Akim said:Disclaimer: If this is not ok, let me know and I will edit.
Disclaimer 2: I've traded here like 15 times (maybe more), but I don't feel like hunting down my rep.
I've got a battlenet account that I don't play anymore, and that I don't ever plan on playing again. I'm just kinda over games at this point and I need money for school.
The account has the following:
Starcraft 2 (Collector's edition)
World of Warcraft account with Cataclysm. The account has a level 85 warrior, 80 mage, and 80 druid. I haven't logged on since like 1 week after Cataclysm launch.
World of Warcraft account with Burning Crusade and really no relevant characters. The original WoW is the Collector's Edition on this account. (It has the Diablo, Panda, and Zerg pets)
Diablo 2
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction
Warcraft 3
Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne
Send me a PM if you are interested. I'll just turn over the account/password. Again, if I can't do this just let me know.
Crisis said:Guys, I wouldn't normally do this, except it seems like there is a fucking epidemic of this going around and I really feel the need to say something about it.
So I've approached a few people for items and I've got some items for sale. These are the obvious and easy transactions of the B/S/T. The problem that seems to be arising is when it comes time to communicate with someone in regards to things being bought/sold in here. If you are selling an item to someone, you cannot disappear outright or for days at a time, especially after a buyer has gone through the effort of contacting you through your own email. This increases exponentially when you've ALREADY REPLIED TO THEM. Secondly, if you are trying to barter with someone over the price of their item or seeing if you can negotiate a deal or better rate for purchasing multiple items, it is generally considered a good idea to READ YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES. Or at the very least, say SOMETHING back to them. I don't appreciate being jerked around by this. There's too many good buyers/sellers here to deal with people who are doing that.
Crisis said:Guys, I wouldn't normally do this, except it seems like there is a fucking epidemic of this going around and I really feel the need to say something about it.
So I've approached a few people for items and I've got some items for sale. These are the obvious and easy transactions of the B/S/T. The problem that seems to be arising is when it comes time to communicate with someone in regards to things being bought/sold in here. If you are selling an item to someone, you cannot disappear outright or for days at a time, especially after a buyer has gone through the effort of contacting you through your own email. This increases exponentially when you've ALREADY REPLIED TO THEM. Secondly, if you are trying to barter with someone over the price of their item or seeing if you can negotiate a deal or better rate for purchasing multiple items, it is generally considered a good idea to READ YOUR PRIVATE MESSAGES. Or at the very least, say SOMETHING back to them. I don't appreciate being jerked around by this. There's too many good buyers/sellers here to deal with people who are doing that.
Onion_Relish said:Perhaps it is worth pointing out that ease of service is a tad different than communicative abilities. I know its a lot of work, but I would definately make a dual distinction between giving certain people a positive feed back for quality of product and services rendered and sometimes negative feedback for communication. Have you ever considered a dual feedback system?
Onion_Relish said:Perhaps it is worth pointing out that ease of service is a tad different than communicative abilities. I know its a lot of work, but I would definately make a dual distinction between giving certain people a positive feed back for quality of product and services rendered and sometimes negative feedback for communication. Have you ever considered a dual feedback system?
Aselith said:Positive feedback for Shanks. Everything arrived well packaged and in immaculate condition. He kept me informed at every step and let me know when my package had shipped. This has been an issue in the past so very grateful on that.
vocab said:Selling:
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright Justice for all
Hotel Dusk
Elite Beat Agents
Hyperdimension Neptunia
isny said:PM'ed!
+1 for Caj814
Going to also bump my list here =D
samus4ever said:Selling a day old Cosmo Black 3DS with Street Fighter 4.
I'm looking for 250 shipped. Paypal and US only please.
Spiderjericho said:Positive feedback for Frostburn. Quick payment and great communication. Definitely a recommended buyer.
Crisis said:MARCH 31, 2011: Do business within the thread a lot? Either buying or selling? Do you use Google Chrome? If this applies to you, check out the NeoGAF Messages Extension made by NeoGAF user Andrex! It's totally free of charge and extremely valuable for babysitting your PM inbox! Definitely check this one out. Thanks again, Andrex!
EricHasNoPull said:An Amazing, Big and hairy thumbs up POSITIVE FEEDBACK for storl026.
He shipped me a PSone Memory card all the way to the Canadas for absolutely $ZERO cost.
He didn't even let me pay for the shipping, I still have to get you back for that somehow.
Crisis said:You know you'll pretty much have to let him put it in you now.