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Buy/Sell/Trade 2011

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Anyone got a copy of

Mushihimesama futari jp import or I am looking for a copy of Final Fantasy XIII on xbox 360.

Id be willing to trade here is what I have ( I can be generous)

Xbox 360:
Red Dead Redemption
Crackdown 2
Magna Carta 2
Gears of War 2
Halo Reach
Devil May Cry 4
Samurai Showdown Sen
Mirrors Edge
Oblivion collectors Edition
Lost Odyssey
Too Human
Bionic Commando
250 GIG Hard Drive(only for Mushisamahime)

Nintendo DS
Wario Ware DIY
Would anyone be interested in a Kinect for 360 with Kinect adventures that has been used 1 or 2 times? I would be willing to throw in dance central as well. All for 150 shipped. Everything is like new, and has all boxes and cords.

So, in other words, of people just browsing:
Kinect (Like New) + Dance Central + Adventures = $150.00 Shipped

I have great feedback on here (almost 20 positive).
PM me or post on here. Not sure if I really want to get rid of it any cheaper yet.. so let me know if you are interested!


Jealous Bastard
anybody have the 4.5mm bit for NES TOPLOADER REPAIR?

my controller port seems to be going kaput, and i think i need to get in there to solder it, but i hate to buy the stupid bit just for this one thing. i was hoping maybe i could borrow someone's. would also welcome any other solutions (tempted to just cut the thing open)


+1 positive feedback for vermadas! We traded DS2 LE + monies for LBP CE. It arrived well-packed and quickly. Words cannot express how much awesome this dood is! <3
Have this CN codes for trade/sale:
Super Mario Galaxy - $4
Mario Kart Wii - $4
Sin & Punishment 2 - $4
Golden Sun Dark Dawn - $3
Mario vs DK Mini-Land Mayhem - $3

Club Nintendo rewards
Ninja Gaiden Stylus
Nintendo promotional stuff (posters, standees, decals, etc)


Positive feedback for Allan Holdsworth. Great communication and PM'd the codes quickly.

Also wanted to give some late positive feedback for: amtentori, Allegate and Zing.
Balb said:
Positive feedback for Allan Holdsworth. Great communication and PM'd the codes quickly.

Also wanted to give some late positive feedback for: amtentori, Allegate and Zing.

Positive feedback as well for Balb. Great communication and fast payment.
adding old stuff in a bit

Have- Donkey Kong Country Returns club nintendo code
Want- $4 paypal gifted

dat bump

friskykillface said:
paypal- offer away
tell me what you have, PS3,Wii,Xbox 360, ds, GC
Bully: Scholarship edition- xbox 360
burnout paradise
left 4 dead 1
dead rising 2
super smash brothers melee
call of duty modern warfare 2
just cause 2
ms points



left 4 dead 2, Oblivion goty-GONE, bioshock 1 , tomb raider are all sealed



also have Fable 3 DLC codes (from the limited edition)
keeblerdrow said:
Positive super yum yum feelings and great feedback for user Litflynt912. I bought a 4GB Memory Stick Pro Duo from him and guess what? It showed up. As planned. Ain't that a kick in the pants?

very, very positive feedback for keeblerdrow

sorry it's late...I'm slippin..


Pacman2k said:
Hey all.

Couple things I want to get out of my house, PM me if interested! I am open to buy/trade, but am not looking for anything in particular except maybe decent PC parts... but I am always open to suggestions. :)

First item: Blizzcon 2010 Goodie Bag, complete with in-game item redemption card (Deathy WoW pet and Merloc Marine B-net portrait.) Seems like a lot of cool stuff in there, Dethling statue and what not, but it's just been sitting in my closet so time to go.

I also have the item redemption card from Blizzcon 2009 (Murloc Space Marine WoW Pet) I can kick in with this.

Second Item: Rockband Beatles full set limited edition for Xbox 360. I don't even have a 360 so just want to get rid of this. It's a big ass box so might not be worth shipping it.

I live in LA, if you are near by and want to do a pickup that's cool too.

Thanks, and let me know.

Check your PM's.


Looking to buy Oblivion GOTY for PS3 in a like new/very good condition for $17 shipped. PM if me if this sounds good to anyone.


Selling some games for extra scratch.
Make offers, savings if you buy multiple.

- A bunch of DC comics for sale. Will sell for $1 each or less. From about 2005 to present, lots of event books and Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, etc. I'll try to catalog them, but let me know if you are looking for something.

Japanese Saturn:
Vampire Savior - Complete, $15 shipped

DS: All for $45 shipped
Picross 3D (Japanese) - $13
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates - $12
Trauma Center: Under the Knife - $10
Nanostray - $8
New International Track & Field - $10

PSP - All for $35 shipped
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror - $8
Crush - $7
Darkstalkers Chronicle - $8
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee - $8
Exit - $8

GC: All for $50 shipped
Alien Hominid - $10
Mario Power Tennis (fake case) - $10
Metroid Prime 2 Echoes - $10
Super Mario Strikers - $13
Super Monkey Ball 2 - $6
Viewtiful Joe - $6
Xmen Legends - $6

Also have Wii Party Club Nintendo code. Will trade for some XBL points or something[/QUOTE]

Selling a used Canon 20D. Still in great condition with a little wear. Takes great pictures, though it has developed some slight shutter lag, which only seems to occur every once in a while. Could be an easy fix. Includes box, strap, battery, charger, 2 CF Cards (1GB and 2GB), Manual, software, video cable. Probably over 20000 Actuations. Let me know if you have any questions. Asking $200 shipped

Canon 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 USM II Lens: Used but in good shape. No marks on front or back elements. No fungus. Works great. My "all-around" lens until I upgraded to a better one. Autofocus is quiet like a ninja. Includes Lens Hood, front and back lens caps. Asking $165 shipped


Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
Fallout New Vegas (PC)
MS Points


I have a post above I added Final Fantasy XIII for Xbox 360 to my list of wants figured Id just drop a line here above post has what I am offering.
bubnbob said:
I bought allegate's Super Mario RPG, arrived fine.

+1 Positive

Thanks bro
Balb said:
Positive feedback for Allan Holdsworth. Great communication and PM'd the codes quickly.

Also wanted to give some late positive feedback for: amtentori, Allegate and Zing.
Good to hear that they arrived safely. Thanks for the fast payments!


get some go again
looking to buy these games for cheap so hook me up! 360 versions please.

resident evil 5 gold
grand theft auto 4
final fantasy 13
blue dragon


Super positive feedback for Keeblerdrow. Sent his money order as promised, and was super patient and cool about me being a few days late sending his DS out. Also cool when we found out I accidentally sent him my new DSi XL charger instead of the DS one. Whoops! Anyway, super cool guy to deal with and would highly recommend trading with him.


Alright guys, finally going to clean house this week and get rid of as much remaining items as I can fast. So if there is anything you are looking for or interested in some sort of lot purchase let me know. I haven't set up my items for this thread so I will just link to the older one.

Gamecube and SNES

Playstation 1 and 2

XBOX and XBOX 360

Sega Dreamcast and Genesis

My Feedback Listing.

If you have any questions, offers, or need any information feel free to PM me or use one of my messenger names listed on my profile. I'm going to be eBaying and finding other methods starting tonight. Thanks!



Battle.net portraits from things like CE edition of SC2, WoW Cata, and Blizzcon. Send me a PM.

I should clarify I do not want the actual CE editions of these games, but simply the codes for the battle net portraits contained within, such as the Murlock Marine from the Blizzcon gift bag, or the tons of pictures that came with the CE from WoW Cata.
Gloomfire said:
Super positive feedback for Keeblerdrow. Sent his money order as promised, and was super patient and cool about me being a few days late sending his DS out. Also cool when we found out I accidentally sent him my new DSi XL charger instead of the DS one. Whoops! Anyway, super cool guy to deal with and would highly recommend trading with him.

I am echoing scrumptious feedback for Gloomfire. In our transaction, it is as if the angels themselves came from heaven, took my money to him, brought me back his DS and then fellated us both.
I'm so lazy, Crisis has done all of the work for months, so sorry. ^_^;

But I saw that duckroll posted a thread about a website called GamesBasement in Europe ripping off people who purchased Inazuma Eleven through the website for import or whatever. The website is not to be trusted and has been added to the Website Blacklist on the feedback document.

Please, if you have never heard of a website or it seems suspicious, don't just buy blindly from it. Please ask in this thread or other members of the forum for advice. You can also search on the respective Better Business Bureau of your country if such an organization exists.
Kirby's Epic Yarn - Complete, disc in great condition - 33 shipped.
Sonic Colors - Complete and in mint shape - 33 shipped.

Paypal and US only please. I ship first class.


zlatko said:

Battle.net portraits from things like CE edition of SC2, WoW Cata, and Blizzcon. Send me a PM.

I should clarify I do not want the actual CE editions of these games, but simply the codes for the battle net portraits contained within, such as the Murlock Marine from the Blizzcon gift bag, or the tons of pictures that came with the CE from WoW Cata.

You need the CE key of the game to get the portraits. You can't get the CE portraits for Starcraft II if the version your account has its not the collectors edition version, etc etc. Same for WoW.

The CE key gives you everything.


Sorry for reposting, this is the top of the page if you're set to 50 posts per page, and I wanted to get as many people to see this as possible. I didn't realize how low towards the end of the page it was the first time I posted this!

Hey everyone. I thought that I would update today since tomorrow is Valentine's Day in North America, Europe and other parts of the world that celebrate it and a lot of people will be busy. Firstly, I just want to let you all know that the NeoGAF User-Submitted Feedback List has been updated and is accurate as of this post. Beyond that, there's a few orders of business that I would like to discuss with all of you. The important stuff is bolded.

  • Let's all welcome allegate and TSA Goodness to the NeoGAF Plus program! Admittance in NeoGAF Plus means that these fine members have successfully completed ten transactions within the thread and have received ten positive feedback mentions in here. Great work guys!
  • Regarding leaving feedback for other users: It always warms my heart to see a trade that's gone well on here. I can say with no ego that I am probably the only person on GAF who has read literally every single post in this thread and the previous one. I do so so that I can see the positive feedback or issues left by users. But guys, I really do kind of need some help here.

    A lot of you leave feedback in such a way that looks like "+1 positive feedback for [insert member name here]" or "positive feedback for [insert member name here]". It is bolded, it's quick, and it's to the point and easy to locate in your post. These are the ones I appreciate the most. It really helps me see and spot positive feedback on here and a lot of times that can be very hard to do. Some of you like to be funny and leave things like " +1 dicksuckingly, positively orgasmic positive feedback for [insert member name here]" and it'll be in between other posts or posts with pictures/lots of text, and that kind of thing and it's just a challenge to spot all of it. Additionally, there's a bunch of users quoting other users and saying "ditto" or something to that effect and it can be hard to ascertain who you're referring to. It is confusing as shit sometimes, guys.

    So I'd like to propose a compromise: If you're leaving feedback for someone, please start it off with something simple like the first two examples. Add anything you like after it or underneath it (preferably after leaving one return space under it, but I'd be thrilled with whichever, honestly)
  • Please leave your feedback in a timely manner, and do so clearly! I get a bunch of private messages asking if I can prod another user and get them to post positive feedback. It doesn't take a lot of time to come in the thread and mention a positive feedback for someone, so please take their feelings into consideration. A lot of the users in here may be trying to build a reputation and it takes longer when you take a while to leave them positive feedback.
  • Regarding ReconYoda and EYEL1NER, I sent ReconYoda a PM about eight days ago asking if he had sent a check to EYEL1NER as he stated he would do in this thread. I have yet to hear anything from him regarding what is happening with that situation. For that reason, I have placed ReconYoda back on the negative feedback list and I would encourage all of you to not do any more business with him in the future. He is now on the negative feedback list for failure to communicate with someone he did business with and failure to resolve the issue. If he thinks that's unfair, then perhaps he shouldn't have abused the benefit of the doubt that I gave him.

    I have placed EYEL1NER back on the positive feedback list, albeit with one plus next to his name, and a bit of a note regarding his post office. I think that this is the most fair way to resolve this situation at this time. I will continue to try to resolve this dispute through PM and other means available to me.
  • Also, the other day, a member sent me a private message asking for help in regards to a seller here in this thread. I was extremely busy at work and did not think to check my private messages here. This is what happened the second day, too. As a matter of fact, I didn't get back to him until about three days after he sent me that PM. I don't want to alarm any of you, as the item that member bought turned up on the second day and it turned out to be a false alarm. But I would like to personally apologize to that member. I have often told people to PM me if they had a problem and this is one occasion that I truly failed to help him at a time where he could have used some help, and he deserved some help that day. That is why I have created a small initiative to try to make sure that I can get help to people that really need it in a more timely fashion, and it's something that I like to call the GAF B/S/T Helpline.

    How does this work? It's an (admittedly) glorified email address. The address is [email protected] . It's an address that any GAF user can use to ask very, very important questions in regards to how to handle a particular situation, particularly where time may be of the essence. It isn't tied to my PM inbox and I don't have the forum set to notify me of whenever I get a new PM because honestly, most of the ones I get are not important and they are not time-sensitive either. However, having this helpline isn't really the complete solution to the issue. I work and I have a lot of things I have to do. I would like to request volunteers to help me work this helpline and your fellow users. If you are interested, please send me a PM with "B/S/T Helpline" in the subject. If you have experience in this thread with buying and/or selling, that would be an immense help to me and your fellow users.
  • In addition to the GAF B/S/T Helpline, I have several other projects regarding this thread that I really need some volunteer help on as well. As you can tell from the User-submitted Feedback List, we have quite a few sellers who have a bunch of positive feedback in this thread. A lot of the private messages I get are from people who have little or no experience in this thread, and they're a little intimidated at where to start in here. If you have a lot of experience in this thread, I would really love your help in putting together a NeoGAF Buy/Sell/Trade Thread Beginner's Guide. If you are interested and have experience in both selling and purchasing items in this thread, please PM me with "Beginner's Guide" as a part of your subject.

    [*]When this year's edition of the Buy/Sell/Trade thread was created, it was really done on a short notice, thanks to user requests and moderator involvement. I didn't get a lot of time to plan out the thread and that kind of thing. I have asked two members of NeoGAF if they'd be interested in making images for a good, proper OP of this thread. Both of them said they would, and have since fallen through. I'd like to put out a request for anyone who is good at making OP images and actually has the time to do so.

I have a few games for sale / trade and a few that I'm looking for. All prices listed are including shipping and I am pretty flexible on most of this. I will be modifying this post to have each title link to a picture of it as I get them taken.

I have feedback from the old BST thread, the new gaf feedback doc, Digital Press, and CAG.

For Sale / Trade:

$12 - Adventure of Link (Complete)
$12 - Castlevania (Complete)
$10 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (Cart only)
$12 - Donkey Kong (Complete)
$29 - Final Fantasy VI Advance (Complete)
$23 - Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (Sealed)
$15 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Complete)
$09 - Phantasy Star Collection (Cart only)
$14 - Super Dodge Ball Advance (Cart/box only)
$14 - Sword of Mana (Complete)
$14 - Tales of Phantasia (Complete)

$25 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (Complete)

$25 - Super Paper Mario (Complete)
$28 - Mario Kart Wii (Complete)

$10 - Perfect Dark (Complete)

Xbox 360
$14 - Infinite Undiscovery (Sealed)

$08 - Airman Figure (In opened box and plastic) - This is from the Megaman Trading Figures collection. I bought a blind pack of three of them and got two Airman. The box is opened but the figure is still disassembled and sealed in plastic.

$40 - Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise (Sealed and unused). This is non a retail package - my school made me buy this, even though I already had purchased a copy of Office 2007 on my own. It's a disc in a sleeve, sealed in plastic with the registration code on the back. Thus, has never been installed or registered.


PSN $$
PS3 / PSP Full Game Download Codes
Dragon Quest V (DS)
Picross 3D (DS)
Killzone 2 (PS3)
Yakuza 3 (PS3)
Other PS3 Games (I recently got one and haven't played much)
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