Quarter of the way to reaching its goal in about half a day. That bodes very well. But then again, I suppose there would be an influx of backers at the beginning.
Very informative interview about Broken Sword 5, the history of religion aspect, 2D look with 3D derivation, getting the original team back, and financial troubles:
The puzzles, the difficulty of them, 5 million downloads, German voice acting, PC/Mac/mobile, stretch Kickstarter goals, release date, possible Dave Gibbons collaborations in the future:
The original Broken Sword is my favorite game of all time and I was really looking forward to this... but the 3D characters look godawful. Gonna pledge anyway but -- I didn't ask for this!
My first Broken Sword game was that Director's Cut on the Nintendo Wii. I pledged. I never got around to parts 3 and 4 though.
Broken Sword does have a passionate fanbase, I was never doubting they'd make it.Wow, I'm legitimately surprised how far this got. I hate to admit it but I was highly doubting this would make the goal.
Sebastian Hähnel said:And after that please do a bloody sequel of steel sky!
Tony Warriner said:@sebastian yup, Steel Sky 2 pencilled in for next year
Broken Sword does have a passionate fanbase, I was never doubting they'd make it.
I think all Broken Sword fans would say this. Myself included. Still, i backed it right away, what else can I do?
Try them if you get a chance. They´re not as good as the first one, but not as bad as forum posts tries to make you believe.
I'm a huge Broken Sword fan and, even though I'd definitely prefer 2D over 3D models, I think that the game looks great. The 3D models look very nice, it's the animation that needs work.I think all Broken Sword fans would say this. Myself included. Still, i backed it right away, what else can I do?
Makes sense, they created a concept for BASS2 years ago, I think.Edit: Just to lend some credence with that really being Tony: He's been on Kickstarter for several months, and previously backed DFA. It wasn't an account made just now to wind people up, at least.
I'm going to be murdered for this most likely but 3 is genuinely a great adventure game
4 is deeply flawed but 3 is fantastic
I'm going to be murdered for this most likely but 3 is genuinely a great adventure game
4 is deeply flawed but 3 is fantastic
Which makes me even more confused why they need this kickstarter.
I honestly have a hard time to believe that they really need the money. Not sure what to think of this. On one hand, it doesn't really matter -- people who pledge now, won't buy the game when it's out, so it's not like the developers are getting "free money". They are just getting it a little early. But on the other hand, this contributes to a general Kickstarter tiredness and I don't like the thought that one day a promising game that actually really needs funding might fail because other studios used Kickstarter without need.
All Kickstarter backers will get codes for 'Broken Sword: The Serpent's Curse' for the PC version - and Mac from somewhere that hasn't yet been decided . We haven't yet reached an agreement with Steam, but would expect to be able to provide Steam keys for people who want them. Sorry that we can't be more specific at this time.
So they seem to meet the 200.000 USD line already today![]()
Wow! Everyone here at Revolution is totally blown away by the amazing response and the affection of the comments posted! In less than a day, we have nearly managed to reach 40% of our target! A few people have asked for an indication of the final look for the characters - this is what we currently have, although we are still working on our graphics technology.
Thank you so much for your support!
Yeah, although it looks a bit too "clean", too. But maybe that just comes with the higher resolution.At least the background art is gorgeous.
Because 3D animation is much cheaper.
Sure, but it's also much uglier. I'm not asking SNK level of animation here, I don't really see the issue.
Kicktraq has it trending towards $2 mil. It will of course slow down, but hopefully it can reach $1 mil at least.
Seeing as how the project looks like it will far exceed its quota, I wonder if Cecil will consider branching out further to other systems. It's one way to make use of all those extra dollars. Regardless, I'm thrilled that Broken Sword still has so much sway in this day and age, so congrats to Revolution.
Never played any of the games in this series, but I'm in for $25. Best wishes to the dev team.
(On which note: I've never really heard people talk about the Director's Cut version of BS2; is it more true to the original?)
(On which note: I've never really heard people talk about the Director's Cut version of BS2; is it more true to the original?)
If the project is going ahead regardless or not whether it hits its target (though in a lesser form), then isn't attaching a specific monetary goal to the kickstarter kind of superfluous?
Here's blog link to the Broken Sword 5 Art Director, Tori Davis.
She stole the Kickstarter video. Her backgrounds are as good as the original games, and easier to appreciate now in HD.with her amazing artwork