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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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Not going into work tomorrow. Decision made.

ugh, didn't get much sleep last night so I could've benefited from staying at home too but today is gym day and missing a gym session is sacrilegious. Gonna be a walking dead corpse by the end of the day.

Morning BritGAF!

It's the start of another week, will hopefully take delivery of my new rig by Friday and then I don't plan on moving for 48 hours unless I need to the toilet or eat.

Morning Deaf Spacker! Nothing beats that new PC feel when you unpack it from the box and it's all shiny new.

ha! I saw ya'll post musics last night but it was bedtime. I probably would have just posted something indie anyway...

What a backpacker!


I dunno man, that feeling when you've just put all your expensive new components into the PC and turn it on for the first time... Hnng.

You still gotta unpack all the parts before putting it together right? :p

EDIT: Hitting the power button and seeing it working properly for the first time after spending an afternoon/evening building it is also quite a sweet feeling too.


Ohhh man can't wait til next weeks sales figures to find out if Lego City Undercover is the saviour of the Wii U like Eurogamer claimed


I kinda want a WiiU and a 3DS XL

and thankfully Nintendo have been kind enough to supply bundles that are appealing to me, so maybe I'll get the WiiU+MonHun eventually and the Fire Emblem XL in April :D (I wanted a Pikachu one).


After walking into a circlejerk about Dear Esther on gaming side, I'm going to stay away from there for about 2 hours.

Scary stuff.
When you guys DO get a Wii-U, add me please: FrakEarth
I'm the same name on Xbox Live, but I'm not on all that much

I've been enjoying the Wii U far far more than the 3DS but the near-term release list look anaemic for the former.. I'm hoping I might dig Lego City and NFSU, but I really just want them to start announcing stuff. Hopefully this PAX East thing isn't just a plain Deus Ex port.


It's about time for Nintendo to reveal their killer app for the Wii U already

Endless Ocean 3

and Endless Ocean 3DS

with cross play or something


My interest died after my Wii become a door stop just think I got tired of Mario and stuff so having a nintendo console is not my thing. Plus only interesting games like X etc will be next year at earliest so not like in a rush by then Asda be selling them wayyy cheaper (they already dropped £50 of price tag).

Plus I'm waiting see how shit PS4 launch is, the last console I bought at launch was a PS2 with SSX and that was a dark time spent mainly playing Final Fantasy 8 on it.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
After walking into a circlejerk about Dear Esther on gaming side, I'm going to stay away from there for about 2 hours.

Scary stuff.
I hate the term 'Circle Jerk' It's so crude

My interest died after my Wii become a door stop just think I got tired of Mario and stuff so having a nintendo console is not my thing. Plus only interesting games like X etc will be next year at earliest so not like in a rush by then Asda be selling them wayyy cheaper (they already dropped £50 of price tag).

Plus I'm waiting see how shit PS4 launch is, the last console I bought at launch was a PS2 with SSX and that was a dark time spent mainly playing Final Fantasy 8 on it.
Only game i thought looked cool on WiiU was ZombiU... It looked so fresh, but then pretty much no other exclusives appealed to me...

I know I'll be getting a PS4 but it's more of question of when, there is still room for the xbox to win my love...but i doubt it if this "No second hand games" malarky actually follows through and ruins the console


Maturity, bitches.
My Wii U is dusty.
So is mine. Oh wait that's because I live in the dustiest house in the universe and you can put something down for five minutes and it'll get dusty.

But seriously the way people use this phrase last gen made it sound like they move their consoles every time they play a game. They sit motionless under the television. Of course they'll get dusty if you don't dust them.


So is mine. Oh wait that's because I live in the dustiest house in the universe and you can put something down for five minutes and it'll get dusty.

But seriously the way people use this phrase last gen made it sound like they move their consoles every time they play a game. They sit motionless under the television. Of course they'll get dusty if you don't dust them.

I wipe my consoles down whenever I see dust. My Wii U has been sitting on a shelf though, not being used.


Maturity, bitches.
Your not a real man till you have jerked it with your bro's at one time in your life.
I know I'll be getting a PS4 but it's more of question of when, there is still room for the xbox to win my love...but i doubt it if this "No second hand games" malarky actually follows through and ruins the console

I don't think the 2nd hand games blocking stuff will materialise in the way we fear. If at all. Maybe that's more hope than anything else.

I'm definitely getting the 360 successor, I'm a full on XBL convert. I think Sony were too slow / late getting PSN up to par. I probably won't want in at the initial price but I'll definitely get one eventually.

I liked the PS4 reveal way more than I thought I would, mainly due to the Gakai / social stuff, and because of how good things like Deep Down looked... In terms of PR wins, I feel like the reveal must have been quite a big one, because ahead of it I couldn't have been more against the idea of buying one. Anyone who knows my posting habits well knows I have some bias against Sony, partly due to how I view them generally, and partly because I feel they've been too good at using ill-gotten hype to part people from their money. I won't lie -- a lot of it is to do with how far up my nose some fans on the gaming side have gotten. That probably sounds irrational, and maybe it is, but damn some people are annoying! I bought a PS2 and PS3 at launch, but I'm not going to support this one until something comes along to make it utterly irresistible. That video recording / robust profile stuff could be it, but again - like the 360 successor - probably not at launch. I love Miiverse, and PS4 looks to enhance that further...

I do wish gaming wasn't such an expensive luxury.

In terms of bang for buck, Hodgy100 posted this in a recent Crytek thread on the gaming side:


I imagine that in 6/7/8 months time, you'll be able to build something even better. I'm thinking this might be the generation I rejoin the "master race" ...


Maturity, bitches.
You can't perpetuate your own meme.
The way people throw around the word you would think you can. Funny pics thread is extremely guilty of this, often asking the name of a meme for one picture by one person. One person's thought doesn't constitute a meme aasjhdsalhsdakjakfjghkadsjghfndkasj.

Is that polygon for polygon the EXACT same fucking model as in OoT? I knew the first game was low budget as hell, but damn.
It's probably worse. It was a pretty ugly game. In fact when you go back to it you realise Melee is quite ugly in place. Only one that has held up is Brawl.

Jedeye Sniv

i once masturbated in a tent next to my step brother

my ambiguous sex makes this pretty weird now huh

psssh, you're a contrarian boy, we all know it. I used to have a mate who did exactly the same, it drove me mad. It's a particularly male way to act :p
just like a quasi-gay tentwank


The way people throw around the word you would think you can. Funny pics thread is extremely guilty of this, often asking the name of a meme for one picture by one person. One person's thought doesn't constitute a meme.
Um, that's kind of exactly what it is! Well at least that's how it starts anyway.

Wikipedia said:
meme /mēm/

Noun 1. An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
2. An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.


Maturity, bitches.
Um, that's kind of exactly what it is! Well at least that's how it starts anyway.
The passing of an idea from one individual to another until that thought becomes embedded within us all. Until then it is just one guys thoughts.

Also there are other terms to describe "witty" internet image like macro, comic, cartoon. eople need to expand their internet vocab before they start thinking weeaboo means someone who likes Japanese things vs someone who wishes they were Japanese and trolling means to insult someones dead grandmother vs laughing at someone through the misuse of information.

i.e. The whole web is trolling me by getting all these terms wrong and their doing of this is the meme.


Your not a real man till you have jerked it with your bro's at one time in your life.

You're also not a real man until you piss at urinals in public bathrooms right?

Just so you know, I'm holding it for the entire time during the A$AP gig. Sooooo not taking the chance ;)


The passing of an idea from one individual to another until that thought becomes embedded within us all. Until then it is just one guys thoughts.
Well yeah, but it's pretty embedded in this thread now, and has therefore become a meme. That was my point. And noffles seems to be the only one constantly bringing it up.

Apart from me in the last few posts.

Argh, metameme!


Maturity, bitches.
But with the cubicles you can just chill and since the door is locked no one can do anything about it.

That and if you have a jacket, coat and bag and whatnot you can hang it up on the hook.
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