement from Gaza. How can you say Israel is actively pushing towards Gaza, when in fact the opposite thing is happening?

It's easy to say things when you don't live here, when you don't undertstand the conflict well. It's easy to blame Israel because we are the stronger of the bunch. Both sides have done bad things to each other, while the talks between us and them keep getting interrupted both by Abu mazen and Netaniahu. You shouldn't generelize one side or demonize one population/country while ignoring the sins of the other. Israel is capable of killing thousands easily, but so far the army warned all citizens in buldings and surrounding areas before bombing it. Plus it is essential to understand that Hamas is using children and citizens as a human shield, sometimes forcing them to stay in a certain building, to prevent Israel from attacking.
With "they" I mean the state of Israel (the government, not every single citizen, just to be clear). Even if a parliment reprents the people and is made of different people, ultimately a state acts in its descisions as a single entity.

I get that I am just a bystander who live in a save home far from the reality of the news I read. So I of course can only write about that. It's good that people like you come calmy and explain themselves, so I can add your statements into my knowledge and maybe reconsider my stance.

From what I gathered in this thread Israel made many illegal settlements and bullied people from their land who lived there since years (the christian family that currently tries to stay with all power).

I get that the Hamas are a big problem, staying behind civilians, but I don't believe that is acceptable to kill civilians in the hope that a lot of terrorists are between them. By killing people like that the israelian government will just make new terrorists. Revenge driven orphans and widows, friends.

The warnings are nice and all, but the rockets still kill hundreds of innocents.
Regarding the claims that every airstrike in Gaza is preceded with a sort of warning to the target area:
On Wednesday, one of our Observers in Tel Aviv described what it's like for residents living under the constant threat of rocket attacks. But for Palestinians living inside Gaza, our Observer says there are neither warning sirens nor shelters in which to hide.

There is no respite… the jets bomb us all day long and then the raids intensify as soon as night falls. Even right now as I am speaking to you, there are missiles falling not far from my house.

Here, there are no warning sirens. Only the noise of the F-16s warn us that the bombs are close… but we don’t have any bomb shelters anyway. Faced with the choice of being outside in the street or inside your house, you might as well stay at home.

I live in a 7th-floor apartment with my family in northern Gaza. I know that they say that it’s best to go to a lower level during an air raid, but the Israeli rockets are too strong for any precautions like that to actually make a difference. If a building is hit, it’s usually levelled.

We spend days shut up in our homes. We only go out when it is really necessary, like when we have to go look for food. Yesterday, I risked going to a zone where the electricity wasn’t cut off. The streets were empty and most of the shops were closed. The city showed no signs of life.

Because of all the air strikes happening at night, it’s impossible to sleep. We watch the bombs light up the Gaza sky and hope we're not the next target. It’s only at dawn that we manage to get a bit of sleep.

Israeli military authorities say that their strikes are targeted and that they are only bombing militants who belong to Hamas. Even if you believe that’s what the army is really trying to do, the population density [Editor's note: Gaza has the highest in the world with more than 4,000 residents/km²] means that it is impossible to avoid civilian casualties during these operations, especially when they take place close to refugee camps that are already overpopulated. Moreover, the leaders of Hamas and the al-Qassam brigades are not at home during the air raids. In the best case scenario, their houses are empty. In the worst case scenario, their wives and children are at home. In each case, it’s civilians, not militants, who are killed.

The Israeli army also says that it warns residents before launching a missile at a target. Ok, sometimes they do send out a warning missile before bombing a house or an apartment building but they don’t do it systematically and they give residents less than 15 seconds to hide themselves. Where can you go in such a small amount of time? When they do manage to get out, people stay outside, keeping to the sides of the streets. They wait for the end of the bombardment to go back home, to help their friends and family or, at the very least, to try and save a few possessions.



Because their names are listed as terrorists by our government. Usually these are people of high rank in Hamas.

Ask yourself this, why would Israel intentionally bomb civilians? What reason?
And oh, it must be a coincidence that Israel started to bomb Gaza after giving Hamas, what, 3 whole days to stop shooting their damn rockets at Israel?
And why? It's not like they are hurting the military, they are targeting anyone they can hit, while our military is trying to hit specific targets. 90 killed so far in Gaza, after more than a 100 bombings from Israel. If we were trying to hurt civilians, how high that number would truly be, in your opinion?

You have no idea how it's like to live under constant alarms and fear that one day a rocket will hit you. It's not something we've been suffering for just these couple of days, it's been going on for years.

Also, here you go, from a non Israeli source:

Actually i do know how it is to live under these circumstances. My family lives in a village that is next to the border with Israel, so you can understand why our oppinions on the matter will differ greatly. I dob't believe that many of those covilians that god killed were hamas activists, as in that they do any work for hamas. And quite frankly i do believe that Israel does not give a damn about civilian casualties, and that idea increases with each bombing and is not obly based on the current conflict.

Edit: aw crap, typing on my iphone does not do well for my grammar.


With "they" I mean the state of Israel (the government, not every single citizen, just to be clear). Even if a parliment reprents the people and is made of different people, ultimately a state acts in its descisions as a single entity.

I get that I am just a bystander who live in a save home far from the reality of the news I read. So I of course can only write about that. It's good that people like you come calmy and explain themselves, so I can add your statements into my knowledge and maybe reconsider my stance.

From what I gathered in this thread Israel made many illegal settlements and bullied people from their land who lived there since years (the christian family that currently tries to stay with all power).

I get that the Hamas are a big problem, staying behind civilians, but I don't believe that is acceptable to kill civilians in the hope that a lot of terrorists are between them. By killing people like that the israelian government will just make new terrorists. Revenge driven orphans and widows, friends.

The warnings are nice and all, but the rockets still kill hundreds of innocents.
Indeed you are correct. But what can we do? What can our government possibly do? Stay quiet? Let them keep shooting at us? If you have a better idea, now is the time to suggest it. Or rather, if there was a better idea, our government would have tried to execute it years ago.

That solution you are probably thinking about right now is a written agreementm yes?
Peace. Such a nice word. But unfortunately Hamas are extreme muslims who do not wish for an agreement. Our own government is currently right wing, so you can be sure they will not give the Palestinians whatever they desire and demand.

The solution for this conflict is yet to be found. Even after a cease fire will be achieved, the rockets will come flying in a year or two, as it has always been.
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