Played Echo Mode for the first time today. Played for about an hour. Got 3-stars on every one besides two. Might go back and play some more after lunch.
Taking into account the state that Midway is in, I think it would be safe to assume they do and own the franchise publishing rights and don't have enough resources to hold up what ever their contractual obligations are. This is not fact this is just assumption with a entertainment law class behind it.MightyHedgehog said:That may have been just related to the release of UT3, but not the franchise itself.
Midway's dead, though. Whatever contract they had very likely was fulfilled with the release of the console and computer versions of UT3 years ago, as Midway was the publisher for that particular installment. As well, a Wiki entry isn't always going to be up to date.practice02 said:Taking into account the state that Midway is in, I think it would be safe to assume they do and own the franchise publishing rights and don't have enough resources to hold up what ever their contractual obligations are. This is not fact this is just assumption with a entertainment law class behind it.
Reluctant-Hero said:Just reached Act 7 this morning. The single player campaign has been awesome, I don't want the ride to end.
practice02 said:Than the publishing rights are going to be tied up legally for awhile until they are liquidated, papers are signed and someone else buys them. Long story short don't expect a Unreal game anytime soon. There was something though I remember about someone buying up a lot of Midways stuff, I mean there was that mortal combat game right?
Anarchy mode is one of the best enemy wave multiplayers I've played. The fun has only just begun.Reluctant-Hero said:Just reached Act 7 this morning. The single player campaign has been awesome, I don't want the ride to end.
Usually those publishing agreements consist of a specific number of games. I find it hard to believe that they would agree to just a single game. Maybe ol' CliffyB is watching this and would enlighten us just a little.MrCompletely said:Some private holding company came in, bought out Midways sinking stock, and mismanaged the company into bankruptcy. Anything of value was bought up by Warner. Since UT3 came out in 2007, I highly doubt a publishing agreement still exists, or even existed in 2008 after sales of UT3 tanked hard.
Very true. But I'll hold off on a second playthrough in hopes that Epic/PCF patch in a New Game+ mode with a campaign leaderboard.jhawk6 said:Unfortunately, all good things do come to end. However, that doens't stop you from starting over and riding it all again a 2nd time![]()
practice02 said:Anarchy mode is one of the best enemy wave multiplayers I've played. The fun has only just begun.
Usually those publishing agreements consist of a specific number of games. I find it hard to believe that they would agree to just a single game. Maybe ol' CliffyB is watching this and would enlighten us just a little.
You should still be able to find an epic edition.Riposte said:If I were to go buy a vanilla copy right now, I wouldn't get into the Gears 3 beta right? I just want to make sure that is only the case with the epic edition.
Only if it's stated within that contract as a term. You see all those rights that midway owns are looked upon as assets so when the went belly up to pay back debters they start selling those publishing rights off. BUt it doesn't matter because midway Owned those rights so they can do with them what they wish if Epic wants or wanted them they would have to take them to court to recover them.MrCompletely said:yes, they usually consist of a number of games, but that doesn't mean the contract can't be nullified for any number of reasons, such as your publisher going bankrupt.
practice02 said:Only if it's stated within that contract as a term. You see all those rights that midway owns are looked upon as assets so when the went belly up to pay back debters they start selling those publishing rights off. BUt it doesn't matter because midway Owned those rights so they can do with them what they wish if Epic wants or wanted them they would have to take them to court to recover them.
I agree, what a refreshing shooter in a sea of CoD clonesAir Zombie Meat said:Same here, it's definitely the most fun I've had with an fps in a very long time.
Actually it's more of a story of redemption. redeeming himself to ishi redeeming himself for all the people he killed.backflip10019 said:Christ, the writing in this game felt so juvenile. So little character development, so many swears just thrown around to be edgy ... it all really put me off. The game really gave me no incentive to care about the characters at all, so it all felt so ... pointless. Plus, it was a story solely about revenge and that's it. Those aren't interesting at all. But who really cares about story that much in a game like this?
Outside of that, I enjoyed the game, though it did get a little repetitive towards the end. I wish there were a few more weapons and a little more variety in the levels/enemies. Seems like at the endOverall an enjoyable experience. Glad that I got a $20 credit with my preorder, only got a little difficult because of how many enemies they threw at you at once. Felt kind of cheap, a little bit of a cop out.
I like how fire literally erupts out of the dude's anus when you do that.Air Zombie Meat said:I'm now understanding why you all love the shotgun, so much fun. Didn't really use it much first time through the campaign. The skillshots for it are all really fun to do as well. Also makes getting fire in the hole (disgusting sfx by the way) on the bosses really easy as well.
Yes I can confirm starting a new games wipes out everything so you're better off doing chapter select.Grisby said:So I can go back through chapter select to pick up newsbots and swarms that I missed right? Also, to clean up the skill shots?
If I start a new game that wipes everything out? Thanks fellas.
Didn't really feel like that to me. If that's the case, it was really portrayed poorly.practice02 said:Actually it's more of a story of redemption. redeeming himself to ishi redeeming himself for all the people he killed.
chapter select also wipes out all the skillshots you already got (it does for me).Neuromancer said:Yes I can confirm starting a new games wipes out everything so you're better off doing chapter select.
Lame!S1kkZ said:chapter select also wipes out all the skillshots you already got (it does for me).
Yeah it does, I really really REALLY hope that gets patched in some day.lawblob said:Shortly into my 2nd playthrough, this *really* needs a new game +. It's a bummer having to plod through the first two boring hours again before the game opens up.
Just wait til you get the drill.Tkawsome said:Just wanted to chime in and say this game is awesome. I'm only on the second act but it's already been a hell of a ride. I'm also getting a kick out the skill shot system. I was worried it would be overwhelming at first but they've done a great job easing me into it and constantly showing new ways to score creative kills, instead of using the same couple of attacks over and over.
S1kkZ said:chapter select also wipes out all the skillshots you already got (it does for me).
Just finished as well. My thoughts exactly.ssowinski said:Just finished it now. Great game. The ending was a little ehhhh.
Looking forward to a sequel.
I think you are in the minority on this one.backflip10019 said:Didn't really feel like that to me. If that's the case, it was really portrayed poorly.
Did you have alot of trouble with very hard? I'm considering playing on hard first but not sure...Kinspiracy said:Just finished my second run through, this time on Very Hard. The difference in difficulty shows itself in how much damage you can take, how much damage it takes to kill a mob, and how much ammo and upgrades cost. The cost of upgrades is so high that I never ended up buying the last 3 weapons. All I used for the entire run was flail, flare, shotgun, and the default weapon. And I never added the charge to flail. It's harder to earn points due to the damage, which means you cant stupidly run out and create huge point clusters. Stupid as it sounds, it felt more like a shooter on Very Hard, and I wouldn't necessarily call that a good thing. Love this game. Frickin love it.
Online for you! The code is only for a few extra echos maps and the GoW beta. I haven't used it yet just in case the early beta access has high demand.noire said:Traded Killzone 3 for this tonight but I haven't tried it yet. Didn't even think about the online pass bullshit.
Edit: yep, just checked. No online for me.
MonkeyKnuckle said:I was playing it last night and drank some booze and it gave me "7/50 (or whatever total number) bottles drunk" I died and restarted just before it and drank it again and it said "8/50 bottles drunk."
Does that mean you could just sit there dying and drinking until you got them all?
Might work for newsbots and flies as well...
ThingontheFloor said:This works for both drinking and shooting the bottles, there's 2 achievements for /20 each and you can reload your checkpoint to farm them. But it doesn't work for newsbot and flies, you have to find those specifically.