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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Just watched The Amazing Spiderman.

I think it may be the best film I've ever seen. Andrew Garfield is the best casting I've seen as a Marvel character ever and Rhys Ifans blew me away.
CHEEZMO™;52653492 said:
I only have one bottle of booze left :<

Aww, I'd pm you a dram if I could.

Notice how I bought one bottle nice whisky, and one bottle cheap shit. You drink the nice stuff first and then switch to the paint thinner when you stop caring about taste. I think that's, like, how the Romans used to drink...or something.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Is anybody into poetry here?

Poetry is shit. Everyone here would hate to read any poetry.

It's like asking is anybody into music, they all say yes but to all different things ("huh. call that music?).

But on the other hand, this sends shivers through my spine every time I read or remember it:

Shelley said:
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said -- "two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lips, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,
Look on my Works ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Mortality, the swirling bucket; time and the endless ocean; insignificance and the demise of the proud; the fall of the mighty and the fall of all of us all in one. Wow.


It's like asking is anybody into music, they all say yes but to all different things ("huh. call that music?).

But on the other hand, this sends shivers through my spine every time I read or remember it:

Mortality, the swirling bucket; time and the endless ocean; insignificance and the demise of the proud; the fall of the mighty and the fall of all of us all in one. Wow.

I don't really hate poetry, Tashbrooke is messing with me because I said I like Yeats


Just watched The Amazing Spiderman.

I think it may be the best film I've ever seen. Andrew Garfield is the best casting I've seen as a Marvel character ever and Rhys Ifans blew me away.

I know. I cried when the cranes all moved into place so he could swing to Oscorp.

Jedeye Sniv

It's like asking is anybody into music, they all say yes but to all different things ("huh. call that music?).

But on the other hand, this sends shivers through my spine every time I read or remember it:

Mortality, the swirling bucket; time and the endless ocean; insignificance and the demise of the proud; the fall of the mighty and the fall of all of us all in one. Wow.

I must say I'm not big into poetry on that I rarely search it out, but when I hear or read it I enjoy it. I heard Benny Cumbersnatch recite a poem by Keats (inspired by reading the SF epic Hyperion which has a lot of basis in Keats' work) and it was stunning. Fantastic words and that syrupy, sonorous delivery... Gave me goosebumps.
Just watched The Amazing Spiderman.

I think it may be the best film I've ever seen. Andrew Garfield is the best casting I've seen as a Marvel character ever and Rhys Ifans blew me away.

Oh noffles, how do I know when you're being serious! You're spot on with Andrew Garfield. The perfect Peter Parker in a perfectly average reboot.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
I must say I'm not big into poetry on that I rarely search it out, but when I hear or read it I enjoy it. I heard Benny Cumbersnatch recite a poem by Keats (inspired by reading the SF epic Hyperion which has a lot of basis in Keats' work) and it was stunning. Fantastic words and that syrupy, sonorous delivery... Gave me goosebumps.

One of those things that you need to search out. I like digging around the poetry of late 19th century because that's when poetry was a mass medium. There's a lot of crap out there, but a bunch of good stuff too. I like a fix of Thomas Hood's comedy poems, and a bit of Tennyson and bit of Longfellow and even some of Browning.

In those days people would quote poems to each other like they quote Doctor Who or Big Bang to each other now. It was living stuff.


Oh noffles, how do I know when you're being serious! You're spot on with Andrew Garfield. The perfect Peter Parker in a perfectly average reboot.

Am I trolling? Am I being genuine? Are you saying that I can only be one or the other?

I guess we'll never really know.



Oh noffles, how do I know when you're being serious! You're spot on with Andrew Garfield. The perfect Peter Parker in a perfectly average reboot.

And still somehow had the best fight we seen from Spiderman on screen with Lizard in the school, he actually uses his mobility and webbing then the best Stan Lee cameo added in.


And still somehow had the best fight we seen from Spiderman on screen with Lizard in the school, he actually uses his mobility and webbing then the best Stan Lee cameo added in.

That scene was so fucking abrupt that I have no idea what the hell went through their heads when they did it.
And still somehow had the best fight we seen from Spiderman on screen with Lizard in the school, he actually uses his mobility and webbing then the best Stan Lee cameo added in.

The swinging was spot on too. Everything but the plot was great. But maybe we'll get better in a non-origin movie.


The swinging was spot on too. Everything but the plot was great. But maybe we'll get better in a non-origin movie.

I think they where screwed no matter what people where raging soon as mentioned reboot. It set up great ground work for future titles people already shitting on ASM2 just because actors have been cast in a film.
I think they where screwed no matter what people where raging soon as mentioned reboot. It set up great ground work for future titles people already shitting on ASM2 just because actors have been cast in a film.

No kidding. The hate the Mary Jane actor has got around here is unbelievable.

Jedeye Sniv

One of those things that you need to search out. I like digging around the poetry of late 19th century because that's when poetry was a mass medium. There's a lot of crap out there, but a bunch of good stuff too. I like a fix of Thomas Hood's comedy poems, and a bit of Tennyson and bit of Longfellow and even some of Browning.

In those days people would quote poems to each other like they quote Doctor Who or Big Bang to each other now. It was living stuff.

I do worry that I would not be able to tell 'good' from 'bad' though.... much like people who watch big bang theory today :p

But I did enjoy the Heaney I did in sixth form and the war stuff from school. I think I most enjoy it when it's performed rather than read, I should spend an afternoon with youtube to see what takes my fancy. Get some o that thar high culture for a change.


I just got back from the book of Mormon.


A must see if you can go. Can't see anyone not enjoying it.


I'd think they would enjoy it too.

I'd ask ny Mormon friends but they all moved to Utah so I don't think they will catch it.


Guys, I need to find a band just like Broken Social Scene, except still together, so I can fall in love with them and then see them live.

I await your genius suggestions.

edit: OK, they're playing one last show on June 8th in Toronto at their label's festival.
Fuck it, I think I'm going to book a ticket.


Guys, I need to find a band just like Broken Social Scene, except still together, so I can fall in love with them and then see them live.

I await your genius suggestions.

edit: OK, they're playing one last show on June 8th in Toronto at their label's festival.
Fuck it, I think I'm going to book a ticket.
One Direction.


bitch I'm taking calls.
So I guess that douche dev all but confirmed always-online for the next Xbox. Stay losing, Microsoft.
I will love Russell Crowe as Javert always... and I mean, I'm the first to admit Johnny Depp is a pretty terrible Sweeney Todd.


I can't believe Anne Hathaway got an Oscar for it though :


Anne Hathaway was one of the best actors in a film full of amazing actors

Eh, the first time I heard the musical it was the 10th anniversary cast, while the movie does a fantastic job with the music as a whole, Russel Crowe is no Phillip Quast.

Yes the tenth anniversary cast were amazing, but they are west end/broadway actors. They needed big name Hollywood actors to translate the story to the big screen (and yes to sell tickets) but luckily they cast people with musical backgrounds who were amazing and did a fantastic job, the 2 exceptions being Samantha Barks who is a west end star and did a wonderful job in her first film role, and Russell Crowe who albeit isn't in the same league as the others musically but still did a good job.

I just got back from the book of Mormon.


A must see if you can go. Can't see anyone not enjoying it.

Got tickets for 3 weeks time, can't wait!

Jedeye Sniv

So I guess that douche dev all but confirmed always-online for the next Xbox. Stay losing, Microsoft.

Am I the only person that isn't that worried about this? My consoles are always online anyway. I could see it hurting sales maybe if the reports of half the userbase never connecting to the internet currently is true.
Am I the only person that isn't that worried about this? My consoles are always online anyway. I could see it hurting sales maybe if the reports of half the userbase never connecting to the internet currently is true.

Yeah I'm worried as the Sim City clusterfuck still haunts me.

In unrelated news my new PC should be here shortly, goodbye social life.
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