for trade/sale - all games/items are in mint/complete condition unless otherwise noted - PM me any/all offers you might have.
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (mint, complete in box)
Super Puzzle Fighter II (sealed)
Gunstar Super Heroes (mint, complete in box)
Teenage Zombies (sealed)
Death Jr. and the Science Fair of Doom (sealed)
Mystery Case Files: MillionHeir (sealed)
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
Trauma Center Under the Knife 2
Prince of Persia: Battles
DS accessories:
Taito Paddle Controller DS (White)
Final Fantasy III (mint/complete)
Armored Core: Formula Front (region 4)
Coded Arms Contagion (region 2)
Field Commander (region 4)
FIFA Soccer 2006
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (sealed)
Pangya : Fantasy Golf (sealed)
Patapon (sealed)
Phantasy Star Portable (sealed)
Silent Hill Origins
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron (region 4)
Starwars: Battlefront - Renegade Squadron (region 4)
Super Hind (region 2)
SWAT: Target Liberty (region 4)
Worms: Open Warfare 2 (region 4)
PSP-1001 system (snapped off analog nub, and no a/c wall charger. But other than that it's in VERY good condition and works fine!

Sony brand PS2 mem. card (black)
Raiden III
Tales of the Abyss (sealed, about 2 in. long slice in the cellophane that goes through plastic and insert)
Just Cause 2
Madden 11
The Saboteur
Street Fighter IV CE
Stormrise (region 2)
Unreal Tournament 3
White Knight Chronicles (Japanese import )
Yakuza 3
Halo 3
Lost Via Domus
Wired Headphones
Ethernet Plug
2 Nyko Wireless Controllers (back cover for batteries is broken for 1 'em and held on by tape)
Dead or Alive 3
Thief: Deadly Shadows (resealed)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (new/sealed, non-platinum hits)
This Is It! (2-disc)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
iPod Shuffle 2GB (silver, 3rd gen)
VMbluDrive External Blu-ray/DVD player
Sony 16GB S Series Walkman Video MP3 Player
2 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (360) artwork/inserts
2 Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (360) manuals
2 Forza 2 manuals
Mass Effect artwork/insert
Sega Superstars Tennis (360) artwork/insert
Boys & Girls Club XBL avatar hoodie code