Posting again because snice this fell off the last page, I've added a lot more stuff, and pictures too!
Calling all
JRPG (particularly Square Enix) strategy guide lovers!
I'm about to fly back to the US from Japan, with some otherwise empty suitcases, and would be happy to carry back some of the Ultimanias and other strategy books that I'm looking to sell, and then ship them to buyers at domestic shipping rates -- saving you a bundle! I'm not really desperate to sell some of them, so prices are closer to market rates for those, but I'd be happy to put them in the hands of GAFfers who ordinarily would have to pay through the nose for Japanese stuff.
Is anyone interested in...
Ico PS3 Limited Box: cheap, no, but cheaper than the list price! (You'd pay $100+ on eBay.)
Square’s Preview Extra: Final Fantasy VII & Siggraph ’95 Works extremely limited, insiders-only CD featuring the famous FFVII tech demo with
Read more about it here: typically sells for $90-100 or so on eBay (
this Australian wants $104), but for a GAFfer I'll make it a little cheaper. And I obtained it completely legitimately (and will explain to the buyer how I came by it).
Final Fantasy Type-0 OST
I sold this on eBay a little while ago but had to take it back when the postal service let the case get a small dent in it. List price for this thing is Y3900, or about $52. It's absolutely gorgeous and so is the music inside!
($30 each)
* Grimoire Nier
* Gravity Rush: The Complete Guide / Vertige gravitationel ou comment les perturbations de son cosmos interieur la rameneront dans les couches superieures (<-- I lvoe that long title)
Final Fantasy Type-0 Ultimania (a massive, heavy, expensive tome, but you'll like it)
Vagrant Story Ultimania + Complete Guide + Original Japanese game -- the original game, which in the opening trailer contains a cutscene already translated into English (the rest is Japanese, of course) also has an absolutely awesome case:

I want to keep these three as a set, but I'm open to other ideas if you really don't want one or another of the parts.
($25 each: If you're not familiar with the Memorial Album series, it's basically an illustrated playthrough of the game, with written dialogue accompanied by screenshots, for the entire game. Very highly recommended if you played the game in English and want to see what the Japanese original was like without playing through the whole thing again. They stopped doing this with FFXII, the Ultimania for which (buy it from me! ^) contains this. Hard to find nowadays and sell for over the cover price at times)
FFX Memorial Album: A Tale For You
* Xenogears Memorial Album: Thousands of Daggers
* Resonance of Fate Artbook : Bought this for another Gaffer and liked it so much that I went out and got my own. But I don't look at it *that* often, so if someone wants it... and you'll like it...
($15 each)
Many of the following are in this photo:
* Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Ultimania
* Xenogears V-Jump Complete Guide
* FF8 Ultimania
* FFXII Ultimania Omega - every line of dialogue in the game, including all 1100 or so NPCs!
Plus the usual artwork and strategies and the like -
* FFXIII Scenario Ultimania
* FFXIII-2 Ultimania Omega
Revenant Wings Ultimania
FFVIII Memorial Album : Wish You Were Here
FF Type-0 V-Jump Guidebook -- not quite as amazing as Ultimania, but full of maps and strategies and even includes an (unopened) trading card for a SE-themed card game:

($8 each)
Several of these $8 items are in this photo:
Valkyrie Profile Complete Guide
Romancing Saga Minstrel Song Ultimania
* FFXII First Flight Guide -
* FF Tactics Advance 2 Complete Guide -
FFXIII World Preview book - came out right before the release of the game; full of artwork and screenshots:
($5 each -- almost free considering I'm covering shipping!)
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis Complete Guide
* FFT Advance: Eternal Guide
Playstation magazine FF Type-0 Issue
Playstation Magazine #500: FF13 special issue
* Tactics Ogre original 1996 Japanese strategy guide
* The 3rd Birthday original Japanese guidebook -
More soundtrack CDs; all are
mint condition:
($40 - high, but it's the actual price -- 3360 yen)
Gravity Rush OST, 2 discs, bought
yesterday just to see the lyrics to the ending song (which is hilarious; I'll translate them soon)
($30 - a little less than the actual price)
Nier Echo arrange/tribute album
(Not sure how much to charge -- cover price is about $35 for the Piano Collection and over $40 for the Drama CD, but... these are
SIGNED by Kumiko Tanioka and one of the other producers. I obtained them at a live Nier piano concert, limited to about 200 attendees, and got to chat with the musicians a bit later. Very, very rare... I think.)
Nier Piano Collection
Nier Drama CD
All prices include US shipping, which I've estimated at between $3 (smaller books) and $5 (massive phone-book Ultimanias). I take Paypal and Amazon Payments, but please make sure that the amount I receive, net of any fees, is the amount listed (or the amount we negotiated). I did this on trips back to the US in both 2010 and 2011 and have made some people very happy. And if anyone has any special requests, go ahead and ask!
(Edit at 11 AM GMT / 8 PM JT / 6 AM ET : Lots of stuff sold! If you bought something from me and I marked it wrong, let me know!)