I don't have enough holiday entitlement left to take a week and I definitely can't afford a whole week out there. I'll settle for a day, then go back in a year or two - I've always wanted to visit Canada (with a possible view to moving there in 10 or so years)
Considering it's a band you really want to see then I suppose that's not too bad. Kinda did the same thing myself with a music festival. Well, let us know how you get along. If you're planning on heading to Canada next year then gimmie a shout as I'm thinking of taking that famous Rocky Mountaineer train from Calgary to Vancouver, chill out there for a bit and then take a ferry from Victoria to Seattle for PAX. Could do with a travelling buddy. Assuming I'm still in a job by next year of course.
Post a thread about it.
No, they really don't!
I'm going to be parking in a car park on Shoreditch High Street, so I am not too far from the bar and hopefully should be getting there before 9, and when I'm leaving I'm going to be leaving with a friend so I should be alright. I'll keep everything hidden and out of sight!
It isn't so much that always-online is a shock horror anymore, but the way a microsoft developer talked down and acted like a supreme douchebag to everyone about it really cemented the 'microsoft: fuck you' attitude this generation.Really? lost me there, Jedeye.It's the very opposite of entitlement. It's a product they want you to purchase. Consumers have every right to complain when it doesn't meet established or perceived standards. In the case of possible always-online requirement in a world where always-online internet infrastructure is not a possibility for every home that wants to play, people have every right to be upset. You're always online and don't see a problem because you believe your internet connection is stable enough to where you don't think you will notice. Congrats that's great for you. But don't sneer at everyone else and say people are entitled because they are not in the same boat.
Like someone else said earlier, it's about control. Bad methods of control that fuck with your gameplay experience (the reason you are buying a console in the first place) are awful and always-online is one of those 'bad' methods. My guess is that based on this information and a lot of the bad PR, Microsoft will release a neutered version of their always-online with diminished requirement from what they had originally planned, which will be enough to sway most people along side the new Halo or whatever other flashy bang bang game they like to lure the easily distracted people with.
Actually it's outside - it's not a gig, it's a 1 day festival to celebrate the record label that the band set up 10 years ago.
lol, mike you may as well make a trip of it and go for.. At least 3 or 4 dayswell excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me
well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me
lol, mike you may as well make a trip of it and go for.. At least 3 or 4 days
I do this too, I can't help but admire the fabric on leggings on the back, it just happens to be where the wearers arse is locatedCHEEZMO;52774995 said:>tfw you see cute girls in town and the first thing you look at is what they're wearing
CHEEZMO;52774995 said:>tfw you see cute girls in town and the first thing you look at is what they're wearing
CHEEZMO;52774995 said:>tfw you see cute girls in town and the first thing you look at is what they're wearing
Fuck. Both lifts in work are broken. How am I supposed to move cages full of stock downstairs :/
CHEEZMO;52777116 said:
Oh shit how have I never seen this thread before! Hope I am not too late to join in.
Where do you live: Isle of Wight
Where are you from: Bristle.
Occupation: Coputer Games Programmer.
University: Pompey.
Favourite Sport: Rugby.
Political party of choice: Labour.
Favourite thing on the box: Luther, GoT, Breaking Bad, TWD, How TV ruined your life. Masterchef (lol)
Favourite crisp flavour: Chipsticks innit.
Favourite biscuit: Custard Creams!
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Pass.
Beano or Dandy: Pass.
Shit, is it too late to change my occupation?![]()
So not a Wii U title then.label can you please confirm or deny that you are in fact working on a video that game that at some point will be released on a device that is bought from the general public
label can you please confirm or deny that you are in fact working on a video that game that at some point will be released on a device that is bought from the general public
So not a Wii U title then.
Oh shit how have I never seen this thread before! Hope I am not too late to join in.
Where do you live: Isle of Wight
Where are you from: Bristle.
Occupation: Computer Games Programmer.
University: Pompey.
Favourite Sport: Rugby.
Political party of choice: Labour.
Favourite thing on the box: Luther, GoT, Breaking Bad, TWD, How TV ruined your life. Masterchef (lol)
Favourite crisp flavour: Chipsticks innit.
Favourite biscuit: Custard Creams!
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Pass.
Beano or Dandy: Pass.
I am scared and confused. Ahh yes I think you are confusing me with someone else, although I cannot remember his name either anymore..
Sorry! Thought you were DECK'ARD/Nash/Guy wot wrote Worms.
Carmagedden xbox720 launch exclusive
They are goofing around don't worry. Welcome to BritGAF.
That game is looking good. (a man can dream)
Anyway to try and steer this away from me..
Has anyone had their bike stolen before? If so did you ever get it back?
My gf had her bike stolen in Southampton yesterday and fears she will never see it again.
Has anyone had their bike stolen before? If so did you ever get it back?