for trade/sale - all games/items are in mint/complete condition unless otherwise noted - PM me any/all offers you might have.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (mint, complete in box)
Super Puzzle Fighter II (sealed)
Gunstar Super Heroes (mint, complete in box)
Crime Scene
Final Fantasy III
Rune Factory A Fantasy Harvest Moon
Space Invaders Extreme
DS accessories:
Taito Paddle Controller DS (White)
Final Fantasy III (mint/complete)
Armored Core: Formula Front (region 4)
Coded Arms Contagion (region 2)
Field Commander (region 4)
FIFA Soccer 2006
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (sealed)
Pangya : Fantasy Golf (sealed)
Patapon (sealed)
Phantasy Star Portable (sealed)
Silent Hill Origins
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny (sealed)
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron (region 4)
Starwars: Battlefront - Renegade Squadron (region 4)
Super Hind (region 2)
SWAT: Target Liberty (region 4)
Worms: Open Warfare 2 (region 4)
Ys SEVEN (PSP download code)
PSP-1001 system (snapped off analog nub, and no a/c wall charger. But other than that it's in VERY good condition and works fine!

Sony brand PS2 mem. card (black)
Raiden III
Tales of the Abyss (sealed, about 2 in. long slice in the cellophane that goes through plastic and insert)
Dreagonball Z: Burst Limit
Just Cause 2
Madden 11
The Saboteur
Street Fighter IV CE
Stormrise (region 2)
Unreal Tournament 3
White Knight Chronicles (Japanese import )
Yakuza 3
Halo 3
King of Fighters XII (sealed)
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (platinum hits, sealed)
Lost Via Domus
NHL 10
Wired Headphones
Ethernet Plug
2 Nyko Wireless Controllers (back cover for batteries is broken for 1 'em and held on by tape)
Dead or Alive 3
Thief: Deadly Shadows (resealed)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (new/sealed, non-platinum hits)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
The Box
Toy Story 2 (no DVD copy!)
This Is It! (2-disc)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
iPod Shuffle 2GB (silver, 3rd gen)
VMbluDrive External Blu-ray/DVD player
Sony 16GB S Series Walkman Video MP3 Player
2 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (360) artwork/inserts
2 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (360) manuals
2 Forza 2 manuals
Mass Effect artwork/insert
Sega Superstars Tennis (360) artwork/insert
Boys & Girls Club XBL avatar hoodie code
Trinity Universe
Kick-ass (complete)