.threenote said:I'm selling a BRAND NEW SEALED (with the plastic wrapper) MacBook Air 13.3" with 256GB Harddrive, 2GB Ram
it is the newest MacBook Air (Oct. Release)
$1400 Shipped or best offer
.threenote said:I'm selling a BRAND NEW SEALED (with the plastic wrapper) MacBook Air 13.3" with 256GB Harddrive, 2GB Ram
it is the newest MacBook Air (Oct. Release)
$1400 Shipped or best offer
Mutanthands said:Positive feedback for Litflynt912. Quick ship, and item in great shape, exactly as promised.
Yes Boss! said:Positive feedback for Litflynt912!
Delivered my DSi quickly and superly packaged!
Positive feedback for GCNemesis as well. Pleasure to do business with!GCNemesis said:Positive feedback for Nightz. Super fast payment. A+! Thanks!
captmcblack said:Getting back into this thread, since I got a little Christmas money and I'd like to continue building out my game collection again.
I'm looking for help rebuilding a small NES collection. I've gotten quite a bit of NES stuff from you guys - now, I need to finish building my collection out! Can anyone sell me the following games:
Super Mario Bros. 2
Super Mario Bros. 3
River City Ransom
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
The Guardian Legend
Punchout/Mike Tyson's Punchout
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden 2
Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Life Force
Kid Icarus
Cobra Triangle
Blaster Master
Do you have any of these games? If you have them, will you part with bundles of them? Let me know what you have (and any other worthwhile NES games you might be willing to sell me, even if they aren't on this list), and let's make a deal. The more of these you have and are willing to sell, the more I will buy.
In addition, I'm looking for classic consoles and handhelds. Do you have any of these:
- SNES (preferably the original model)
- Nintendo Gamecube
- Sega Master System (either model should be fine)
- GB family handhelds (GB, GB pocket, GB Color, GBA SP)
- Virtual Boy
If you have any of these w/controls and cables in most any condition (as long as its functional/playable), I am interested in buying. In the case of the Nintendo consoles, games are optional as I already have games for these - but I am more than willing to take on extra games if the price is right. Please let me know here or (preferably) via PM as soon as you can if you have anything you're willing to sell or trade - thanks in advance, all!
Are you serious?MCX said:You should file a report with your local PD's internet crimes division. There's also an FBI internet crime submission form on their web site.
biggyfries said:Well, I found out I am moving for my job, but dont know when for sure (sometime in the next 3-6 months), or where for sure (between 2-3 different cities). :lol
So, in that case, I will put some stuff up throughout the next few weeks.
Paypal only, if possible. I need to keep my packing to a minimum.Will also take Amazon gift cards, as I can use that to help supply my new place.
First thing on the list: small Cowboy Bebop cd collection
CDs included:
OST Future Blues
OST Vol 1
Music for Freelance
OST Vol 2: No Disc
The 2-cd case is kinda janky; the 2nd cd holder has a hard time closing, but it hasnt damaged the cd at all.
$50 shipped.
Also, selling my sealed Conker Bad Fur Day N64 game and sealed OST
SOLD to Lambtron
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Track for DS. Still sealed, $20 shipped.
Metropolis DVD. Case is worn, but discs are fine.
$15 shipped
DDR Mario Mix, comes with dance pad. Game is in great shape
$60 shipped
All prices are negotiable. I will ship to US addresses only.
Sega1991 said:The 12 Month Xbox Live Gold Card sale rolls on.
Buy it now for $39, bidding starts at $10, or you could just send me a PM here on GAF and we'll work something out. Auctions generally top out at around $45 so buying from me directly here on GAF will probably end up saving you anywhere from $5 to $10.
I'm guessing they take a cut like PayPal? Why not just buy a gift card then send the code (if that's possible).biggyfries said:Sold Conker, and added Amazon gift cards as payment.
side question: anyone use Amazon Payments to transfer money to other people/accounts? any problems with it?
threenote said:Alright guys, I got this E-Cigarette recently at some of the retail tobacco stores I help run, and it's received alot of positive feedback.
Two Electronic Cigarettes Package (IN STOCK: 50 UNITS with more on the way)
EviLore said:This thread is for private transactions, not for advertising your company.
PhoenixSFT said:Just bought Battlefield BC 2, looking for a VIP code. The one that came with my game is no good, nor are the ones I grabbed from some GS boxes...
PM me.
MotorbreathX said:Positive feedback for Sega1991. Thanks for the Live code!
ReconYoda said:Ok, i guess i have to come out and defend myself again. Lets get an accurate account of what happened. EYEL1NER originally purchased the ipod touch from me in oct, i believe. I sent it out within 3 days. He then contacts me about a week later, wondering whats going on, saying his post office has it, but it hasnt been delivered yet. I tell him i put the exact address he gave me. He then says this is a common thing with his post office, that they either lose or misplace things.(this would of been a great bit of info to know before i send a $200 item to him). I figured it was lost, but i told him to keep checking with his PO and i would see if mine could help. A Couple days later, i see that they are returning the item to me, because the address wasnt right. Which was weird, but i was glad since the item at least wasnt stolen. But when i get the item back, EYEL1NER demanded i refund him, because he went out and bought another ipod. I was a bit pissed off at this, because 1. i had spend the money on school related things and i did not currently have it, and 2. i didnt believe that this was my fault. But i agreed and told him it might be a week or two because i had to find someone to buy the ipod first. He agreed, i think two weeks go by, and he contacts me again, and we just decide to send the ipod back again, and he would give it to his wife, i agreed. He gives me another address(mind you im not getting paid for shipping this time). I send it out, to make a long story short, it comes back to me. I send it out again, and it comes back again. He starts making a big stink about this on the thread, and after be harassed, i send it out once more...and i get it sent back to me...Now, im out about $20 because of all the shipping,but not once did i ask him for more money, since i was trying to just end the transaction. I believe i suggested him letting me send a check, since i had closed my paypal accounts(separate story, fuck paypal and how they fuck over the sellers). And this is where we are now, i havnt heard back. Im honestly tired of it, i have had a great selling reputation here and on ebay(100% positive on both). And from what ive heard, EYEL1NER hasnt been a shining example of a buyer.So, thats my side, do what you will, im just tired of everything. I figured i should set the record straight.