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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Tash hows the job going? I know Mikeside was jobhunting too at one point, hows that going? Feeling totally demotivated with work and I would like to hear how guys guys are doing cos I know you been there.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Tash hows the job going? I know Mikeside was jobhunting too at one point, hows that going? Feeling totally demotivated with work and I would like to hear how guys guys are doing cos I know you been there.

It's not going well.

So annoying, need to go to bed soon. :(

Im barely making more than i did on the dole


Tash hows the job going? I know Mikeside was jobhunting too at one point, hows that going? Feeling totally demotivated with work and I would like to hear how guys guys are doing cos I know you been there.

I'm not REALLLYYYYY jobhunting, just unsatisfied with what I've got right now (due to shit salary and worse management...who happen to be my family - I love the actual WORK I do)


Notice how Suairyu jumped quickly into the thread after it was reopened from being shutdown last night but has not posted in ages before or even after......

how odd

Jedeye Sniv

I just wrote this really inane screed on facebook in response to one of those inane 'name the brands NOW name the leaves' wistful wannabe hippy bullshit images that someone posted. But I am growing as a person and people don't know how to argue properly on facebook so I deleted it. Or rather, I CTRL-X'd and I'm pasting it here in order to expunge it from my bileducts in a safe and controlled fashion.

Fight me you bastard hippies!! Or don't whatevs, I just bored my mrs for a straight hour on a similarly fascist jag and now she's buggered off to skate and hit bitches - I mean ladies.

"leaves keep us alive passively, without our active participation. Brands are things we interact with daily, either personally or through others or advertising. I don't see a value judgement to be made between the two, you might as well do the same with types of rocks and hollywood a-listers, it means nothing.
It makes sense that someone would recognise these powerful pop-cultural images, that's what they're designed for. They have a far more active role in culture than vegetation, but they're just signs. What are we supposed to be tutting at, the signs or the signified? The things they represent exist for good or ill, and our participation in them to a greater or lesser extent is up to us. But whether we actively use the products signified, it doesn't mean that instant recognition of the things they represent is a bad thing. Can you imagine our culture without signs and the ability to quickly recognise what they are and what they mean?"

why do you think that people get so huffy when you challenge them on facebook? The written-internet is exactly for that, having ideas and calling bullshit on others. Maybe it's because of how intimate Facebook is, it's more like going into someone's house and calling their bullshit in their living room or something.

//realised I should probably have posted this a new thread, it would come under EviLore's idea for a bright new tomorrow of blogposts.


Obsidian fan
People don't like being called out on Facebook cos they're insecure cunts who don't like being told they're wrong/stupid, especially when everyone they know is able to witness it. They just want to say whatever dumb shit comes into their head and have everyone be okay with it.

Basically they want an echo chamber/hugbox.


Obsidian fan
Guys check this pic of tash


Jedeye Sniv

Tash isn't black.

EDIT: CHinner noooooooooooooooo! Whatever is the internet going to do without you? When you come back it'll have changed.
I might go to Katzenjammers for my birthday.

Do it! I went back there the week after. Book a table well in advance though.

This thread has been lacking something recently. I'd say fertility, but I think Suairyu might be watching this thread.

Notice how Suairyu jumped quickly into the thread after it was reopened from being shutdown last night but has not posted in ages before or even after......

how odd

Suairyu is a god damned hero who saved this thread from certain death, and I for one salute him.

final night guys

bye bye :(



I've done no prep for my interview tomorrow. Quick someone tell me everything there is to know about F1 cars and Mercedes


have fun having pointless back and forths with reaction fishing idiots and caring more about arguments than games.

I kind of agree with that gaming GAF has turned into hating for sake of hating to have arguments


People get pissy at everything on gaming side. Had someone start on me earlier for apparently telling him what his opinion was when I did no such thing.

The nerve.


What are you putting in the water over there? Sheesh.

I don't mean to poke the bear or anything, but I can understand why people are getting frustrated with GAF right now.

A lot of Gaming and OT seem to be full of people spouting their opinions and shitting on everyone else's and there's SO MANY posts criticizing other people's posts for no reason other than to argue or cause drama.

On top of that, I don't understand a lot of the modding that seems to be going on - like Tash getting a 3 day ban for asking "where's the funny" on a picture in the funny pictures thread that really wasn't funny (a lot of the pictures in there aren't even attempting humour - so much almost-porn and "oh look...a thing..." in there it's untrue) and I REALLY don't get when stuff like you closing this thread for a month (OK, you changed your mind, but still) happens. What point was that supposed to serve?

Again, I'm not looking to be a dick about it, but I'm finding a lot of where GAF seems to be right now to be less than comforting. It's like GAF has lost it's direction of late.


On top of that, I don't understand a lot of the modding that seems to be going on - like Tash getting a 3 day ban for asking "where's the funny" on a picture in the funny pictures thread that really wasn't funny (a lot of the pictures in there aren't even attempting humour - so much almost-porn and "oh look...a thing..." in there it's untrue)

That's a rule for that thread because otherwise it would be even worse. It's in the OP
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