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Bruce Straley agrees that Ghost of Tsushima should be GOTY instead of TLoUII.


Imo my issues with tlou2's story lie in my main issues with most video game stories which is the suspension of disbelief. I don't like how the time skips around so much without much explanation just like the first game & how these characters survive so many injuries.

They could probably make a whole dlc or two out of the gaps of time in tlou2 or even the first game still.

But in regards to characters and the general underlying story, tlou2 provided me with an experience only the first game and red dead 1&2 can touch for me. And for that, it's my goty and one of my favorite games/franchises.


Honestly yeah, unlike games like TLOU 2 and GoT, 13 Sentinels barely get any media attention and pretty sure it didn’t sell well in west.
13 sentinels greatly interests me, and i would honestly buy if:
-Had proper regional pricing, game costs a kidney in my country. Is more expensive than latests AAA releases for some reason.
-Had a PC release. I find it a pain to play VNs on a TV screen (literal pain since it gives me headaches). Afaik they don't have any deal with sony, so i see no reason why they couldn't make a PC (which hasa strong public for VNs) or Switch port (portables are also good for the genre).

In short. Even if the game is good, they aren't exactly making it easy for a larger public to buy it.
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Why is Dina so uglier than her model?



i mean the gameplay is still top notch 3rd person shooter stealth as far as i played in my gaming career. but when it comes down to it, it follows the trend of most games. just spam square melee attacks and it's far too generous in how far of a range it gives you attack. the mechanics are just simply extremely simple.

and when it comes down to actually playing it, it's too predictable in terms of masking checkpoints, it's too gamey. far too many times in the game you see a cracked door and that cracked door you have to press triangle for will always trigger a cut scene. it becomes to obvious and they need to work on that in future titles.

im excited for the multiplayer because when it comes down to it, the game feels good to play, but let's not act like it's some amazing gameplay. it's good gameplay. what i'd expect from naughty dog. but in the future they need to introduce more dynamic destructible environments into their games as well as add more melee combinations rather than spam square.

another aspect of tlou2 gameplay i was disappointed with was the animations. the animation blending is simply not their best work. uncharted 4 and lost legacy have far better animation blending. in tlou2 it's so obvious when the animations cut in combat and isn't as smooth as the gameplay demo from e3.

once again i will reiterate that tlou2's gameplay is still far immersive and responsive than most games i have played, but the formula and short comings are still obvious and i was hoping they'd do more improving. thankfully the environments, level design and storytelling gives it all enough weight that gives me a superb experience with the combination of it all. but when it comes down to it, the mechanics and general loop in tlou2 did not blow me away like i hoped.
OK, scrap alot of that. i've been replaying it for a fourth time since friday. rn im on permadeath.

Seattle day 2 is where the gameplay really starts to shine imo. The seraphite encounters, the hospital, and hillcrest are well crafted and truly feel like small sandboxes. the contextual animations are great as well as im taking a lot more notice at how the AI goes around and flanks me. It's really impressive stuff. the combat mechanics while being basic, you if you know what you're doing you can truly diversify things. I've been going in and out of stealth and it's really tense and satisfying.

i still think the whole press triangle on a door to trigger a cut scene is formulaic and they could be less predictable than that in the future. but as far as the action flow goes, they really nailed it in this. i really love using the explosive bows and regular bows. it's so satisfying and hopefully the ps5 remaster makes great use of the dualsense for that!

i still stand by my original point though that all this combat feels meaningless to me unless i have the narrative backing it. i don't skip any cut scenes.

when it comes to the technical aspects this game still looks and animates quite well, there's still some blending in melee that isn't smooth like e3 demo but i assume that's because of player agency and they don't want a red dead 2 situation where it hurts responsiveness.

one thing i notice though is clipping. i would expect naughty dog to do better with clipping of clothing even if they are ahead of most of the industry in that aspect. how hard is it to solve clipping?
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I haven’t actually played TLOU2, because the first game was, while good, enough for me. It was something I had zero ambition to replay didn’t want more of the same, so I can’t offer an opinion on it.

I will say Ghost wasn’t just GOTY, but favourite game on PS4. Absolutely loved it.


Tsushima is not goty material, it's just a good game with a great artstyle.
Yeah the production values are off the charts but I agree it’s no GOTY, I’m definitely not saying that the critics are always right but there are currently 95 (!!) games ahead of Ghost of Tsushima on metacritic this year... Normally critics aren’t that wrong.


I enjoyed more Yakuza 6, for example, than The Last of Us 2 but I understand that The Last of us 2 deserves the Goty.
We all have our different preferences, and what we like seems a legitim candidate for the Goty award, and what we dislike we think it deserves to burn in hell.
Even with its faults, The Last of Us 2 is an achievement that deserves recognition.

Now I'm playing Demon's Souls PS5, and even if it's an amazing game, the most addictive game I played in the last two years, I will put The Last of Us over this game for the Goty award. Simply, at least for me, The Last of Us deserves more recognition for what they attempted and achieved.
how hard is it to solve clipping?

I think it’s not ‘hard’ but it’s expensive in processing.

One of the problems with TLOUII’s fidelity is that when a graphics glitch or clip happens it is way more noticeable.

OT: my main issue with TLOUII is the approach of having Abby &Ellie’s stories told sequentially by character - i.e. Ellie d1-3, the jump back to Abby D1-3. I was hoping that it would he closer to Godfather II, with the two plot lines complimenting each other, but structured as Ellie D1, then Abby D1 until the mutual climax (lol) of D3.

But it is a better game than GoTSu IMO.


GoT is a prime example of publishers forcing a game out of the oven to meet deadlines. That games production quality is a rollercoaster of emotions. I literally felt like I was thrown right back to PS2 era times with most of the animations and lack of proper cutscenes for side content.

It could‘ve been a worthy GOTY contender but it shits the bed halfway. TLOU2, from a pure AAA production perspective, kills GoT for breakfast.


That games production quality is a rollercoaster of emotions. I literally felt like I was thrown right back to PS2 era times with most of the animations and lack of proper cutscenes for side content.
Damn, can't even imagine what you would say by stumbling upon Ubisoft titles, or Eidos, or Square Enix or Bethesda. Stay miles aways from those.


At this point even the wave/meme haters are tired and annoyed by the rabid haters. But like FUCK. Where is the multiplayer and PS5 upgrade.

It's not really possible to stay annoyed at the game or the awards. The game was going to be praised and loved because it has lesbians and trans people being oppressed in it and was going to win all the awards purely due to that fact, that's just the world we live in.


I don't really care much about Naughty Dog anymore, my interest in their work declined with every game they released during the PS4 gen.

When it comes to Last of Us Part Two in particular, it feels like some people want to pretend like the game lives up to the legacy of the first one or its long lasting impact, but it really doesn't at all.

Anyway, I've only played Ghost for a few hours, it's cool and it looks really nice on PS5, however I can already tell that nor Ghost or TLoU2 (obviously) are games I'd pick as game of the year.


Sounds like he's bitter/jealous. He has too much personal interest to take his opinion seriously.
There is nothing to be jealous. I find infinitely superior the first by him in everything, than the confusing, ambitious, controversial mess of the second. I don't understand what exactly they want to achieve with it but the subject of the story doesn't have a clue at all; it's really pretentious (as detestable) and I'm not referring to the infamous event (which probably is the highest peak of the story, after that, it's a sad decline to the nothing).
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Anyway, I've only played Ghost for a few hours, it's cool and it looks really nice on PS5, however I can already tell that nor Ghost or TLoU2 (obviously) are games I'd pick as game of the year.
This is what i had to say about GoT a few hours in:
I literally started GoT today, and while combat is already better than W3, there’s absolutely no way in hell is going to be nearly as good. I mean, it’s great, beautiful to look at (because of it’s art, least impressive Sony F1 i’ve played this gen technically, outside of vegetation which is basically next-gen and what i guess took all resources) and with jap dub i get chills constantly, but W3 is one the best games every made bar none.
I don’t want to vote W3 yet, but i don’t see my preference changing.

Ended up being my favourite of the Gen once i was over with, and Top 10 all time.


I don't really care much about Naughty Dog anymore, my interest in their work declined with every game they released during the PS4 gen.

When it comes to Last of Us Part Two in particular, it feels like some people want to pretend like the game lives up to the legacy of the first one or its long lasting impact, but it really doesn't at all.

Anyway, I've only played Ghost for a few hours, it's cool and it looks really nice on PS5, however I can already tell that nor Ghost or TLoU2 (obviously) are games I'd pick as game of the year.
I feel the same. I dont think i genuinely liked a ND game since Uncharted 2.


I am 12 hours in GoT. It`s a good game, that strikes a better balance than most Assassin Creeds between: exploration, looting, combat, skills progression etc. but it still follows that same old template that is already starting to lose me due to the loop being too samey and predictable.

The game is competent in many aspects but it does not excel at anything.

I don`t think this is game of the year material, but neither is LoU2 in my opinion.


I am 12 hours in GoT. It`s a good game, that strikes a better balance than most Assassin Creeds between: exploration, looting, combat, skills progression etc. but it still follows that same old template that is already starting to lose me due to the loop being too samey and predictable.

The game is competent in many aspects but it does not excel at anything.

I don`t think this is game of the year material, but neither is LoU2 in my opinion.
You are right, it's full of flaws. But there are moments, Jeez, it gives me the goosebumps. It's not that common in a game .
There is nothing to be jealous. I find infinitely superior the first by him in everything, than the confusing, ambitious, controversial mess of the second. I don't understand what exactly they want to achieve with it but the subject of the story doesn't have a clue at all; it's really pretentious (as detestable) and I'm not referring to the infamous event (which probably is the highest peak of the story, after that, it's a sad decline to the nothing).

Lol, I don't think it's your personal opinion I'm talking about.

The game is fantastic and tons of us love it. It has an extremely high metacritic with as many perfect scores as just about any game ever made. It's winning GoTY awards.

Even the haters being so passionate about it just shows what an impact the game has had. Just look how worked up you are right now lol.

(Please send your "I'm not worked up. I don't even care" response now.)




The man himself, the gifted, skilled, respected and ballsy artist behind legit masterpieces, agrees with a sentiment most gamers shared this year.



For those of you not familiar with the man:


Now before calling me a woman hater incel butthurt because his daddy got killed (people saying these things are the scum of humanity btw), my mother is actually the strongest person i know, i'm not a virgin since i was thirteen, i've been with enough girls in my life to see through the bullshit behind modern feminism from miles away, and i think Joel death and lamb PTSD are the only sequences worthy of the legacy of the first game, in terms of quality and expectations based on the talents involved.

The game have actual faults in it's narrative structure and even entire premises of game, your brain being able to detect them or not.



Is the game great in most areas? Yes. Are ND amazing developers? Yes. Is it fair to criticize certain aspects of it? YES.

P.S. With that being said, this Thread is not made for those sad console warriors who love to shit on PS games regardless, since those pathetic bastards are the ones to blame for making this kind of discussion impossible to have without being laughed at.

Cascina is enjoying the game.



Without a doubt GoT should have been game of the year. But you know how it goes, a male lead won’t cut it these days. Has to be a female (and a gay one at that), and it’s an instant GOTY.


TLOU2 is a GOTY, amazing follow up and good story (for adults, not kids). GoT is also amazing, sleeping hit of 2020. I loved it and Platinumed it.
Overall amazing year to be a PlayStation gamer.


Hell no. TLOU 2 is miles better than the original. Im glad Straley left, he was too fucking soft.

I respect him, but he wasn't built to tell truly dark stories.

The game is fucking called THE LAST OF US - Its supposed to be depressing.

Yeah, it's called THE LAST OF US and not THE REVENGE OF US; I wish the game being dark/depressing came from the infection vs humans factor over the humans being stupid and petty over things that should hardly matter in a world like that, given so many [most likely] have done horribles things to survive, at-least that is the sense I was getting from the first game. I know I am completely ignoring the relationship established between Joel & Ellie in the first game over the course of the journey but I was really hoping to see more of the infection along with character development but we got a revenge story. ugh.

I know the events that were established in the second game lead to everything else happening in the game; all I am saying is, I would have preferred something else over a revenge story.
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Bruce states: "I think [Neil] came up with a good, really, nice, simplified version of that, and it worked out."

He doesn't say "yea nah I told him how shit it is and rewrote the game"

You literally do realize that neil was the narrative guy for tlou, right?

He's not saying Neil wasn't behind the narrative. He's saying Bruce was the one to question his initial idea which lead to Neil simplifying it. They were collaborating - that doesn't mean the idea isn't Neil's anymore, just that Bruce had influence.


Even the haters being so passionate about it just shows what an impact the game has had. Just look how worked up you are right now lol.

(Please send your "I'm not worked up. I don't even care" response now.)

By that metric, The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars film ever made. Or just straight up best film of all time. ;)

People being angry is a reflection of how loved the first one is and how horrible the sequel story is perceived to be.

The reason why it is winning awards is not complicated, it looks nice, plays competently and it's a progressive victim of the patriarchy with lesbians and trans and uwooo people in it, so it has to win all the awards to defeat all the racist homophobes. That's the world we live in. 🤷
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Some people sound just as bad as SJWs who complain that a movie is too male or too white. I truly can't stand the political climate from either side these days.


Imagine wasting this much energy on something you hate. Instead of moving on, you keep the game living in your head. People like OP love talking about the game lol.

That in itself is an accomplishment by ND. It's so divisive that it keeps popping up in countless discussions. And it's gonna keep popping up, because OP is addicted to it and doesn't know how to stop.

I liked both TLOU2 and GOT. Good time to be a Sony fan :)

If it isn't clear to you by now then let me point it out for you. People aren't hating on TLOU. They were just disappointed by the direction the series ended up going. If they hated it, they would say nothing. If anything, they are just expressing what they ended up hating based on the direction the series ended up going in. Let's not confuse things.
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Totally agree with this. If Straley is salty about anything, it's that the gameplay in TLOU2 shits on that in TLOU from great heights. The level of polish and attention to detail in TLOU2 is staggering and better in every way than TLOU.

wow, it's almost as if new hardware afforded more...

but what good is better and more polished gameplay mechanics if the game sucks? Hey, here's a platformer about jumping on dicks and collecting all of them - it has the best platforming mechanics ever, you gotta try it!
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This thread is bad and OP should feel bad.
Well i fucking don't.


Please don't even start, i literally searched "crossing arms gif" on Google and this is the most accurate i've found, don't read into it.

Not sure who this was aimed at, but in my case you couldn't be any further from truth. I enjoy Uncharted for what it is and tried to be, because i can see author's intent (the only reason i'm able to watch SW prequels) and they fucking nailed those, oh boy if they fucking nailed those first Uncharted games.
I actually enjoyed TLJ more than the rest of the new movies, and it's a miracle i watched them in the first place. Only superhero flicks i like are Ang Lee's Hulk and Nolan takes on Batman, and i fucking despise the genre, don't waste my time watching cringe TV series, last i watched years ago were Dexter and Californication. And Hannibal but just because my ex loved that one and i still had to drop it because it was too much and it tried too hard. And for me only doctor Lecter is Hopkins anyway. Favourite horrors are Exorcist, Shining and Hereditary. I think i even commented in a Thread from you about best movies of the 70's. And i have a PC because i love playing old quality games at their absolute best, but i'll still never deprive myself of Sony consoles (unless they'd release all their games on PC of course), since i love quality and i think their teams are best in business.
I can't ever sleep well again until i address this:

I fucking forgot Raimi Spider-Man and i can't believe i did it since SM2 is one of my favourite movies.
I fucking forgot The Walking Dead and i can't believe i did it since WD first seasons are among my favourite pieces of media ever.
Yes, he did.

You're free to embrace mediocrity, i'll keep fighting for quality because i think Naughty Dog team deserved much better than "You are my people".

Really? I never knew that where are you getting this info? I guess that's partially why she gets blown up at the end? Amy Hennigs version of Uncharted 4 was also SO much better than what we got from Druckman.


Really? I never knew that where are you getting this info? I guess that's partially why she gets blown up at the end?

Amy Hennigs version of Uncharted 4 was also SO much better than what we got from Druckman.

Love Amy, and i'm sure the game would have FELT like an Uncharted game at least.. but no, that version was just as bad.

And only people to blame are those motherfuckers screaming "ludonarrative dissonance" and "Drake is a mass murder".

I genuinely hate these people, their mental retardation and/or trolling from people who never touched the games killed my favourite series.


I love that on the first page of this thread, someone admits that they haven't played either but agreed. lol.

(By the way, my GOTY is Hades.)
When it comes to Last of Us Part Two in particular, it feels like some people want to pretend like the game lives up to the legacy of the first one or its long lasting impact, but it really doesn't at all.
I simply do not understand why people are so quick to adopt this "My opinion is objectively right, everyone who disagrees is faking/pretending/tricking themselves" attitude.


Love Amy, and i'm sure the game would have FELT like an Uncharted game at least.. but no, that version was just as bad.

And only people to blame are those motherfuckers screaming "ludonarrative dissonance" and "Drake is a mass murder".

I genuinely hate these people, their mental retardation and/or trolling from people who never touched the games killed my favourite series.

Dude Todd Stashwick as Sam along side Allen Tudyk as Rafe as both of the main villains would have been so much more interesting in my opinion. And Amy also would have brought back Greg Edmonson as the composer which means the soundtrack would have been incredible, especially if it was Drake's last adventure. Instead we got a pretty terrible soundtrack from Henry Jackman that lacked all uniqueness that the first 3 games had.
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