Were it something along the lines of "Aww sorry to hear about that babe! Wanna come over tonight and talk about it...in bed?"
So, last night was fucked up.
Got a phonecall at like, 12am asking if I was busy and whether or not I fancied going down to Piccadilly Institute. Obviously, I took the offer and went down. Haven't been out in ages, so I just went for it. There were 4 of us at first, all guys. Everything was great up until about 2am. Mate wanted to go outside for a smoke with this girl he'd met, so everyone went outside and we got talking. Turns out I went to primary school with this girl, same year and all. 2 other girls from the same year were apparently there too, so she went to get them. As the night went on, me and these girls got to talking and it ended up with me going back to one of their houses, because I said I forgot my housekeys (I hadn't). When we got there, the three of them essentially threw me onto the bed, took my clothes off and tied my arms to the headboard. I thought some kinky shit was going to go down until all three of them started mounting me without putting any rubbers on. At the end of it all, they slipped a pill in my mouth and told me they only wanted me for my sperm. I literally just woke up in the bed and I'm posting this from my phone.
phisheep, can I sue? I have the address and phone number of one of them. What else do I need?
Holy Shit dude, first get yourself tested...fuuck
I'm kinda worried for you right now
I just looked around this room I'm in. The door is locked, so I can't get out. I don't know where my clothes are either, so I can hardly start running away. There's some whips and a breast pump in the bedside drawer. There's a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on the table itself and there's a box of dildos in the corner.
What the fuck
I just looked around this room I'm in. The door is locked, so I can't get out. I don't know where my clothes are either, so I can hardly start running away. There's some whips and a breast pump in the bedside drawer. There's a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on the table itself and there's a box of dildos in the corner.
What the fuck
Where was your phone?
theres a blood stain under the bed
Ohhh you guys... My fucking head.
Cheers to Musha for rescuing me from the overexposure to drum and bass.
Needed some good music in my ear holes
Where was your phone?
I just looked around this room I'm in. The door is locked, so I can't get out. I don't know where my clothes are either, so I can hardly start running away. There's some whips and a breast pump in the bedside drawer. There's a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey on the table itself and there's a box of dildos in the corner.
What the fuck
what the fuck I'm in Bristol
this is what I can see right now. how the fuck do I get home they hid my wallet.
That's the 5th image when googling Bristol Hilton
Hey guys you'll never believe it but my penis just exploded
This is going to make proposing to Musha awkward!!!1
this is what I can see right now. how the fuck do I get home they hid my wallet.
I thought the mobile was a giveaway - who'd kidnap, take clothes and leave a phone? And under the circumstances, the phone would have been placed there.
I mean, when I lock people in my dildo dungeon, I make sure to deal with contact.
What, winner of Best Newcomer Award at the 2013 Troll-ies?The biggest giveaway was the username
when do i accept my tag
1/10 Please try harder Hot Coldman. See me after class.
Hmm, that's weird. My last council tax direct debit payment was back in February. I don't recall cancelling it. Better call those guys up.
What's all this talk about being a permanent junior?
The paperwork has been submitted, unlucky chap
If you pay by direct debit don't you pay over ten months not twelve?
I was only 9 days from immunity too.
Oh really? Wasn't aware of that. Sweet! Tried calling them but the lines are closed.
You all know that April Fool's jokes aren't supposed to be told after midday?
Edit: in before no fun allowed.
Immunity? Clearly you've never heard of blame space.
Ohhh you guys... My fucking head.
Cheers to Musha for rescuing me from the overexposure to drum and bass.
Needed some good music in my ear holes
Hey guys you'll never believe it but my penis just exploded
This is going to make proposing to Musha awkward!!!1
Too bad Noffles you were so close to being a member.