Chinner is blood of my blood.He'll be coming for you next Suairyu, he wants to be the only bird in the thread.
We're flock brothers for life.
but yeah the joke was poor form especially given news our sub community has had in the past
Chinner is blood of my blood.He'll be coming for you next Suairyu, he wants to be the only bird in the thread.
Chinner is blood of my blood.
We're flock brothers for life.
but yeah the joke was poor form especially given news our sub community has had in the past
Without wanting to sound like an arse, I'm guessing that the news you're on about predates my arrival?
There was a poster called Meadows. His ghost still haunts other parts of the board.
I thought you were being serious and that BritGAF has lost a brother for reals.
We did lose him. He was a beloved brother at first, until Chinner's taunts about his love life drove him to reckless misery. He sought out fights everywhere and did a lot of time.
For years we thought him immortal, until one time a blue genie made it so he would never return.
Must have something to do with you being the bad come in all of these stories, i'm made out to be the bad guy?
Must have something to do with you being the bad guy.
Fuckin' Tuesdays.
how come in all of these stories, i'm made out to be the bad guy?
how come in all of these stories, i'm made out to be the bad guy?
Because you deserted us. This ain't ThaiGAF.
RIP Chinner
I'm totes sadcakes you guys, you don't even know.
get out of here stalker!
Yup, sometimes just keeping your head above water is a bitch. If it's owt you want to talk about / blow off steam about, feel free to PM me.I hear ya man. These past few weeks have been terrible. Been questioning a lot of things recently. Hopefully by the end of July I can calm down a bit.
I hope Zelda Williams is okay. Tweet if you're okay Zelda!
may/may not be coming back earlier, undecided!
iim not okay suairyu, hold me![]()
Yup, sometimes just keeping your head above water is a bitch. If it's owt you want to talk about / blow off steam about, feel free to PM me.
Fucking English summers.
(Edit: 'Fucking English Summers' sounds like a decent porn film).
I'm exactly like that Dave.Shit happens man. I've fallen off the fagwagon twice now
If you're anything like I was, you're probably smoking way more weed than you actually need to. Past a point, you're just doing it out of habit, not for any noticeable increase in buzz.
Do your best to cut down on spending and see where that takes you. It ain't me you've let down though chuck, it's your wallet.
No worries man!If I PM you can we make that porno a reality
Thanks though, might take you up on that offer.
It's a start, stick with it. I didn't just quit. I started at an eighth a night, dropped to an eighth every other night, dropped that to a Q every week, then to an eighth on the weekend and then stopped altogether. It took about a year all-in. It seems like it was a piece of piss now, but it was probably a lot harder than I think. Weed just seems so fucking great when it's a large part of your life. It took me a few weeks to get past thinking 'man, can't wait to get home and spark up a J' when I was at work.I'm exactly like that Dave.
As I say, I smoked three last night where I would usually smoke 10+, and I felt just as stoned!
I'll get better man, I might give you a pm heads up on my progress. You can be my sponsor.
Although, I've got to be honest, I can't wait to get home and spark up a J!
Don't come back early. Stick it out and see the world. You will regret it if you do.
it'd be coming back to go somewhere else early. shamefully there's a lot of misinformation and interpretations to thailand which we couldn't have learnd without coming here. would have gone to somewhere else probbaly if we knew what we know now.
its not all bad, just weighing up the options.
Depends what you're coming here for and whether that perspective is as a EFL teacher or just as a traveler
If you're interested in either, I can write a mega post on it if you want.
There is only so much masturbating a man can do in one day Shorty.Tried substituting that urge for something else?
There is only so much masturbating a man can do in one day Shorty.
But yeah, I see you're point, find something else to do to take my mind of it.
Anyway, whose up for some TLoU multi this weekend? Me Mike and Tash at the moment, any takers?
If you're interested in either, I can write a mega post on it if you want.
Anyway, whose up for some TLoU multi this weekend? Me Mike and Tash at the moment, any takers?
am well up for it
I've got the whole SATTUURDAY aww yisss
ninj, replace weed with alcohol, then go to AA meetings then start smoking and then get nicotine patches
LAZY FUCK!!! My work days arent the same as yours!
The devil on my shoulder. Thanks man, you always know just what to say.lolno. If you drank like we smoke you would very quickly turn into a rough-faced park person drinking super t on benches. It's not a good scene for a young man. I'd much rather middle-class drug abuse than getting stuck into drinking that hard.
I know right?Af'noon.
Chinner & Mikeside you rotten pair - I thought my homegirl had carked it!
I think you'll find there isn't reeeeeaaally a thing such as middle-class drug there?lolno. If you drank like we smoke you would very quickly turn into a rough-faced park person drinking super t on benches. It's not a good scene for a young man. I'd much rather middle-class drug abuse than getting stuck into drinking that hard.
S'all good, just don't trust anyone but me (I'm the truthiest in this land)Af'noon.
Chinner & Mikeside you rotten pair - I thought my homegirl had carked it!
The devil on my shoulder. Thanks man, you always know just what to say.
Tash, it was a sound idea, but I'm not a good drinker.
Oh man, I'm going to make such a twat of myself next weekend, I can feel it in my bones!
I know right?
I mean, I don't really know Musha yet, but still, hearing someone you know and converse with regularly has died sent a shiver down my spine.