You mean actually playing video games instead of complaining about them?
Will only empower her idea's. Because of hyper focusing on the negatives she puts her brain on.
U could put a 1000 postives infront of her, she will still pick that 1 negative out and not see anything else but that.
She needs to get out of her comfort zone and start to interract with people that she can't dismiss easily by just banning or putting somebody on ignore. Basic real social interacting outside of her little victim bubble she resides in right now.
I would say join a club that is heavily dominated by white males and start interacting with them like triathlon or something that also creates a positive fibe at the end of the day and drains her energy. Or Start to learn something like music or something where you can make money with to progress yourself further.
It's clear she got deep emotional issue's and slashes it out through feminisme. She clearly doesn't give a dam about anybody also which probably gets created by a lack of emotional connection through her bulling issue's in her childhood. Basically a shield for her emotions in order to not feel hurt anymore. But this also creates a lack of empathy or any emotional connection.
Which basically creates a victim complex which result in everybody is exploitable for me because they own me that.
That's why she's so toxic and so negative all the time.
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