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Bulletstorm |OT| Dick-Tits


Almost at the end of the game. Loving it! I am the master of Skill Shots!

Just unlocked an achievement, which the icon for it is "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" hahaha


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ThingontheFloor said:
It's pretty annoying to pull off, I didn't get it until like Act 4. Part of the problem is that they are constantly dodging out of the way and you end up hitting their thigh or lower leg. I suggest getting really close (like 10 feet) and going into zoom mode, shooting, and by the time your bullet reaches them, they shouldn't have moved out of the way too much.

I just used the leash thumper to get them in the air, then aimed for their balls. You can also just kick them back and aim for it.
Just finished. I didn't really like it at all. The boss battles were cool but everything else was meh. The skillshot system got boring real fast cause the guns level up so quickly leaving nothing to use the points on.

I also encountered a real bad glitch in act 6 chapter 3. I couldn't get on board the Ulysses because the general's character model just randomly disappeared. When I restarted the checkpoint I was at the beginning of the level but the general was still missing, there was no sound, and only half of the level had loaded. The only way I got it to continue was to quit to the main menu and use chapter select.


Neuromancer said:
So, is there a New Game+? Or can you replay chapters? Or is it just Echo mode at that point?

Not that I could find. It lets' you know that starting a new game will overwrite your last save. But to be honest, I had so much fun with echo because you don't have to listen to story things you've seen, it's pure action (although early missions limit weapons).

This game is incredible! Such awesome art, sound and really fun gameplay.
Found a bug on Act 3 Chapter 2 though, this guy is having the same problem...
Gonna restart the whole chapter and cross my fingers :(

After hearing that guy, I'm kind of glad he got the glitch.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Finished the game. Decently long campaign, I thought, but I just couldn't put it down so I finished it off quickly.

Definitely one of the best shooters I've played in a while. Wonderful environments to play through, fantastic combat with plenty of variety, and lots of hooks to keep you playing. It definitely has shades of 90s PC gaming mixed with a modern console shooter.

Story wasn't anything special, but the crazy dialog was actually kind of fun. Really, the story is the kind of thing you might have found in another shooter, but the attitude of the characters really change the tone for the better. It's a somewhat serious story with crazy, over the top dialog that gives you a different perspective on things. There's plenty of little touches that left me with a smile. When you kick one of the first doors, for instance, it flies open only to bounce back and hit you in the face. Kind of fun.

The range of weapons is pretty satisfying overall. The initial weapon is always a good go to weapon, but the others are all very useful and I found myself switching between them fairly often. A triple weapon system was certainly a great idea in this case. Once you get a taste of what can be done with each weapon pulling off complex kills becomes second nature.

If this had simply taken place in Serious Sam or Painkiller style arenas, however, it would have been significantly less fun. The thrill here is the crazy roller coaster the game takes you on. The sights and sounds are almost always fantastic and there is a real sense of progression as you make your way across the world. Honestly, I didn't expect this, but the world design was just incredible. Technically, I suppose Killzone 3 is a bit more impressive at a glance, but I thought Bulletstorm delivered a more immersive and continuous world. The sense of scale is also off the charts at times. Seriously, I can't believe how far they've pushed UE3 with this game. You have Gears quality building work on a HUGE scale with far more enemies on screen at once. I played on the PC, but I'd love to see how well the consoles handled all of this.

Performance on my PC was mostly good, but I still found myself frustrated by some UE3 quirks. With each and every UE3 game, when moving between areas and game data is streamed, there are ALWAYS hitches that kill some of the polish. You never see this on PS3 or 360 with these same games (or at least it's much less obvious). I've been through several PCs since the first UE3 PC game and I see this issue every single time. I've yet to see any PC avoid this even with older UE3 games (at least those which use streaming). Is the only solution an SSD?! I'm running a fast HDD with 6gb of ram as it is, but the problems still occur. Nobody has any answers for this problem either.

Aside from that, however, performance was mostly a smooth 60 fps in all but the most demanding encounters.

Now I'm off to try some Echoes and multiplayer!


newsguy said:
After hearing that guy, I'm kind of glad he got the glitch.
Yeah, me too.
After restarting the Checkpoint and keeping an eye on Trishka everything worked fine.
Holy Shit at falling down the Dam! Amazing stuff! :D
Act 4 here I come!


How's the replayability on this one? Really liked the demo and all the various combinations. Thinking about putting my DA2 money towards this instead....


I ask again cause i wanna know if its just me, but what performance are you getting on the PC version ?

I should be able to run the game more than fine, and the framerate is really choppy even with medium settings :/ has this been addressed somehow ? patch coming or something ?
Lack of new game+ is kind of a bummer. It would have been a lot of fun, even in a game breaking way, to get to play through again with all the different weapons. I figured Echo mode would let you use any weapon, but no. Seems like a real missed opportunity.


krakov said:
This game almost looks like an old SEGA arcade game at times, really nice use of color.

Almost kind of outrunish.

The art direction in this game is fantastic, seriously. Major props to PCF, and the people responsible for the UE3 engine improvements that made it all possible.


Lingitiz said:
How's the replayability on this one? Really liked the demo and all the various combinations. Thinking about putting my DA2 money towards this instead....
If you get an addiction to Anarchy mode like I have, you'll get a lot of replayability out of the game

I'm loving the atmosphere of the game.
I loved the 3D screens of the dinosaur before you enter the theme park, the fake sky lining the dome of the theme park, the mini-city, and the Robotic dinosaur.

Also, Gang Bang is a really satisfying skill shot
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Just finished. I didn't really like it at all. The boss battles were cool but everything else was meh. The skillshot system got boring real fast cause the guns level up so quickly leaving nothing to use the points on.

I also encountered a real bad glitch in act 6 chapter 3. I couldn't get on board the Ulysses because the general's character model just randomly disappeared. When I restarted the checkpoint I was at the beginning of the level but the general was still missing, there was no sound, and only half of the level had loaded. The only way I got it to continue was to quit to the main menu and use chapter select.



Tunavi said:
If you get an addiction to Anarchy mode like I have, you'll get a lot of replayability out of the game

I'm loving the atmosphere of the game.
I loved the 3D screens of the dinosaur before you enter the theme park, the fake sky lining the dome of the theme park, the mini-city, and the Robotic dinosaur.

Also, Gang Bang is a really satisfying skill shot
Hmm thanks ill probably head out and get this then. I can't resist the Gears 3 beta and i've been wanting a ridiculous shooter for change of pace.


Lingitiz said:
Hmm thanks ill probably head out and get this then. I can't resist the Gears 3 beta and i've been wanting a ridiculous shooter for change of pace.

If you get it right now you can pick it up on amazon with 20 bucks of credit


SalsaShark said:
I ask again cause i wanna know if its just me, but what performance are you getting on the PC version ?

I should be able to run the game more than fine, and the framerate is really choppy even with medium settings :/ has this been addressed somehow ? patch coming or something ?
For the PC version, there's known issues with a few nVidia cards, especially the 460. Keep checking the Steam forums or the nVidia website to see if a patch or new driver pops up.

mr stroke

SalsaShark said:
I ask again cause i wanna know if its just me, but what performance are you getting on the PC version ?

I should be able to run the game more than fine, and the framerate is really choppy even with medium settings :/ has this been addressed somehow ? patch coming or something ?

performance is up and down. Getting solid 30fps in combat heavy areas, then 10-15fps during cut scenes and indoor sections, WTF?

Odd performance, most other UE3 games perform very well on my PC, but I will cut this game some slack since its by far the best looking UE3 game. Someone in this thread suggested turning off Vsnyc so I will try that.

(PII 965+8g+5870)


mr stroke said:
performance is up and down. Getting solid 30fps in combat heavy areas, then 10-15fps during cut scenes and indoor sections, WTF?

Odd performance, most other UE3 games perform very well on my PC, but I will cut this game some slack since its by far the best looking UE3 game. Someone in this thread suggested turning off Vsnyc so I will try that.

(PII 965+8g+5870)
Turn off AA, it's worth the trade-off.


Narpas Sword0 said:

Me three, but I died when trying to board a tram and got checkpoint'd at the beginning of the level as my teammates were up the elevator waiting for me. As the elevator was up, I had no way to rejoin them. Had to use Restart Chapter to get going again.

Sounds like the checkpoint system is not all it's cracked up to be.


Well the game runs fine with everything on Low :/ guess im stuck with that until (if) a patch hits.

While there are some great vistas that im gonna miss, the fun is still in the core gameplay, wich im quite enjoying.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
It's kind of crazy how bad the performance is on PC given that usually UE3 engine games will run on a pocket calculator.


Sinatar said:
It's kind of crazy how bad the performance is on PC given that usually UE3 engine games will run on a pocket calculator.

Yeah, pretty insane. I can run every other UE3 game at the highest settings :/

I know this one kinda pushes the boundries or whatever, but still. I have hopes for a patch, even though PC gaming isnt really something they're concerned about anymore..
Just beat it on very hard in about 8 hours. Used the PMC, Screamer, and Bouncer (for mini bosses). Very doable for a "highest difficulty". Fun ride though, I recommend it.


Anarchy mode is really cool, just finished a 2-hour sesh with some buddies on Live. We got to Wave 13 on Power Plant, one of the best co-op experiences I've had on Xbox.
Love it.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm a big Epic fan...but this game just doesn't seem like it's for me. 'Contrived' would be the best way to describe my initial impression. Does the game poke fun at itself, or does it take itself seriously throughout?
For those with performance issues what resolution are you running at? The official forums for the game seem to indicate that the game has problems with 16:10 resolutions. I'm getting 30-40 fps at 1080p with everything on max and 8xMSAA with a 460, not great for a UE3 game but not exactly what I'd call terrible either.
DaCocoBrova said:
I'm a big Epic fan...but this game just doesn't seem like it's for me. 'Contrived' would be the best way to describe my initial impression. Does the game poke fun at itself, or does it take itself seriously throughout?

It goes back and forth. One moment Grayson is talking about making out with Ishi in an elevator the next he's discussing the morality of killing thousands of innocents.


Finished the game. The ending pissed me off so fucking bad.
Those ass-maggots over at Epic/People Can Fly better be working on a sequel, or I will kill their dicks!
Smision said:
i love this game, but that sniper rifle is a big pain in the ass. Is there a way to just fire the thing without having to aim the bullet?
You'll have to shoot from the hip if you don't want to control the bullet. Personally I love the sniper. So much fun, and it's perfect for this game.


SuperLurker said:
For those with performance issues what resolution are you running at? The official forums for the game seem to indicate that the game has problems with 16:10 resolutions. I'm getting 30-40 fps at 1080p with everything on max and 8xMSAA with a 460, not great for a UE3 game but not exactly what I'd call terrible either.

I have a 9600gt and im running at 1440x900. Changed back from the 26inch tv to my small lcd monitor cause i find it more comfortable for FPS games.

I dont have a high-end rig at all ([email protected], 4GB ram), and i dont really except to run the game at full settings (although i do with other UE3 games), but i should be able to get a better performance out of it.
I'm a big Epic fan...but this game just doesn't seem like it's for me. 'Contrived' would be the best way to describe my initial impression. Does the game poke fun at itself, or does it take itself seriously throughout?

"Deus Ex Machina"

The game could not have done a better job of reading my mind at that part. I chuckled.


Man I need help with the drill skill shots. The Air Strike one? How the hell? Impale two or more airborne enemies with a single drill? That seems kind of doable, but to implale a thumped guy into a guy on the ground. hoooow?


Not sure if this was posted, but Ars Technica did a good article on squeezing out better PC performance.

Edit: I think they make a mistake about the location of the ini files, you don't change the ones in the game folder, but here:
C:\Users\*username*\Documents\My Games\BulletStorm\StormGame\Config
SalsaShark said:
I have a 9600gt and im running at 1440x900. Changed back from the 26inch tv to my small lcd monitor cause i find it more comfortable for FPS games.

I dont have a high-end rig at all ([email protected], 4GB ram), and i dont really except to run the game at full settings (although i do with other UE3 games), but i should be able to get a better performance out of it.

You might try something with a 16:9 aspect ratio, some people seem to be getting much better framerates that way.
A27 Tawpgun said:
Man I need help with the drill skill shots. The Air Strike one? How the hell? Impale two or more airborne enemies with a single drill? That seems kind of doable, but to implale a thumped guy into a guy on the ground. hoooow?
with the charge shoot hit the one dude in the air a direct it to a guy who was not thumped.


Well moved textures to high and changed everything else to low, tweaked the ini files a bit and the game runs fine and looks good enough now.

Only problem are the black bars with 1440x900, heh.
The drilldo you get towards the end of the game is amazing. :lol

Again, CliffyB, why no New Game+? Going back to earlier levels with these high power weapons would seriously own.
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