Ugh. It's so hard to find summer internships for students finishing their first year.
How are you looking? At Newcastle the online vacancies page gets a great amount of placements, especially this time of year.
Same here! I know several good peeps who work over there. Always a shame about good 'ol Psygnosis though.]
Stay alive, Kent! I'd prefer a weed and biscuits bender myself.
That was one of the most nerve wrecking moments waiting to find out what Vet said about dog, thankfully didn't bring up choice I was dreading but still not 100% sure what it is. Had a blood test but he confident it to do with his pancreas ,it can never be cured just have a special diet and unfortunately can't give him pain relief so tonight going be rough if he is in pain again
Trolling really is an unattractive quality.
How late did you stay up? I left at like quarter to 1?!By the way, that meeting this morning nearly killed me.
I blame you.
Oh god I think it's going to snow
How late did you stay up? I left at like quarter to 1?!
That was one of the most nerve wrecking moments waiting to find out what Vet said about dog, thankfully didn't bring up choice I was dreading but still not 100% sure what it is. Had a blood test but he confident it to do with his pancreas ,it can never be cured just have a special diet and unfortunately can't give him pain relief so tonight going be rough if he is in pain again
Having to deal with a few intolerable people i cannot stand to be around (these scumbags are friendly with our boss and love to snitch everyone up for the most petty things), Its really brought me down to a level of life hate.
Had to tell one of them to fuck off and leave work today (fake sicky) to get a bottle of buckfast and cheer my self up, and another thing about my job is you feel inferior to the asda operatives who work in the warehouse most of them ignore your existence and only a few spark conversation.
May 26! Arrested Development & A$AP. Wow!!
Having to deal with a few intolerable people i cannot stand to be around (these scumbags are friendly with our boss and love to snitch everyone up for the most petty things), Its really brought me down to a level of life hate.
Had to tell one of them to fuck off and leave work today (fake sicky) to get a bottle of buckfast and cheer my self up, and another thing about my job is you feel inferior to the asda operatives who work in the warehouse most of them ignore your existence and only a few spark conversation.
Mopping up boxes of smashed wine really kills any joy in life. I feel like a servant, FTL. Wish i took school more seriously.
I'l feel better when this bucky kick in.
I think i could handle it if no one pisses me off, I can't handle hot headed arguments with people or pretty arguments. After the argument the shit replays in my head to the point i get a short breath and shake a little.
Do you want me to go over there and sort them all out for you Kent?
Just don't do that impulsive thing and from now on keep record of every dickhead thing they do whilst keeping yourself clean in the process, I reckon your s3 would work as an ample recording device in your highest pocketI'm good yo, I will batter on and look for a new job on the side.
I'm good yo, I will batter on and look for a new job on the side.
Lightly snowing ><
Oh god I think it's going to snow
For those who care
this is my front gate right now
For those who care
this is my front gate right now
bloody electricians... stopping me going to see my pappy for his birthday >__<
Indeed, as soon as i left the house i knew what was coming, atleast im back home in warmth again
This my friends, is what we call irony.Trolling really is an unattractive quality.
This my friends, is what we call irony.
Lightly snowing ><
BritGAFfers I need help Identifying a song.
I'm pretty sure it was an advert in the 90s, for a beer or bitter of some kind, the pint was near the camera and there was a creepy dude in the background marching back and forth or something.
The music was all trumpets/trombones and stuff and I know we used to have it on cassette but I'll be damned if I'm looking for those right now.
EDIT: FUCK, I literally ended up googling "90s advert trumpet music" and the 1st result took me straight to it:
And the full song:
BritGAFfers I need help Identifying a song.
I'm pretty sure it was an advert in the 90s, for a beer or bitter of some kind, the pint was near the camera and there was a creepy dude in the background marching back and forth or something.
The music was all trumpets/trombones and stuff and I know we used to have it on cassette but I'll be damned if I'm looking for those right now.
EDIT: FUCK, I literally ended up googling "90s advert trumpet music" and the 1st result took me straight to it:
And the full song:
Holy crap the snow is really trying for it now, can't see 50 metres down the drive at the mo. Still not settling though. Stoopid snow don't know what month it is...
Random question, but do you know anyone that pronounces it 'Sheen Bean'? Stupid pronunciation is one of the things that is an instant rage trigger for me.Sunny with clouds in Sheffield. Thank you based Sean Bean.
"Snow" in London.
Gonna be on the radio live this afternoon. If you're free and fancy a laugh, listen in on from 5pm-7pm. We'll be playing a new song in acoustic for the first time (having practiced it maybe 4 times), it's gonna be a FUCKING CARCRASHlet's do this!
edit: Going to be cracking on with some PS3 gaming tonight, guys, so if we're doing another Steamchat (and we should) then maybe a voicechat would be better?
Do you have a headset, noffles?
Random question, but do you know anyone that pronounces it 'Sheen Bean'? Stupid pronunciation is one of the things that is an instant rage trigger for me.
Random question, but do you know anyone that pronounces it 'Sheen Bean'? Stupid pronunciation is one of the things that is an instant rage trigger for me.