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BritGAF |OT| Mad Stacks Beyond Thunderlord

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I'll eventually get a PS4, but that'll be mostly to replace my PS3 as a blu ray player.

From this point on I'm an almost purely PC gamer. My days of multiple consoles are over.

May invest in the odd handheld still.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I don't think the 2nd hand games blocking stuff will materialise in the way we fear. If at all. Maybe that's more hope than anything else.

I'm definitely getting the 360 successor, I'm a full on XBL convert. I think Sony were too slow / late getting PSN up to par. I probably won't want in at the initial price but I'll definitely get one eventually.

I liked the PS4 reveal way more than I thought I would, mainly due to the Gakai / social stuff, and because of how good things like Deep Down looked... In terms of PR wins, I feel like the reveal must have been quite a big one, because ahead of it I couldn't have been more against the idea of buying one. Anyone who knows my posting habits well knows I have some bias against Sony, partly due to how I view them generally, and partly because I feel they've been too good at using ill-gotten hype to part people from their money. I won't lie -- a lot of it is to do with how far up my nose some fans on the gaming side have gotten. That probably sounds irrational, and maybe it is, but damn some people are annoying! I bought a PS2 and PS3 at launch, but I'm not going to support this one until something comes along to make it utterly irresistible. That video recording / robust profile stuff could be it, but again - like the 360 successor - probably not at launch. I love Miiverse, and PS4 looks to enhance that further...

I do wish gaming wasn't such an expensive luxury.

In terms of bang for buck, Hodgy100 posted this in a recent Crytek thread on the gaming side:


I imagine that in 6/7/8 months time, you'll be able to build something even better. I'm thinking this might be the generation I rejoin the "master race" ...
All good points, but whichever you pick...you still lose :p

I'm all for the exclusives, so if Halo 5/6 looks better than the sony exclusives.. That will be the decider...Im still hanging on for The Last of Us
That's not how you spell erotic.
I'm at work geeza. I'll be back home around 5, so after that if you guys are up for it.

fuck yeah

I'm so angry right now.

I've had to cancel the order because I am a fucking idiot.

What's up mang? What happened?


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
You're also not a real man until you piss at urinals in public bathrooms right?

Just so you know, I'm holding it for the entire time during the A$AP gig. Sooooo not taking the chance ;)

I get stage fright if I'm about to piss and a dude stands next to me at the urinals, But when I'm drunk (like i will be at the asap gig) I won't give a fuck.

Just go into the cubicals to piss bro.. Wait lol what do you do if your out drinking with friends ? Just go home when you can't hold your piss any longer ?


The passing of an idea from one individual to another until that thought becomes embedded within us all. Until then it is just one guys thoughts.

Also there are other terms to describe "witty" internet image like macro, comic, cartoon. eople need to expand their internet vocab before they start thinking weeaboo means someone who likes Japanese things vs someone who wishes they were Japanese and trolling means to insult someones dead grandmother vs laughing at someone through the misuse of information.

i.e. The whole web is trolling me by getting all these terms wrong and their doing of this is the meme.

The best kinds of weeaboos are the types that want/pretend to be lolis and fanboy over idol groups to the point of obsession.


Just go into the cubicals to piss bro..

Admiral Ackbar! Where are you?!

Sigh, serves me right for using a clique joke I suppose.

Of course I use the urinals man. I don't even give a damn about the whole urinal chess thing. Only resort to cubicles if it's all full.

But seriously Kentpaul, Still can't make it to the meetup in April? Just stop by for a while :)

Jedeye Sniv

I get stage fright if I'm about to piss and a dude stands next to me at the urinals, But when I'm drunk (like i will be at the asap gig) I won't give a fuck.

Just go into the cubicals to piss bro.. Wait lol what do you do if your out drinking with friends ? Just go home when you can't hold your piss any longer ?

I too get shycock so I'm a cubicle man all the way. I'm a civilised human dammit, let me get my nob out in peace!
I probably should have mentioned this earlier, two days is kinda redefining short notice, but whatever- my blunder is now your opportunity! I've got one (1) spare ticket to the Louis C.K. gig at the O2 on Wednesday night. Spent the last week trying to find someone who'd be able to replace my dirty sell-out friend, to no avail, so I'm throwing it wide open.

Fair warning- you will be sat next to me. On the other hand, price is negotiable. I dunno, like a tenner at least? I'm off either way but I'd rather not look like a Billy No Mates. Plus it'd make up for me not being able to make any of the meet-ups.

PM me or something if you're interested, yeah?


I probably should have mentioned this earlier, two days is kinda redefining short notice, but whatever- my blunder is now your opportunity! I've got one (1) spare ticket to the Louis C.K. gig at the O2 on Wednesday night. Spent the last week trying to find someone who'd be able to replace my dirty sell-out friend, to no avail, so I'm throwing it wide open.

Fair warning- you will be sat next to me. On the other hand, price is negotiable. I dunno, like a tenner at least? I'm off either way but I'd rather not look like a Billy No Mates. Plus it'd make up for me not being able to make any of the meet-ups.

PM me or something if you're interested, yeah?
How are you getting there/back


I'd love to Coldman, but I've a busy week, what with moving next week and stuff.

I'd have literally broken your arm for it otherwise!
What time is your last train back from St pancras? Would be £50 for me so I'm not sure

Latest train would actually be from Kings Cross (tomato tomato) at half 11. I have no idea when the show ends, but it starts at 8pm (with no interval). Doors at 6:30.
That's not the long story...lol

What actually happened eh? you can pm me it if you're embarrassed :p

The long story is that nine months interest free turned out to be 39 monthly payments at 88 percent interest, it's more complicated than that but that's the gist. I can afford to buy it out right but getting my garden landscaped and going on holiday is more important. So it can wait, I can't be arsed to reinstall my Steam library though.
I'll eventually get a PS4, but that'll be mostly to replace my PS3 as a blu ray player.

From this point on I'm an almost purely PC gamer. My days of multiple consoles are over.

May invest in the odd handheld still.

PC + PS3 late in the gen has been great for me. I want a new PC in the next 18 months, then a PS4 is quite likely 2 or so years in.


Oh man last night was insane.

Got dragged into the toilet a few times, gonna be awkward seeing these folk at work >_>

Think I'm still drunk
I only got a PS3 in late 2010. Plenty on there to entertain me. Shit, I'm accruing a backlog.

Binary Domain
de Blob 2
Sly 2/3
Jak 3
Shadows of the Damned

All those need to be beaten. Plus God Hand, which I swear I'll play more of one day oh please don't kill me
I only got a PS3 in late 2010. Plenty on there to entertain me. Shit, I'm accruing a backlog.

Binary Domain
de Blob 2
Sly 2/3
Jak 3
Shadows of the Damned

All those need to be beaten. Plus God Hand, which I swear I'll play more of one day oh please don't kill me

I know those feels. About 20 PS3 games to finish currently, and there's about 5-10 more titles I want to buy before I'll have my collection.


My backlog is about 15 PS3 games, 10 Xbox 360 games, 5 Vita games and 4 PSP games. Oh, and two PS1/PSP games.

I'll still but MGS:R this weekend, cos I'm an idiot.
My gamecube, copy of Smash Melee and extra controller have just arrived at my girlfriends house. We're in for an exciting weekend!

(We seriously play Smash Bros 64 for hours every weekend. We have a fierce rivalry... SHOW ME YA MOVES)


Maturity, bitches.
OK. So I guess there was a bit of lightning just now because my HiFi just sparked and then I heard thunder.

Good idea to unplug it?

Oh yeah I should probably get a PS3 sooner than later (I'm a broken record now arn't I). Has anyone got any experience with finlux televisions? Their 32" is really cheap and apparently very little input lag. From what I saw on a showfloor they looked alright but reviews range from 5/5 to OK so I have no idea who to trust.


Knows the Score
My gamecube, copy of Smash Melee and extra controller have just arrived at my girlfriends house. We're in for an exciting weekend!

(We seriously play Smash Bros 64 for hours every weekend. We have a fierce rivalry... SHOW ME YA MOVES)

Melee has thousands of hours of unlockable virtual tat if you're so inclined.


Ugh, don't get me started on my backlog. It's damn near embarrassing how many unplayed games are collecting dust on my shelf and steam account right now.

Since I've completed Metal Gear Rising, what game should I play before Bioshock Infinite is released? Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC or the two Mass Effect 3 DLCs?


Maturity, bitches.
I don't think I even bothered to get everything in Brawl. God help us with the next instalment and the fact there will be two of them.


I don't think I even bothered to get everything in Brawl. God help us with the next instalment and the fact there will be two of them.

Hopefully the next one is good, unlike Brawl, so when it does have an obscene amount of shit to unlock I'll actually want to do it.
I too get shycock so I'm a cubicle man all the way. I'm a civilised human dammit, let me get my nob out in peace!

I never used to get shycock until I started gayclubbing and my friends would always use the cubicles. I remember the first time it happened was in Heaven, as they used to have a mirror running the length of the urinals so you could check out everybody and their junk.
I tend to use cubicles too, I'm only ever not shycock when I've had a few.

Also I'm scared kentpaul will attack me.

Hopefully the next one is good, unlike Brawl, so when it does have an obscene amount of shit to unlock I'll actually want to do it.

Brawl would have been fucking amazing if the physics weren't so weird... and the single-player wasn't either. Why was event mode so tame? Why did the SSE suck so much? What happened to Target Smash? :(


Brawl would have been fucking amazing if the physics weren't so weird... and the single-player wasn't either. Why was event mode so tame? Why did the SSE suck so much? What happened to Target Smash? :(

I wouldn't have minded SSE if I didn't find the controls to be unresponsive poop. It's a shame because I sometimes think how much I would have loved it if just played like Melee but still had all that cool shit in.
I probably should have mentioned this earlier, two days is kinda redefining short notice, but whatever- my blunder is now your opportunity! I've got one (1) spare ticket to the Louis C.K. gig at the O2 on Wednesday night. Spent the last week trying to find someone who'd be able to replace my dirty sell-out friend, to no avail, so I'm throwing it wide open.

Fair warning- you will be sat next to me. On the other hand, price is negotiable. I dunno, like a tenner at least? I'm off either way but I'd rather not look like a Billy No Mates. Plus it'd make up for me not being able to make any of the meet-ups.

PM me or something if you're interested, yeah?

I'm also going and have a spare ticket. Have just offered it to somebody else, hopefully they'll take it!

Whereabouts are you sitting? I'm in block B1.
Melee has thousands of hours of unlockable virtual tat if you're so inclined.
Fully intend to! I'm even tempted to just not look up how to do it, at least at first. The core gameplay is just so fun that I'm sure we will unlock most of it just from playing as we want to. Unless there is a character or stage web are desperate for.

I love stealing kills :D


My backlog

Halo 4
Resident evil 6 (I played at mates some parts quite enjoyed it due to great gunplay)
Dynasty Warriors 7 : empires
ZOE:HD (I loved it on ps2 never got round to play ZOE2 though)
Ninja Gaiden 3:razors sigma whatever re release might pick up demo was vastly better then NG3 demo

I still need finish Xcom and I only done a part of Ghost Trick on my iPod need finish that


Since I've completed Metal Gear Rising, what game should I play before Bioshock Infinite is released? Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC or the two Mass Effect 3 DLCs?

Do all VR missions or complete MGR with all difficulties for true gameplay mastering

But Harley DLC IS SHIT keep away

go with ME3 I still enjoyed ME3 even with the ending I never expected a good one after they showed armies of Reapers appear in the galaxy. No way to win without Deus Ex Machina involved plus I kind of dig ambiguous endings that make you think instead of spelling it all out for people

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
My backlog

Halo 4
Resident evil 6 (I played at mates some parts quite enjoyed it due to great gunplay)
Dynasty Warriors 7 : empires
ZOE:HD (I loved it on ps2 never got round to play ZOE2 though)
Ninja Gaiden 3:razors sigma whatever re release might pick up demo was vastly better then NG3 demo

I still need finish Xcom and I only done a part of Ghost Trick on my iPod need finish that

Im offended you didnt come forward when i was asking for players
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