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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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what do u want me to do? not showing the 25 children who have die since the attack? didn't u say that Israel care and give ppl time to get out or how Hamas use these baby as fuking human shield... how the hell is 20 or 30 sec enough for them to run and hid....

You are disgusting.

It is a war. Casualties will happen. I hate it, Palestinians hate it, Israelis hate it. They happen in ever war. We come here to have a discussion about it. If you believe what is going on is wrong, then you are entitled to that opinion, but posting graphic videos of the death of a child is wrong. We don't need to see that.


You are disgusting.

It is a war. Casualties will happen. I hate it, Palestinians hate it, Israelis hate it. They happen in ever war. We come here to have a discussion about it. If you believe what is going on is wrong, then you are entitled to that opinion, but posting graphic videos of the death of a child is wrong. We don't need to see that.

Given that you've been a staunch defender of Israel, it doesn't surprise me that you'd be so vehemently against posting a video which shows the reality of the situation that is faced by mainly just one of the sides in this situation.

That video is one of a countless number that shows the true situation faced by Palestinian's. We see video's of Israeli's running to shelter when bomb alarms go off etc on the news all the time, but it doesn't go much beyond that because by in large there are no casualties. What you see in the video is but a glimpse of what the Palestinian's commonly face, and it's good to have a dose of reality every now and again. It wakes people up to the severity of the situation, and that's good, because people these days are way too desensitised to this stuff. Human life seemingly meaning less and less, especially when it's a Palestinian's.

Ultimately, if you're going to post a video like that, just add a graphic warning before it, but I see no reason why vids like that can't be posted when they are absolutely poignant to the subject matter.


No matter which side of coin you support, that is a disgusting video to post in response to someone.

It doesn't add anything to the contribution. I'm sure others can show pictures of an Israeli bus after a suicide bomber.


Edit: as curious as folks may be I recommend you don't watch it. It is a very upsetting video of a parent and their child (who died).

Yes, quite disgusting to show the actual truth about the situation which turns casualty numbers into actual people.
No matter which side of coin you support, that is a disgusting video to post in response to someone.

It doesn't add anything to the contribution. I'm sure others can show pictures of an Israeli bus after a suicide bomber.


Edit: as curious as folks may be I recommend you don't watch it. It is a very upsetting video of a parent and their child (who died).

Oh please tell me of these suicide bombers in the current conflict.


Given that you've been a staunch defender of Israel, it doesn't surprise me that you'd be so vehemently against posting a video which shows the reality of the situation that is faced by mainly just one of the sides in this situation.

That video is one of a countless number that shows the true situation faced by Palestinian's. We see video's of Israeli's running to shelter when bomb alarms go off, but it doesn't go much beyond that because by in large there are no casualties. What you see in that video is but a glimpse of what the Palestinian's face commonly, and it's good to have a dose of reality every now and again. It wakes people up to the severity of the situation, and that's good, because people these days are way too desensitised to this stuff. A human life seemingly means less and less.

Ultimately, if you're going to post a video like that, just add a graphic warning before it, but I see no reason why vids like that can't be posted when they are absolutely poignant to the subject matter.

Piss off.

I am not a staunch support of Israel. I see the situation more than just a good Palestinian and bad Israel.

I don't care if it is a video of an Israeli or Palestinian child, a Hamas solider or Israeli soldier. It is a digesting response to someone who was wishing for peace and no more deaths.


Gemüsepizza;120585556 said:
Oh please tell me of these suicide bombers in the current conflict.

My point is that it doesn't contribute to the discussion in just posting graphic videos of death, but if gaffers think this is valid then I'll just avoid these threads.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I am going to sleep, but I have had an interesting discussion with you folks.

Let's hope this ends quickly, and let's hope no more innocents have to die.

Good night.

Is Israel still bombing Gaza? Yes? Then innocent Palestinians are gonna die.

How come Israel defenders still have yet to answer why Fatah's peace with Israel has not gained them anything. In fact, it's only hurt them because now Israel steals land and maintains an occupying force there freely without any repercussions.

So what exactly is the motivation for peace with Israel?

Also, do Israel defenders realize how fucking tiny the Gaza strip actually is? It's about half the size of San Francisco city yet has a population of 1.8 million crammed into it. When you indiscriminately bomb a densely populated area like that, you're essentially massacring a shit load of innocent people.


Also, do Israel defenders realize how fucking tiny the Gaza strip actually is? It's about half the size of San Francisco city yet has a population of 1.8 million into it. When you indiscriminately bomb a densely populated area like that, you're essentially massacring a shit load of innocent people.
Again, what is Israel suppose to do about this? Send their soldiers in and watch them die because they couldn't shoot at a terrorist holding a civilian hostage? Or do nothing and watch more [Israeli] civilians die?

Gaza's size is not as problematic as Hamas having their gunmen everywhere.


My point is that it doesn't contribute to the discussion in just posting graphic videos of death, but if gaffers think this is valid then I'll just avoid these threads.

But it does contribute to the discussion. It shows the reality of the situation, and the actual consequences of "Operation Protective Edge". Instead of Palestinian death's simply being a number to add to an ever growing tally, it shows the actual human side and the pain caused to those facing such losses.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Again, what is Israel suppose to do about this? Send their soldiers in and watch them die because they couldn't shoot at a terrorist holding a civilian hostage? Or do nothing and watch more [Israeli] civilians die?

Gaza's size is not as problematic as Hamas having their gunmen everywhere.

How about starting by not indiscriminately bombing the place? What did Israel gain from bombing Palestinians watching the world cup on the beach?
These threads...

An article on the propaganda war. Detailed numbers on the kille present in the article too.


Blame Israel and Hamas both for Gaza’s civilian deaths
Sorting through the propaganda war.

The main outrage now, in the fourth day (Friday) of Operation Protective Edge, as Israel calls it, is the rising number of killings of Palestinian civilians by Israeli airstrikes, mainly as a result of attacks on residential buildings where militants live or are thought to live.

Haaretz reported that the Palestinian Health Ministry said that of the 86 Gazans killed by Wednesday night, most were children (22), women (15) and the elderly (12). And that didn’t count the five members, at least, of the Ghaneem family in Rafah who were killed when their four-story building, home to some 30 people, was hit overnight.

As usual, the propaganda war between Israel and the Palestinians over civilian casualties goes like this: Palestinians accuse Israel of deliberately targeting civilians, while Israel blames the deaths and injuries on Hamas and other militant groups for using the civilian population as “human shields.”

But the Palestinians’ accusation against Israel is false, while the Israeli claim against the Palestinians is partly false, partly true, but basically misleading. The main reason for the high number of Palestinian civilian casualties, obviously, is that an incredibly powerful air force is bombing the hell out of one of the most crowded, vulnerable places in the world – and the fault for that lies with Israel, whose punitive, often lethal blockade of Gaza, together with its military occupation of the West Bank, invites Palestinians to fight back. As in all its wars with the Palestinians since 1967, Israel is the aggressor in Operation Protective Edge.

But while the Israeli Air Force’s assault guarantees that a high proportion of civilians in Gaza are going to get killed and maimed, that’s not because of the air force’s efforts in this respect, but despite them. TIME Magazine’s Karl Vick wrote on Thursday:

"Compared with any other military, [Israel’s] armed forces take exceptional care to avoid civilian casualties. If a house is going to be bombed, a call is placed to it announcing this fact, and explicitly warning civilians to get out. A pilot might also drop a “door-knocker” on the roof — a nonlethal sound bomb also intended to announce an impending attack. The real bomb that’s then loosed on the target is often a munition, sometimes quite small, specifically selected to contain damage to the target and spare the neighbors."

The problem is not that the Israeli army is unusually brutal, as armies go; if anything, the opposite is the case. The problem – in Gaza and the West Bank, now and before – is that the IDF is a colonial army, which is an inherently brutal role, one that other armies were ordered by their governments to give up decades ago.

About Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other armed groups using Gazan civilians as “human shields.” This Israeli claim is based on the fact that Gazan militants live among the civilian population and keep much of their weaponry in the neighborhoods. But this is hypocrisy; every guerrilla army that fights on its own turf against an incomparably stronger enemy fights from among the civilian population. The pre-1948 Irgun and Lehi guerrillas would kill the British, then “melt back” into the Jewish neighborhoods. In Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan, there are civilian public buildings – including schools – with plaques at the entrance telling how they housed weapons caches and training camps for the Irgun, Lehi or Haganah. Up through Israel’s War of Independence, the kibbutzim were military outposts as much as they were civilian settlements.

But in another regard, the charge that Hamas uses Gazan civilians as human shields is absolutely true, and Hamas deserves loud condemnation for it. Karl Vick in Time:

"Israel’s military says Hamas is promoting civilian deaths in Gaza, not only by operating from private homes but through posters and slogans actually urging people to cluster around targets as human shields. In one instance Tuesday, by numerous accounts local residents ran toward a building that had just received a phoned warning it was about to be bombed, apparently counting on their presence to protect. And it might have worked: an Israeli military spokesman said an effort was made to divert the incoming missile, but it was too late."

Haaretz reported on Thursday that the Gaza Interior Ministry – run, of course, by Hamas – sent out text messages to Gazan residents calling on them to disregard Israeli warnings to evacuate their homes ahead of the airstrikes. “The aim of the [warnings] is to scare civilians, and civilians must act responsibly and not follow misleading Israeli instructions,” the message read.

This is vile; families are told by their leaders to stay put in their homes when they know they are about to be bombed by F-16s? It’s something like this that tells you no matter how much Hamas may be on the receiving end of Israel’s manhandling of Gaza, and no matter how much it may be the weaker side, it is not any reasonable person’s idea of the “good guy” in this or any other circumstance.

And yet. Hamas’ terrible abuse of Gaza’s civilians in this way is not entirely divorced from (though it is much worse than) the way Israeli society used to consider it shameful for civilians to leave their homes under rocket attack. Good Israelis were supposed to say, defiantly, “This is my home and no terrorist is going to run me out.” As late as the 1991 Gulf War, when many Tel Aviv residents rode out the Scuds at their parents’ homes out of town instead of trusting the plastic sheeting and tape on their windows to protect them from harm, they were widely accused of cowardice. Things have changed since then; the “I” has overtaken the “we” in the Israeli mentality. But through the 1980s, which saw thousands of Lebanese rockets fall on northern Israeli towns, it was considered an Israeli adult’s patriotic duty (though not that of the children, who were sent to safety if possible) to sit at home, helpless, risking his or her life against incoming rockets, for the sake of national morale.

So Israelis should not act that uncomprehending and self-righteous about Hamas’ conscription of defenseless civilians for the cause. And if Gazans are still pretty much stuck in the “we,” not “I,” mentality, Israel bears much of the blame.

But again, it is a great deal worse to pressure people into sitting still for almost certain death or serious injury than it is when such a fate is possible but not very likely. Hamas should be denounced for telling civilians to disregard the Israeli warnings to evacuate their homes. This directive is no doubt driving up Gaza’s civilian death and injury toll, and makes Hamas’ leaders the last people on earth to complain about it. If there’s any ray of hope in this ghastly matter, it’s that the Gazan Interior Ministry’s text message to ignore Israel’s warnings may indicate that a lot of Gazan families have been doing the right thing and running for their lives.

EDIT: Arghhh Scullibundo please quote your post. And not too be rude or something but you're not really bringing anything of value to the thread with a post like that.

I swear I'm going to be called a staunch pro-Israeli lover, but you do realize that happens on both sides of fence. It is disgusting, but it does.

It does. I have seen the 'Hamas Mickey Mouse' footage. It's so disgusting.


And speaking of different narratives, I'm appalled by these videos showing clear cut indoctrination of little kids.


The biggest, and most scary difference, is that these kids will one day join the Israeli army, and have access to some of the most advanced military equipment and warfare on the planet, whereas most Palestinian's will be lucky to handle more than a rock or molotov cocktail. A low grade rocket at best.
Again, what is Israel suppose to do about this? Send their soldiers in and watch them die because they couldn't shoot at a terrorist holding a civilian hostage? Or do nothing and watch more [Israeli] civilians die?

Gaza's size is not as problematic as Hamas having their gunmen everywhere.

Take the high (moral) road. Seek peace. Take my free idea and terraform part of the Negev. A couple trillion can be round-up worldwide. It doesn't have to be that but work for reconciliation and not a forced capitulation that might very well be a slow annihilation.


The biggest, and most scary difference, is that these kids will one day join the Israeli army, and have access to some of the most advanced military equipment and warfare on the planet, whereas most Palestinian's will be lucky to handle more than a rock or molotov cocktail. A low grade rocket at best.

You are right. Israel should prevent these sort of things from occurring, while Hamas can continue its indoctrination of children since they can't really do much beside throw rocks.


Take the high (moral) road. Seek peace. Take my free idea and terraform part of the Negev. A couple trillion can be round-up worldwide. It doesn't have to be that but work for reconciliation and not a forced capitulation that might very well be a slow annihilation.
And if peace doesn't work and more innocent Israelis continue to be killed...?

I also don't get why Israel would be the only country to not respond after being attacked. Again, you can't tell me the U.S, France, Britain, Russia, China, India all wouldn't strike back the moment their people came under attack.

This opens up a can of worms of a country looking soft and could inspire more terror attacks.


You are right. Israel should prevent these sort of things from occurring, while Hamas can continue its indoctrination of children since they can't really do much beside throw rocks.

Hamas doesn't need to indoctrinate their children. Israel is doing that for them, by indiscriminately killing and displacing so many of them, and continually stealing their land for as long as most Palestinian's have been alive.


You are right. Israel should prevent these sort of things from occurring, while Hamas can continue its indoctrination of children since they can't really do much beside throw rocks.

Indoctrination must be the reason why they hate Israel, not the fact that they are afraid for their lives most parts of the day and might have lost friends and families due to attacks. Or that they live in a crappy house with a scarce water supply, while on the other side of the border people are happy swimming in their pools.


Indoctrination must be the reason why they hate Israel, not the fact that they are afraid for their lives most parts of the day and might have lost friends and families due to attacks. Or that they live in a crappy house with a scarce water supply, while on the other side of the border people are happy swimming in their pools.

Crappy house? Most of those who are most vengeful probably don't have a home at all. It could have been bombed as part of a military strike, or demolished as part of a settlement expansion programme. Many of those most affected would be lucky to be living from a refugee camp or charity funded tent (which Israel also like to tear down week in week out), let alone a crappy house.
And if peace doesn't work and more innocent Israelis continue to be killed...?

I also don't get why Israel would be the only country to not respond after being attacked. Again, you can't tell me the U.S, France, Britain, Russia, China, India all wouldn't strike back the moment their people came under attack.

This opens up a can of worms of a country looking soft and could inspire more terror attacks.

It makes you look good to "turn the other cheek" and not raise your sword in vengeance.

You can spin the situation how you want but if any of those places had a strangle-hold on another territory and acted as Israel has, they would be given the same criticisms.


so what would israel have to do to stop being attacked?

Agree terms with the 67 borders, plus the retraction of occupation on all Palestinian territories outside of those borders, and restoring full rights to the Palestinian people, including giving them back access to their ports, electricity, trade, materials, infrastructure, supplies, building and production, roads, networks and everything else. Basically, let them live their lives in their own lands in a humane way, with proper rights again.
And if peace doesn't work and more innocent Israelis continue to be killed...?

I also don't get why Israel would be the only country to not respond after being attacked. Again, you can't tell me the U.S, France, Britain, Russia, China, India all wouldn't strike back the moment their people came under attack.

This opens up a can of worms of a country looking soft and could inspire more terror attacks.

The problem with your argument is simply that no Israeli citizens are being killed. I will never try to belittle the scare and horror they go through when a rocket aimed at their homes is close and the alarms start ringing, but the fact is, simply, that nobody is getting killed on the Israeli side.

This conflict is a major overreaction and a political ploy by Netanyahu.


The current round of escalation is generally dated from the moment three Israeli youths went missing on 12 June. Two Palestinian boys were shot dead in Ramallah on 15 May, but that – like any number of incidents in the intervening month when Israel exercised its right to colonise and dispossess – is considered insignificant.
Binyamin Netanyahu immediately blamed Hamas for the three Israeli teenagers’ disappearance. The White House almost as quickly confirmed Hamas’s guilt, which has since been treated as established fact by the media. Yet the culprits remain at large and their institutional affiliation unclear. For its part Hamas, which like other Palestinian organisations never hesitates to claim responsibility for its actions and is prone to exaggerate its activities, has this time denied involvment.

What we do know is that a distress call made by one of the Israeli youths on 12 June included the sound of gunfire, which led the Israeli security establishment to conclude they had been killed. Netanyahu suppressed the information, and used the pretext of a hostage rescue operation to launch an organised military rampage throughout the West Bank. His demagoguery, even by his standards, plumbed new depths of vulgarity. To blame the subsequent burning alive of a 16-year-old Palestinian on a few errant Israeli fanatics (after attempts to portray it as the murder of a gay boy by his own family had failed) is to pretend such barbarism exists independently of the colonial and political contexts that produce it.

If it was known that there were no hostages to be rescued, what was Israel trying to achieve? A key objective was reversing the tentative steps taken by Fatah and Hamas towards national reconciliation. Israel prefers a divided Palestinian polity partially ruled by militant Islamists to a unified one led by the pliant Mahmoud Abbas, who remains committed to negotiations and publicly proclaims security collaboration with Israel to be ‘sacred’. Concerned that a reconciliation at a time of growing Palestinian unrest could lead to another uprising, Israel sought to pre-empt it. In doing so, it rearrested a number of Palestinians released in the 2011 prisoner exchange with Hamas. In the context of the latest collapse of American-sponsored diplomacy, and a growing global consensus that Israel, its appetite for Palestinian land and failure to fulfil its commitments regarding prisoner releases were to blame, Netanyahu leaped at the chance to change the narrative from colonialism and its consequences to terrorism.

so what would israel have to do to stop being attacked?
Win favor with the majority of Palestinians in an effort toward peace, whatever that might be. The idea is to have heart and minds invested in building something for the future, rather than fighting the present. Ideally, the terrorists shooting rockets lose welcome spaces to hide.


It makes you look good to "turn the other cheek" and not raise your sword in vengeance.

You can spin the situation how you want but if any of those places had a strangle-hold on another territory and acted as Israel has, they would be given the same criticisms.
If real life was a game of Civ, and countries won based on culture points, you would have a point. But there are real world consequences for putting civilians in danger.

It's also not just rocket attacks. Hamas have been known to cross the boarder and abduct Israelis (as did Hezbollah). The attitude of doing nothing at all just makes Israel more vulnerable to terror.
If real life was a game of Civ, and countries won based on culture points, you would have a point. But there are real world consequences for putting civilians in danger.

It's also not just rocket attacks. Hamas have been known to cross the boarder and abduct Israelis. The attitude of doing nothing at all just makes Israel more vulnerable to terror.

And how many Palestinians are being held by the Israelis for no real reason without being charged? You can easily see the thought process that would lead to Hamas abducting Israelis.


If real life was a game of Civ, and countries won based on culture points, you would have a point. But there are real world consequences for putting civilians in danger.

It's also not just rocket attacks. Hamas have been known to cross the boarder and abduct Israelis (as did Hezbollah). The attitude of doing nothing at all just makes Israel more vulnerable to terror.

Hezbollah abducted those soldiers in 2006 in order to exchange for their soldiers that were captured in Israel. So no, not only Hamas and Hezbollah are know for that. Let's not forget the number of Palestinian people that are being imprisoned on a daily basis by Israel.


Agree terms with the 67 borders, plus the retraction of occupation on all Palestinian territories outside of those borders, and restoring full rights to the Palestinian people, including giving them back access to their ports, electricity, trade, materials, infrastructure, supplies, building and production, roads, networks and everything else. Basically, let them live their lives in their own lands in a humane way, with proper rights again.

would that really stop them, or embolden them? i don't think a "do-over" would change much.


Well when they launch and hide in civilian areas it's what they hope will save them. You know using human sheilds. Again, those deaths are on Hamas, not Israel.

That's not how it works. You're not obligated to fire rockets, you elect to.

You would continually be shocked at just how much we continue to be like people that lived even thousands of years ago.

I don't have much regard for apologists, or appeals to the 'thin veneer of civilization' as a point of defence.
If real life was a game of Civ, and countries won based on culture points, you would have a point. But there are real world consequences for putting civilians in danger.

It's also not just rocket attacks. Hamas have been known to cross the boarder and abduct Israelis (as did Hezbollah). The attitude of doing nothing at all just makes Israel more vulnerable to terror.
I didn't say do nothing, I said taking an aggressive posture is going to further spread the ideas that teach terrorism. Where does it end? What battle will win this war? You either kill off your enemy, beat them into submission (in the hopes they don't rise up again in vengeance), or seek a diplomatic route. Diplomacy is real but maybe it will take the destruction of some holy site or many more deaths to make people see it as the only humane option.


Hezbollah abducted those soldiers in 2006 in order to exchange for their soldiers that were captured in Israel. So no, not only Hamas and Hezbollah are know for that. Let's not forget the number of Palestinian people that are being imprisoned on a daily basis by Israel.
How were these soldiers captured? I don't see anywhere Israel breaking into Gaza/Lebanon and swooping people up. They're actually spies or criminals who got caught in Israel.


Wow. Really. I didn't know that opposing Islamic militants or Hamas is the same as opposing a Palestinian state and supporting Israel.

Thanks for clarifying that.

Edit: half those posts is me arguing against posting graphic videos regardless of which side.

It's convenient to argue against posting grapic videos when nearly all the damage is being taken on one side. It's fine to oppose Islamic militants or Hamas, but don't pretend to be a neutral/impartial contributor.

P. Fembot

TBH this thread dismays me. If Mexico were shooting rockets into America daily, and were sending rockets to LA Airport, I'm sure the tone would be different.

I come to GAF for the gaming forum, pop my head into off-topic, and find hardcore anti-Israel views.

I'm not a huge fan of Israel but they do have a right to defend themselves. Do you want them to just sit there in their bomb shelters and take rockets from Hamas?

And to the people saying that there are no Israeli casualties, that's only because they have bomb shelters and an anti-missile defense system. Hamas are now firing at Ben Gurion Airport and telling the world not to fly in to Israel due to their attacks on the airport.

WTF are Israel meant to do?


TBH this thread dismays me. If Mexico were shooting rockets into America daily, and were sending rockets to LA Airport, I'm sure the tone would be different.

I come to GAF for the gaming forum, pop my head into off-topic, and find hardcore anti-Israel views.

I'm not a huge fan of Israel but they do have a right to defend themselves. Do you want them to just sit there in their bomb shelters and take rockets from Hamas?

And to the people saying that there are no Israeli casualties, that's only because they have bomb shelters and an anti-missile defense system. Hamas are now firing at Ben Gurion Airport and telling the world not to fly in to Israel due to their attacks on the airport.

WTF are Israel meant to do?

So just like the IDF are warning palestinians about avoiding those places, hamas is now doing the same. So that means Israel can't complain about civilian casualities right?

What I just said is utter bullshit and everyone knows it, but several posters have made such a claim in this thread. If you don't like people having a different view than yours on the matter then don't enter this thread.


Wow at that video. I had to pick up my fourth month old and just hug him after seeing that. I can't imagine the hurt, pain and anger that dad is going thro.


TBH this thread dismays me. If Mexico were shooting rockets into America daily, and were sending rockets to LA Airport, I'm sure the tone would be different.

I come to GAF for the gaming forum, pop my head into off-topic, and find hardcore anti-Israel views.

I'm not a huge fan of Israel but they do have a right to defend themselves. Do you want them to just sit there in their bomb shelters and take rockets from Hamas?

And to the people saying that there are no Israeli casualties, that's only because they have bomb shelters and an anti-missile defense system. Hamas are now firing at Ben Gurion Airport and telling the world not to fly in to Israel due to their attacks on the airport.

WTF are Israel meant to do?

You're only giving one limited angle of the situation here. A more accurate Mexican analogy would be if the US went to war with Mexico several decades ago, after which the US won and occupied the country, and then never quit the military occupation. On top of occupying Mexico, the US also controlled the countries infrastructure, supplies, trade, ports, flow of humanitarian aid, electricity etc, and continued an expansion policy where they continuously stole, occupied and settled upon more and more Mexican land each and every year. Then when the Mexicans reacted, America bombed them to hell and back and blamed Mexican terrorists for inciting the violence.


It's convenient to argue against posting grapic videos when nearly all the damage is being taken on one side. It's fine to oppose Islamic militants or Hamas, but don't pretend to be a neutral/impartial contributor.

I'm opposed to any graphic video. Though if that is the only argument you can make then so be it. I support a Palestinian state. I oppose settlements, i oppose Hamas. Now you have my views.
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