And likewise, positive feedback for GamerGeorge. Another successful transaction.GamerGeorge said:For Lambtron.
Oli said:Still looking for Metroid Fusion and/or Metroid Zero Mission
PM if selling.
new item.DCX said:For Sale: ( Prices are shipped )
- Official XBOX 360 VGA Cable- 10
- SNES Games: Spider-man/Venom: Maximum Carnage-15
Killer Instinct- 8
20 for the bundle.
- The Dark Knight Cowl Edition Bluray- 8
Back of the Package said:This Xbox LIVE Membership can be added to your existing Xbox LIVE account -- you do not need to wait until your current membership expires. You won't lose any of the time you have left, and you can carry up to 36 months of Xbox LIVE service on your account.
wow, please let me know where you enter these sweepstakes...Sega1991 said:I've triple-checked the sweepstakes rules and there is nothing that says I cannot sell them. I know when I won $1000 in Gamestop Gift Cards from Gametrailers back in 2006 there was a specific rule that said I couldn't re-sell or otherwise transfer my winnings, but there's no such thing here.
If you don't sell them all at that price and go cheaper, I'll check back with you and bite. It's just, yadda yadda.Sega1991 said:Does anybody need Xbox Live Gold cards? I won a sweepstakes and I'm sitting on 30 individually-packaged 12 month cards. I doubt Xbox Live Gold will even be around in 30 years.
I've triple-checked the sweepstakes rules and there is nothing that says I cannot sell them. I know when I won $1000 in Gamestop Gift Cards from Gametrailers back in 2006 there was a specific rule that said I couldn't re-sell or otherwise transfer my winnings, but there's no such thing here. If anything, it's written that once I've gotten my prize, the Gold cards are my sole and exclusive responsibility (e.g. they won't replace lost cards or provide a substitute prize if Xbox Live stops functioning before my 30 years are up).
There's no way I'm going to use all 30, so they're probably just going to go to waste.
Therefore I am selling some of these 12 month Xbox Live Gold subscription cards. I'm not going to sell all 30. For now, I guess I'll sell about 15 of the 30 total, for a price of $43 each. That's almost $10 off MSRP. To save on shipping, I would prefer to simply email you the code (redeemable on both and through the Xbox Dashboard), but if you're really determined to get a physical, unopened package, tack on an extra $2 for shipping and we'll work something out. These cards are for the North American version of Xbox Live and probably will not work in other regions (most likely including Canada).
If you're interested in buying, send me a PM, or if you're one of the many people who read the forum but don't have an account to post with, email me at TheLostSkeleton At Gmail Dot Com (my back-up email address for spam filtering purposes). I accept Paypal only, at this current point in time (through my main email address).
This is my first time doing anything like this, so hopefully I am not stepping out of line somehow.
Foxtastical said:If you don't sell them all at that price and go cheaper, I'll check back with you and bite. It's just, yadda yadda.
Sega1991 said:Does anybody need Xbox Live Gold cards?
vgachi57 said:wow, please let me know where you enter these sweepstakes...![]()
Sega1991 said:The Gametrailers thing was a competition. I won these gold cards through one of those things you see on the dashboard that asks you to download a gamerpic. This one specifically was for "A lifetime of Xbox Live Gold".
Crisis said:Hey guys. I update the NeoGAF Buy/Sell/Trade User Feedback List pretty frequently but I wanted to go ahead and make sure it's posted here again and to inform you that it has been updated to this post. Happy trading.
Crisis said:Hey guys. I update the NeoGAF Buy/Sell/Trade User Feedback List pretty frequently but I wanted to go ahead and make sure it's posted here again and to inform you that it has been updated to this post. Happy trading.
SailorDaravon said:These retail for $40 at Amazon and are frequently on sale at various places for $30, so you may want to drop that price a bit. That aside, what on earth sweepstakes did you win where they sent you 30 years of XBL? I'm intrigued.
GamerGeorge said:I'm looking to sell my PSP collection. I have the following items for sale:
bubnbob said:Dude you won 30 XBL cards. You make profit regardless. Sell for 30 flat.
Aselith said:I have a question about the list. Do people who go red or yellow stay that way for a while/ forever or do they go back to green immediately by rectifying the situation? Don't seem to be a lot of folks in the red which is good unless it doesn't truly represent the bad lot.
Urban Scholar said:Honestly I had no idea it was this many, nonetheless all guides are $6 shipped
Pokemon Pocket Pokedex Vol.2 covers up to Diamond & Pearl.
Bioshock 1
Madworld- sold
Little Big Planet-sold
Killzone 2(some ware on the cover)
Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume - sold
Dragon Quest V- sold
Valkyria Chronicles + promotional artbook -sold
Devil May Cry 4- sold
Grand Theft Auto Chinatown DS(cover a bit worn)
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Prima guide(cover a bit worn)
Prototype- sold
Dissidia Final Fantasy- sold
Muramasa the Demon Blade - sold
King of Fighters XII
Call of Duty World at War(bent cover on the bottom right)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess premiere guide Wii version- sealed- sold
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Wii + Gamecube version- sealed - sold
Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army
Persona 3 + artbook from the collector's edition- sold
Resident 5 LE guide sealed- calendar included- sold
Final Fantasy 4 DS- sold
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass sealed
Games with prices shipped
$ 40 No More Heroes PS3 JP - No preorder cards
$ 35 Last Ranker PSP JP
US only, please note that I ask for paypal only. If you want to by multiple I will discount for you. For feedback assurance you'll find myself listed within the positive here. Please feel free to PM me.
Updated with items sold & added items
Sega1991 said:Yeah but I got stuff I need to pay for. Literally, within the last six months, a bunch of stuff was either damaged but still somewhat functional or became completely unusable. My DS hinge broke, my PS2 kicked the bucket, my graphics card is not long for this world and my PSU is failing.
I could've sworn I checked two days ago and most places were selling these cards for $45-$49.
Edit: Lowered the price to $39 Remember, folks! I'm just emailing you codes, so it's free shipping.
Crisis said:There's nobody in yellow so I presume that you mean gray for neutral. For neutral that will be on a case by case basis. Whatever the majority of posters in this thread think in regards to it. For jecclr2003 he actually owned up to his mistake, went out of his way to fix the problem and did so in a pretty transparent manner. He's still neutral because I haven't heard from Plinko as to whether or not everything happened the way jecclr2003 said it would. I will gladly update his status under neutral with more current information when I hear back from Plinko about it. I think it'll take one positive feedback from the thread after that to put him back into green.
As for negative feedback, I need to wait for a particular situation to resolve itself before I comment on that. I promise that once it does I'll post something specific in regards to it.
You have so many that sold, why not just remove them and make the list easier to read?Urban Scholar said:Will add NMH PS3 & Last Ranker on Ebay come Monday or Tuesday. Please PM me with any inquires.
RoboGeorgeForeman said:Trying to trim down my collection, so I don't feel overwhelmed. PM offers.
Dreamcast (complete w/ vmu, 2 controllers)
Skies of Arcadia
Jet Set Radio
Ecco the Dolphin
Toy Commander
Web Browser (willing to give away with Dreamcast if asked for)
NFL2k (same as above)
Syphon Filter
Syphon Filter 2
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Tenchu 2
Um Jammer Lammy (sealed)
Monster Hunter Tri
Mad World
The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces
Ecco the Dolphin
Parappa The Rapper 2
Devil May Cry
Shadow of the Colossus
God Hand
Mr. Mosquito
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Bangaio (unopened)
Docomodake (unopened)
Metal Slug 7 (unopened)
Etrian Odyssey II (complete)
Shadow Dancer (no manual)
Double Dragon V (complete)
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure (complete) - On Hold
Forgotten Worlds (complete) - On Hold
Battletech (complete) - On Hold
Animaniacs (no manual)
Golden Axe (complete)
Golden Axe II (complete) - On Hold
Shining in the Darkness (complete) - On Hold
32X (loose/ no cables/ as is)
After Burner (complete)
Game Boy
OG Gameboy System (screen protector missing)
Bomberman GB
The Witcher
Valkyria Chronicles
Wii Bundle ($200 Shipped)
Wii Console (White)
Component Cables
Monster Hunter Tri
The Sky Crawlers - Innocent Aces
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie
Sega1991 said:This is how it's going to be, huh.