Hot Coldman
That was so fun
We should do that more often
We should just play this instead:
That was so fun
We should do that more often
Shorty you XBL gold or silver?
Thanks for the welcome.
Put me as a maybe for the meetup.
We should just play this instead:
I'm in. (Urbanpanda).
Now what the fuck do we do?
i made an overflow game, no password required
This sounds like something you'd pay for In a developing country.DONKEY SHOW SILVER OR GOLD
aj1467 - Silver or Gold?
This sounds like something you'd pay for In a developing country.
I like you.
Anyone here watched Monkey Dust?
Some of my fav sketches.
Where do you live: Manchester
Where are you from: Warrington
Occupation: Media
University: University of York
Favourite Sport: Football
Political party of choice: Liberal Democrats
Favourite thing on the box: Breaking Bad
Favourite crisp flavour: Cheese & Onion
Favourite biscuit: Bourbon
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Sudowoodo
Beano or Dandy: Beano
Another one? Nice..Where do you live: Pompey
Where are you from: Pompey
Another one? Nice..
Haha this is awesome how come I never heard of this before?CHEEZMO;51360006 said:Monkey Dust is the best!
Yeah there are a spooky amount of us!
That game is rubbish Mike is not a funny guy
I'm just glad certain members weren't there to see the absolute destruction we made of them.
Mike was there for the whole thing though, so that was great.
Ahhh didn't see this thread.. Thanks mike. Wanted to share my shame.
Had one of my best friends stag party this weekend in York
I spent 500+ quid in a strip club ;_;
I'll post a scan of my receipts tomorrow... Sooooo dumb. Obviously bought the stag some dances like, it wasn't just for me. It was my first time in such a place, and I let one of the girls ply me with champagne, which adversely affected further judgement and cost tallying ability... They must make insane money in those places!
Really sumo? What is that like? I've always wanted to watch a match. I saw a documentary once about how a lot of matches were fixed.Favourite Sport: Sumo
Prawn crisp is delicious and I wish we had it over here (US).Favourite crisp flavour: Prawn Cocktail
Lugia, great. Game of Thrones, awesome.Favourite thing on the box: Game of Thrones
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Lugia
Houndoom is one the best newer pokemon. What is Pompey like?Where do you live: Pompey
Where are you from: Pompey
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Houndoom
Two questions: what do you want to do in media and how has your perception of the lib dems changed in the last four yearsOccupation: Media
Political party of choice: Liberal Democrats
Said this earlier but it bears repeating: awesome show thank you for bringing me into the know about it.Anyone here watched Monkey Dust?
Some of my fav sketches.
Walking Dead is great, another prawn cocktail lover is sweet.Favourite thing on the box: The Walking Dead
Favourite crisp flavour: Prawn Cocktail
I see wot u did thar m8.Where do you live: NottinghamShottingham brap
Where are you from: TrendywendytoughtywoughtyDerby
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Shonky Honker.
A realist with good taste, rare breed.Political party of choice: green, labour if we're choosing a party with a chance
Favourite thing on the box: community
You seem a cool bloke, good taste in media but can't get on board for that crisp flavor. Glad you are posting now.Where do you live: Brixton
Favourite thing on the box: Doctor Who. Or Black Mirror, but that's finished (real telly) Parks & Rec, Community, Game of Thrones, Person of Interest (that american stuff)
Favourite crisp flavour: Pickled onion Monster Munch.
Favourite biscuit: Ginger nut for regular eating, Fox's Crunch Cream for fancy.
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: No such thing
Beano or Dandy: Beano
Alright chaps. I was subscribed to the last thread but was intimidated into not posting much because of how quickly it moved. I will endeavour (morse) to post here at least every so often.
Also xbox: ThousandNeedles
PS3: Mikebot2000
Steam: mikebot
Whoa, you too?Favourite Sport: Masturbation
One of the best.Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Farfetch'd
I'd put your favorite sport neck and neck as a contender for masturbation actually. I'm avoiding the temptation to comment on your pokemon.Favourite Sport:Shin kicking
Favourite Pokemon POST 151re 151 squirtle, post would be mudkip i guess
Shuckle is a great pokemon and Mad Men is my favorite show. You ready for season 6?Favourite Pokemon POST 151:![]()
This is why I don't go on dating sites.
What happened directly after?Most alcohol consumed in 24hr period: 18 bottles + shots.
This is really the only valid answer.Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Nothing exists beyond Pokemon Red or Blue.
Ice breaker I guess, as ridiculous as that seems on the Internet. Maybe to make the thread more inclusive. I strongly approve your political commentary and favorite box puppet.Political party of choice: Used to be liberal but Clegg's been sucking Satan's cock for too long
Favourite thing on the box: Charlie Brooker
So, what's the point of this then?
Good stuff, Currygan.Political party of choice: Labour. As the great Billy Bragg once said "Much further to the left of them than I used to be, but that's because they've moved, not me."
Favourite thing on the box: Only fools and horses...yes, I still watch it and it's still the best
He got dropped from the adverts in 2008 and left the firm in 2011. That's why they've gone to shit if you ask me.Whatever happened to the Halifax man? Haven't seen him on tv in years
Pull up a chair and stay awhile!This is my first time in BritGAF.
Good politics, good taste (gonna miss young justice personally) and seem to know the way to be in the thread already. Smart lurking, mate.Political party of choice: None, they're all a bunch of bastards
Favourite thing on the box: Doctor Who, Arrow and Young Justice
Hopefully going to post more. A bit more, not Tashbrooke more.
Prawn Cocktail superiority continues. How do you like Sheffield Hallam? I got a condition there from UCAS before I had to move back to the States due to family troubles.University: Sheffield Hallam University
Favourite crisp flavour: Prawn Cocktail
It's all shit posts by shit members really. No need to feel intimidated.The large number of pages in the old thread was making me intimidated.
Oshawott rules. I've seen you elsewhere but I can't think of where.Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Oshawott
Beano or Dandy: Beano
Overpowered.Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Salamence
I just want it to end at this point. Which I am glad it is. I like NPH a lot but it really needs to end on a good note.Favourite thing on the box: Family Guy, American Dad.. those kind of shows. I've got a soft spot for HIMYM though.
Everyone else with amazing taste.Favourite thing on the box: Arrested Development (because I'm just like everyone else)Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Scrafty is a bad motherfucker
This man knows. Rewatching 5 right now actually.Favourite thing on the box: Mad Men
NARFOLKS!Where do you live: NARFOLK
This is how I feel.Oh fuck not another one.
This is the best, most intriguing opinion about crisps in the entire thread.Well I say, this thread is jolly amusing, what what.
Favourite crisp flavour: Walkers Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli or possibly Walkers Max Paprika. Not a fan of these new Deep Ridged jobbies, they take a lot of effort to eat. I wonder if ladies of negotiable virtue have the same problem with ribbed condoms.
What kind of games do you design?University: Portsmouth, Computer Games!
You aren't alone.Occupation: UNEMPLOYED URBAN SCOUNDREL
Is this as cool a job as I was led to believe?Occupation: QA Tester for games ennit