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California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it


I don’t even really concern myself with feeling like I'm owning a license. I pretty much never replay games, rewatch movies etc. so I just view it as spending money to experience the content once and move on.

For movies and music I’ve been full streaming for years now. With games I love Gamepass, PS+ Extra etc., but still have to buy a lot since tons I want to play that don’t go on those (or that I want to play at launch that don’t launch on them) and there are few rental options these days. I miss Redbox game rentals, as those where cheap and great for knocking out short games in a weekend.
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That site doesn't include a lot of releases that require internet.
What do you mean? Like GaaS games and online required games? They don't test those because it would be irrelevant since you need internet to play the game to begin with. They focus mostly on single player games.
Its a great resource to counter the narrative that discs are "useless nowadays and have been for past 10 years".


What do you mean? Like GaaS games and online required games? They don't test those because it would be irrelevant since you need internet to play the game to begin with. They focus mostly on single player games.
Its a great resource to counter the narrative that discs are "useless nowadays and have been for past 10 years".
That's the point. It isn't a "great resource to counter the narrative that discs are 'useless nowadays and have been for past 10 years'" precisely because it is selective on what it counts. It's only a good resource to know more about what you're buying.

It'd be like arguing people prefer dogs over cats by creating a database that only included dog owners.


That's the point. It isn't a "great resource to counter the narrative that discs are 'useless nowadays and have been for past 10 years'" precisely because it is selective on what it counts. It's only a good resource to know more about what you're buying.

It'd be like arguing people prefer dogs over cats by creating a database that only included dog owners.
There is no point in testing GaaS/Online games, thats not what they are trying to do.

They are trying to combat the narrative that games come incomplete on disc and you always need a patch to play, that discs "are just license" to download the game. People see a bad yearly CoD release or some GaaS/Online game and assume every disc game is like that. Thats the kind of arguments im talking about, you can even see it in this thread, with high number of likes.

Owning physical discs in 2024 doesn’t mean you own anything either. Not when you need accounts for everything. Ownership has just been an illusion for the last 15+ years.
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There is no point in testing GaaS/Online games, thats not what they are trying to do.

They are trying to combat the narrative that games come incomplete on disc and you always need a patch to play, that discs "are just license" to download the game.
No, they're trying to help inform people if the physical disc they're buying is an actual product that'll work without server hooks:


They aren't trying to "combat any narrative", just help costumers make proper decisions and raise awareness on something that is an issue and aid in pushing back against it. Honestly, whenever i see people here using their data to try and argue the very thing they're trying to fight against isn't a problem, it feels like a disservice to their efforts.
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they're trying to help inform people if the physical disc they're buying is an actual product that'll work without server hooks
Yes, exactly. And by doing that they help disprove the common misconceptions you find in threads like this, like the one i quoted in the previous post. I dont see how the site is not helpful for that even if some games may be missing.
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