donkey show
Making dat Easter steak for lunch. 

Making dat Easter steak for lunch.
Just spent half an hour filling out forms. When will people learn that everything is done electronically now! I don't want to sit down with pen and paper for so god damn long!
It's so cold today.
That was way too tame to be classed as a real rant![]()
Holy buttered mash potatoes.
CHEEZMO;52142544 said:how well-done is that steak jeez
Took a welding iron to it eh?
I love random conversations on BF3
Two very british guys just chatting one is shouting MY MUM DIDNT GET ME A EASTER EGG WHAT THE FUCK then started to plan that tonight they got enough weed to smoke for 8 hours straight. They where not kids either
Had a terrible night's sleep. Ate some dodgy chickpea curry from a mendhi party the wife brought home.
stomach ache and farts that smelt like Satan's helmet.
Chickpea curry is the ultimate gamble of curries honest to god. No other curry has the sheer lethal potential for me.
And mendhi parties are boring as fuck. Then again I abuse all and every function for food. But I'm a student, so I'm allowed to?
I don't like Mendhi/henna, it's really ugly unless its done really well.
Damn you all, putting me off my beanie bake which I've just begun to cook. Now I want Indian food.
Nimboo in Beeston may be the best place I've been to for it, too.
Of course it is. I'm not BritGaf Mum for nothing!
Game of Thrones is back tonight, I can barely remember what happens except the obvious later on. Looking forward to it
Do they still have sex scenes every episode? Makes it really awkward to watch with company.
I considered showing to my mum/dad but the sister brother fuck in the first episode is reaaaally awkward to watch with family.
PS3 I assume? No one talks on the 360, everyone either has their own party or can't be bothered to put on the mic. MS has destroyed the random social aspect of Xbox Live. I loved discussing strategy, tactics, giving through enemy positions with random people before this whole party stuff came out.
Evening BritGAF, I'm still alive but my liver is begging for mercy. The wedding yesterday was quite nice, no fights or jilted grooms.
Has Tashbrooke got a job yet?
He's been gone for 3 hours. We're really worried about him.
Do they still have sex scenes every episode? Makes it really awkward to watch with company.
OK, PM sent (it took a while to compose).
Its a shame the chick Rob married doesn't get proper naked she's banging.I don't mind them never really bothers me when watching with mother. She did burst out laughing in S2 with Renly and Margaery mainly due to dialogue
Its a shame the chick Rob married doesn't get proper naked she's banging.
Its a shame the chick Rob married doesn't get proper naked she's banging.
Ok yeah that's long! Give me some time to read the whole thing and digest it properly before I formulate my response. This may be tomorrow.
Game of Thrones is about dragons and shit, man. Stop thinking about naked girls.
Game of Thrones is about dragons and shit, man. Stop thinking about naked girls.
Been a busy weekend gaming, I finished up Bioshock last night (it was omg wow) and now I've spent the afternoon finishing up Metal Gear Solid in anticipation of playing the rest of the series soon. Games is mad talky and obtuse and the backtracking near the end was hilariously stupid. I hope 2 and 3 are a little less blunt in the dialogue, it's sooooo bad. Still, this stuff is fascinating to just study as you play it. Very ambitious for a 32 bit game as well.
Game Of Thrones is more about politics then dragons they are just there in background to be used as political tools. Same as hot girls in the show they are tools for alliances which are fickle in this world people really hate each other
Have you just watched the show or read the books?